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GUIDELINE AND PROCEDURE OF LABOUR LAW IN MALAYSIA. 말레이시아 노동법 절차 및 지침. Hire, Resign, Terminate, Retire for Local and Foreigners. 현지인 및 외국인 고용 , 퇴사 , 해고 , 은퇴. Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. 말레이시아 인적 자원부. OTHER CONTENTS. 기타 내용. World’s economic snapshot Impact of global crisis
GUIDELINE AND PROCEDURE OF LABOUR LAW IN MALAYSIA 말레이시아 노동법 절차 및 지침 Hire, Resign, Terminate, Retire for Local and Foreigners 현지인 및 외국인 고용, 퇴사, 해고 , 은퇴 Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia 말레이시아 인적 자원부
OTHER CONTENTS 기타 내용 • World’s economic snapshot • Impact of global crisis • Employment and social protection 세계 경제 상황 세계 위기의 영향 고용 및 사회 보호 • Coping with country’s economic crisis 국가 경제 위기 대책 • Managing retrenchment and Creating Jobs • Moving forward • Conclusion 정리 해고 관리 및 일자리 창출 전진 결론
CHINA INDIA INDONESIA PHILIPPINE THAILAND WORLD’S ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT – GDP AT THE TIME OF CRISIS 세계 경제 성과 – 위기 시기의 국내 총생산 아세안 국가 순위 ASEAN RANKING 1/4 분기 2/4 분기 미국 유럽 영국 중국 일본 인도 대한민국 인도네시아 대만 필리핀 중국 태국 인도 MALAYSIA 말레이시아 싱가포르 태국 인도네시아 필리핀 Source: World Economic Outlook (IMF) 출처 : 세계 경제 전망 (IMF)
Country’s Manpower Statistics PART II 말레이시아 인력 통계
27.73 28.31 MALAYSIA’S EMPLOYMENT SNAPSHOT 말레이시아 고용 현황 2천 831만 2천 773만 인구 POPULATION 고용 노동력 1천 315만 1천 358만 고용수 1천 95만 1천 89만 실업자 41만8천 40만6천 실업율 공용 가능 논동력 참여율 ’10 4월 까지의 데이터 NOTE : Data as at April 2010
10.89 10.95 MALAYSIA’S MANUFACTURING SNAPSHOT 말레이시아 제조 분야 현황 1천 95만 고용된 인력 1천 89만 EMPLOYED 2월 월별 제조업종 통계 변경율 판매액 680억2,657만8천 링깃 836억9,739만9천 링깃 종업원수 월급 및 임금 지불액 37억9,417만8천 링깃 43억388만7천 링깃 대다수 정리 해고는 제조 분야에서 발생 NOTE : Most retrenchment resulted in manufacturing sector
REASONS FOR MIGRATION 이주 사유 In search for higher income – the pull from higher wages in receiving countries. Lured by friends, relatives and social networks – those already working in destination countries In search of adventure, exploration and curiosity – interested in visiting other lands from a sense of exploration Fleeing from persecution and armed conflict – no choice, simply be forced out because of conflict 고소득 희망 경험자의 유혹 탐험,관심 무력 분쟁 / 소치로 도피
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EMPLOYMENT OF MIGRANT WORKERS 이주 노동자 고용 유도 요소 Shortage of local workers to fulfill vacancies especially in the 3D sectors Abundance of jobs opportunities but few local takers to fill the vacancies available Local workers are less committed to work compared to migrant workers Unattractive jobs with low wages shun away local 3D*업종 고용가능 현지인 부족 일자리는 많지만 현지 지원자 적음 외국 근로자 대비 현지 근로자 업무 집착도 낮음 매력 없고 저임금 직업을 현지인들이 피함 * 3D : Dirty , Difficult , Dangerous
MIGRANT WORKERS’ HEADCOUNTS 2007 - 2009 이주노동자 머릿수 (’07년~’09년) 활동 분야 년도 제조 농장 농업 건설 서비스업 가정부 총 계 204만4천805 206만2천596 159만1천461 Note* As at December 2009 Source: Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia 출처: 말레이시아 이민국 (’09년 12월 까지)
HEADCOUNT OF MIGRANT WORKERS 이주노동자 머릿수 현황 273,724 397,147 174,313 건설업 Construction 제조업 서비스업 Manufacturing Services Domestic Workers 가정부 216,612 Plantation Agriculture 농업 농장 Source: Immigration Department as at December 2009 TOTAL : 1,591,461 총 노동자수 6 159,257 218,313 출처: 말레이시아 이민국 (’09년 12월 까지)
IMPACT OF TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION 초국적 이주 노동자의 영향 Lackof interest among employers in the transformation to automation; Noimprovement in the nation productivity; Hinderingthe growth of value added and the development of high technologies industries; Remittance, and Nationvulnerable to economic sabotage. ECONOMY 경제 자동화 변형 대한 관심 저하 국가생산성 답보 부가가치 성장 및 고기술 발전 방해 현금 외국유출 경제 방해 공작에 노출
IMPACT OF TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION 초국적 이주 노동자의 영향 LABOUR & MANPOWER 노동 및 인력 Hinderthe effective implementation of National Labour and Manpower Policy; Disharmonyto the industrial relations; Reducesthe employment opportunities for local; Suppressionof wages (basic wages below RM500/month); Retrenchmentof local workers in favour of migrant workers; Casesof migrant workers supervising local; Increasein the number of migrant workers stranded; and Unemployedmigrant workers 효과적 국가 노동 및 인력 정책 실행 방해 산업 관계 부조화 현지인 고용 기회 감축 월급 수준 억제 (기본 월급 500링깃 이하 수준) 이주 노동주 고용을 위한 현지 노동자 정리 해고 이주 노동주 현지 노동자 관리 업무 수행 갈곳 없는 이주 노동자수 증가 이주 노동 실업자 발생
IMPACT OF TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION 초국적 이주노동자의 영향 Increasein the numbers of immoral activities; Culturalconflict between locals and migrant workers; Maritaland family problems; and Increasein social costs on medical and education which is borne by the government. SOCIAL 사회 부도덕 행위 사건 증가 문화 차이로 다툼 발생 부부 및 가족 문제 발생 사회적 , 의료적 , 교육적 비용 – 정부 부담
IMPACT OF TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION 초국적 이주노동자의 영향 Increasein the number of crime rates; Increasein operation costs for maintenance of detention camps; Additionalrepatriation costs; and Increasein enforcement costs. SECURITY 보안 범죄 건수 증가 구류소 관리비 증가 추가적인 본국 송환비 발생 법률 집행 비용 증가
SECURITY & PROTECTION CHALLENGES OF TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION 초국적 이주노동자 관리 도전 보안 및 보호 UNRESTRICTED MIGRANT WORKERS 자유로운 이주노동자 The forces of globalization and liberalization have fundamentally changed the rules and nature of global trade, capital flows and labour mobility and inevitably the world of work… MIGRANT WORKERS 글로발 무역,자본 흐름, 노동자 이동의 변화 이주노동자 Structural changes influenced labour scenario, employment pattern and labour market condition of every of both the sending countries and receiving countries… 구조 조정으로 인한 국가간의 노동 시나로오,노동 시장
CURRENT CHALLENGES 현재 도전 사항 Dependency of migrant workers 이주노동자 의존 Management and control of migrant workers 이주노동자 관리 및 단속 Reliabilities of delivery service system 신뢰할 수 있는 공급 시스템 Enforcement 법률 집행 Supply of local workers in critical sectors 중대한 부문에 현지 노동자 공급 Comprehensive legislations for migrant workers 이주 노동자에 대한 완벽한 법률 형성
Social Protection – Retrenchment – The Involvement of Legal Issues PART III 사회 보호 – 정리 해고 – 합법적 이슈의 연관
RETRENCHMENT UPDATES 정리 해고 최신 현황 고용주 현지인 소계 활동 여 남 정리 해고 희망 퇴직 소계 임시 해고 임금 삭감 소계 총 계 ’10년 4월 까지 데이터 NOTE : Data as at April 2010
RETRENCHMENT UPDATES 정리 해고 최신 현황 정리 해고 통계 – ’10년 4월 ~10월 3,202 월별 누계 ’08년 11월 ’09년 10월 ’08년 10월 ’09년 11월 月 ’10년 1월
DEFINING RETRENCHMENT 정리 해고를 정의하기 항소 법원 Court of Appeal:…… “ The discharge of surplus labour or staff by the employer of any reason whatsoever otherwise than as a punishment inflicted by the way of disciplinary action” 징계 조치로 인한 벌형태를 제외한 모든 사유로 인해 고용주가 잉여 노동자나 스태프를 해임하는 행위 General Principle of Retrenchment….. “It is the right of every employer to reorganise his business in any manner for the purposes of economy or convenience, provided he Acts bona fide” Cycle & Carriage Bintang Bhd. V Cheah Hian Lim (1992) 2 ILR 400 정리 해고의 일반적 원칙 모든 고용주는 자기 비즈네스의 경제나 편리함을 위해 그 어떠한 구조 조정을 할 수 있는 권력을 가지고 있다, 단 성실한 마음으로 해야만 한다 CC Bintang Bhd의 V Cheah Hian Lim(’92년) 2ILR 400
DUTY OF EMPLOYERS ON RETRENCHMENT 정리 해고에 있어서 고용주의 의무 The purpose is to give the Labour Department lead time to assist affected employer to execute the retrenchment & assist affected workers to look for new jobs Section 63 Employment Act 1955 An employer is required to notify the Labour Department, in the prescribed form, of any impending retrenchment within 30 days from the actual date of the termination. (Form PK- Retrenchment, Pay Cut, Downsizing and Lay-Off) 1955년 고용법 63조 고용주는 정리 해고 30일전 지정된 양식을 작성하여 노동부에 통보 필요 관련 양식명 Section 12 Employment Act 1955 Notice of termination of contract and length of notice to be given in accordance with EA. 1955 (4,6,8) / individual contract / collective agreement. 목적 : 노동부가 고용 해지 처리 과정을 돕고 관련 작업자가 새로운 직업을 찾을 수 있도록 지원키 위함 1955년 고용법 12조 EA. 1995(4,6,8)나 개인계약/단체협약을 의거하여 계약 해지 통보 와 통보 기간을 부여함
BENEFITS DUE TERMINATION 해지시 법적 혜택 UNDER THE EMPLOYMENT (TERMINATION AND LAY-OFF) BENEFITS REGULATIONS 1980: 10 days wages per year of service if employed less than 2 years 15 days wages per year of service if employed for more than 2 years but less than 5 years 20 days wages per year of service if employed for more that 5 years 1980년 고용(해지 및 일시 해고 ) 혜택법을 따르면 2년 이하 근무자는 각 근무년 10일 임금 지불 COMPLETE CLOSURE WITHOUT COMPEN- SATION 2년~5년 사이 근무자는 각 근무년 15일 임금 지불 기타 5년 이상 근무자는 각 근무년 20일 임금 지불 보상 없이 완전 폐지시 OTHERS Notice pay, pro rated bonus, unutilised annual leaves, any other benefits stated in contract of service or collective agreement 해지시 법적 혜택
BENEFITS DUE TERMINATION 해지시 법적 혜택 REGULATION (5) EMPLOYMENT (TERMINATION AND LAY-OFF) BENEFIT REGULATION 1980 “An employee is deemed to be laid off if…. he is not provided with work by his employer on at least a total of twelve normal working days within any period of four consecutive weeks; and he is not entitled to any remuneration under the contract for the period or periods in which he is not provided with work….”‘ 종업원 임시 해고 조건은 최소한 4주 연속 12 근무일 동안 고용자의 업무 지시 없으며 계약상 무업무시 무임금 조건이어야함 The contract of employment is not broken by any lay-off …..even if no lay-off benefits payment is made (Reg. 5 (2)) 임시 해고로 인해 고용 계약 미파괴…임시해고 혜택금 미지불시에도 불구함. 법률 5(2)
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF 임시 해고 혜택 BENEFITS • Lay-off is a preferred measure to deal with retrenchment as it • guarantees continuity of employment to workers. • Ensure employers with ready pool of skilled and trained workers • when operations is back to normalcy & avoid employers from • spending money to train new workers. 해직이 필요시 임시해고가 선호되며 작업자의 고용이 지속되는 장점이 있음 고용주는 언제든지 가동이 원상복귀 되었을때 숙련 작업자를 즉시 사용 가능 이슈 ISSUES Difficulty in getting agreement of workers. Workers prefer to opt for total retrenchment and paid with due benefits. Fear lay-off may eventually end in company’s closure and no compensation is forthcoming. 단 , 작업자 양해를 얻기가 어려울 것이다. 작업자는 해지 혜택을 선호할 것이며 임시 해고 하다가 회사 폐지 될 가능성을 두려워한다.
PAY CUT 임금 삭감 임금 삭감은 다음 형태가 가능 Pay cut can occur under following circumstances: Direct reduction in pay Deferment of increment (moratorium in wages) Reduce working hours/ working days Absence of overtime 임금 직접적인 감소 임금 증액 지연(임금 임시 고정) 임금 증액 지연(임금 임시 고정) 무잔업 Involves variation to contract, Agreement by workers to the variation. Where collective agreement is Concerned, reference to IC is necessary 계약 내용 차이 와 차이에 대한 작업자의 양해가 괸련됨.전체적 계약 경우 IC 참고 필요
STANDARD GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 불만 표준 절차 노동법 • Unjustified or unfair dismissal for conciliation in the Industrial Relations Department and adjudication in the Industrial Court. Under the labour laws • Claims against employers on matters governed by the contract of services or the provisions of the laws in the Labour Court. • Complain non-compliance of the labour laws committed by employers to DOL. 고용주 노동법 미준수 행위시 DOL로 호소 노동법이나 계약을 어기는 행위 대한 호소 정당한 이유없이 산업 관계청 및 산업 법원에 중재 요청을 거부할시
DISPUTE SETTLEMENT MECHANISM 언쟁 해결 절차 작업자 WORKERS EMPLOYMENT ACT 1955 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1967 File for reinstatement Lodge complaint at JTK JTK에 호소 Conciliation 검토 Inspection 검토 노동 사건 Settlement Refer to Industrial Court Labour Case Prosecution 재판일 설정 Set hearing date Further inspection Reinstated or Compensation Hearing 통보 Submission of notice Allegation Reinstated or Compensation End 재판 Hearing Prosecute The amount of claim due to the claimant can be asked to be added to the fine to be imposed by the court and accordingly paid to the claimant 명령 Order Penalty
Managing Retrenchment and Creating Jobs for the Retrenched PART IV
MOHR STRATEGIES FOCUS OF ACTIVITIES 2010 • Reviewing and • Improving the • Existing Labour • Laws and • Regulations Enhancing Employment Opportunity For Locals • Restructuring • Department To • Enhance • Capacity And • Service Delivery Strengthening The Management Of Foreign Workers Revamp Labour Administration To Realise Decent Work
MEASURES TO MANAGE IMPACT OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS ON EMPLOYMENT Operation Room Tripartite Retrenchment Committee Jobs Re Emplacement Program Train and Place Program Train and Retain Program
THE FUNCTIONS OF OPERATION ROOM State Office Operation Room (SOR) NATIONAL OPERATION ROOM (NOR) Receive notification on intended retrenchment from employer SOR inform NOR of the impending retrenchment SOR dispatch officers to place of employment to discuss alternatives with employers & workers Monitor situation and compiled report on daily& weekly basis for submission to MINISTER, DEP. MINISTER, SEC. GEN & OTHER INTERSTED GOVT. AGENCIES Dispatch senior officers from HQ for big scale & complex cases Report on measures taken on the matter Follow up action on payment of compensation, re emplacement & train n place program
STEPS MANAGING RETRENCHMENT Step 1: Discuss with employer & workers on measures could be taken to avoid retrenchment (refer to Guide Book). Step 2: Assist workers in getting rightful compensation and in finding alternative jobs. Step 3: Facilitate workers to undergo training before placement in new jobs. Step 4: Facilitate workers to undergo training in skill set desired by employers and retain in present jobs
STEPS MANAGING RETRENCHMENT – STEP I Step 1: Consultation with employer & workers on options can be taken:- Focus on avoiding retrenchment and saving jobs • Freeze new recruitment • Reduce overtime • Reduce working hours • Reduce working days • Freeze on wage increase • Defray bonus • Implement pay cut (across the board) • Implement temporary lay-off (for determined period) Discuss the matter in the most prudent and wise manner. Convince both sides especially workers, on the importance of such action during crisis time . Impress upon employer on the need to be transparent. The key here is for both sides to agree and enter into a fresh agreement to make the action legitimate. Ensure there is a time frame for any action
STEPS MANAGING RETRENCHMENT – STEP II Step 2 : Ensuring Compensation/Assisting Placement Advise employer to offer VSS & suggest an equitable and attractive term Ensure all workers (foreign workers) duly compensated in accordance with the provisions of Employment Act, Individual contract of employment or collective agreement Compensation paid Compensation unpaid Assist retrenched workers to file claim Assist repatriation of for. workers Conduct court hearing Case settled Enforce court order/ conduct prosecution on employer Initiate re emplacement or Train n Place program
EXPECTED ROLE OF EMPLOYERS’ ORGANIZATIONS • Inform LD on incidence of or impending retrenchment • Identify members facing difficulty in business and inform the matter immediately to the LD • Identify members having vacancy and inform the LD • Inform members on the various support programs which are being implemented by the Government • To cooperate with and support MOHR in the implementation of the various support programs • To survey members business performance and projected manpower reduction / jobs loss and inform MOHR
100% 43% 57% DETERMINING SUCCESS – THE ACHIEVEMENT 17,572 not yet decided to re-enter labour market due to various reasons RE-EMPLOYED 40,866 Locals who were retrenched 23,153 were re-employed
Thank You “………………Sustaining economic growth, and more particularly employment opportunity during this economic crisis does not rest solely on the government but also on everyone who cares about the prosperity of this country and the welfare of its people……………’” THE END …Developing human capital is key to national progress.. ……The thrust of our nation employment policy is to create employment and promote employability……..