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Chemical Engineering Education After Graduation

Chemical Engineering Education After Graduation. Bruce R. Peachey, P.Eng. MCIC. Graduation – Only the First Step. Basics of Chemical Engineering haven’t changed much over the years Laws of Thermodynamics, Flow and Energy Most Chemical Engineers would recognize the theory

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Chemical Engineering Education After Graduation

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  1. Chemical Engineering Education After Graduation Bruce R. Peachey, P.Eng. MCIC

  2. Graduation – Only the First Step • Basics of Chemical Engineering haven’t changed much over the years • Laws of Thermodynamics, Flow and Energy • Most Chemical Engineers would recognize the theory • So why isn’t a degree a lifetime guarantee????? Because Other Things Do Change!

  3. Learning A Career • Selecting a Path • Job Search vs. Career Selection • Imprinting • Jargon ( bbls, GOR, WOR, VOC) • Industry Quirks • Tools, Processes and Work Methods • These are not found in any book • Once Started down a path Tough to Change • “Non-threatening” Mentoring and Networking Required

  4. Life Skills 101 • The “non-technical” stuff not in the curriculum • Pension Plans & RRSP’s • Health Benefits & Insurance • Marriage & Kids • Mortgages & Financial Planning • Not specific to Chemical Engineering but needs can’t be ignored! • Networking with your peers and family needed as well as developing understanding of needs

  5. Technology Advances - Tools • Tools changing much faster than theory • Hand calculations & Slide rules • Hand Calculators & Mainframes • P.C.’s & Interactive Simulation • Virtual Plants • ??????? • Keeping up to date with new tools needed to stay current. • Anytime, anywhere access to tools required for skill development and maintenance

  6. Technology Advances – Knowledge • “Perry’s Handbook” hasn’t kept up with the changes • Professionals must be able to stay close to advances to keep their employers happy • Internet and technology transfer from others are key sources of knowledge • Professionals must access the knowledge and be willing to share in return • Knowledge growth requires networking and opportunities for interaction outside “the office”

  7. Changing Processes • Rapid development of new and global demands • First in gets the market • Flexibility in processes • Designer/specialty products • Changes in specifications • Product switching • Requires information on trends and early warning on potential changes • Global analysis and interpretation

  8. Expansion of Process Control • Process Control moving into new industries • Require new algorithms/unique solutions • Economics built into control • New needs lead to new end devices • Bitumen in sand measurement • Weighing potato chips • Requires broad exposure to ideas, inventions and information on physical properties

  9. Operational Challenges • Continual need to improve • Profitability • Safety • Employee health • Environmental health • Engineering no longer limited to the “hardware” of a plant • Requires tools for assessment, monitoring and new strategies for effective response

  10. Responding to Social Change • Greater demand for information by public • Questions are easier to develop than answers • Quick sources are the media & “pundits” • Professionals must learn to communicate • Fact vs. theory • Theory vs. opinion • Required are forums for discussion to try and achieve consensus and inform the public • Reliable “Voice of Reason”

  11. Personal Career Planning • “Career employees” disappearing • Everyone must show current contributions • “Market” drives rapid changes • Ownership • Products • Size • Direction • Requires proactive planning and career support long after the “first job”

  12. “Life Long Learning” • LLL Combating “Career Erosion” • Value as an Employee • Scope of Knowledge • Professional Contribution • Job Satisfaction • Career Flexibility • Need to Add to Your “Bag of Tricks” through Professional Development Expertise & Knowledge You Can Offer

  13. CSChE’s Life Long Learning Vision “All chemical engineers have relevant expertise and knowledge to remain effective as the economy, technology, and industry evolve and expectations of society shift.” “Increasing Canadian Chemical Engineering Capabilities” Expertise & Knowledge You Can Offer “Leakage” due to Technological and Expectation Changes New Knowledge & Experiences

  14. Professional Practice • Mentoring Programs to: • Encourage knowledgeable enrollment in chemical engineering • Assist undergraduates find summer, co-op or permanent jobs • Assist graduate students in college or project selection • Assist practitioners in maintaining capability and facilitate career transitions

  15. Formal Activity • Facilitate access and organization of courses • Provide internet links to course providers • Listing Service for course providers • Encourage development of LLL web-pages • Encourage open access to corporate experts • Toolkits to assist those organizing courses • Organize courses for Chemical Engineers • Process Safety, GHG Emissions/Life Cycles, Flow and Energy Systems, Process Control, Water Treatment, etc.

  16. Informal Activity • Communicate information and facilitate access • Provide internet notices of activities • Web-sites for Section and Divisions • Search Engines for CEDRIC and Journal Indices • Links to reference sources from CSChE Web page • Encourage informal electronic discussion of issues (e.g. ETICA)

  17. Participation • Mentoring and contributing expertise • Contribute time to Mentoring • Initial input on career and work needs • Respond to questions • Serve as a mentoring contact • Professional career support sessions • Mentors meeting with students or practitioners going through career changes • Ad-hoc committees to address key issues • e.g. Global warming, PCP’s

  18. Presentations • Bring together ChemE’s with common interests • Conference information • Calls for Papers • Speaker Lists • On-Line Parking Lot for issues (ETICA) • Local Section Meetings/Events • Course Listing Service

  19. Contribution to Knowledge • Support efforts to develop and apply chemical engineering knowledge • Information on where to find codes or standards • Identify need for new codes or standards • Links to Intellectual Property Sources • Standards for paper submission on-line • On-line experts listing for use by editors and the media in general

  20. Acknowledgments • Clients - NRCan & PERD, Oil & Gas Producers • Alliance Partners - C-FER Technologies Inc., KR Croasdale & Associates, R&D 2000, Scott-Can Industries, Colin Gosselin • Contact Networks - CSChE, PTAC, ACR, CIM, SPE, CAPP, individual colleagues • New Paradigm Affiliates - KeyTech Energy Inc., Blackline Oil Corp. & Avatar Systems Inc. • Family and Friends

  21. Contact Information Advanced Technology Centre 9650-20 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6N 1G1 tel: 780.450.3613 fax: 780.462.7297 email: info@newparadigm.ab.ca web: www.newparadigm.ab.ca

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