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Conference EISC 14 th Annual plenary Space and Sustainability GNSS by Axelle Pomies GS Permanent Representative 20 th October 2012 Parliament of Poland, Warsaw, Poland. Focus: GNSS Downstream Segment Applications, Services, Equipment. Other GNSS. Galileo/EGNOS Infrastructure. Space
Conference EISC 14th Annual plenary Space and Sustainability GNSS by Axelle PomiesGS Permanent Representative 20th October 2012Parliament of Poland, Warsaw, Poland
Focus: GNSS Downstream SegmentApplications, Services, Equipment Other GNSS Galileo/EGNOS Infrastructure Space Segment User Segment Ground Segment Applications / Downstream Segment Upstream Segment
EU GNSS Programmes Benefits Bigger GNSS Market Share • Jobs & Wealth Creation • ROI in EU GNSS Other GNSS Space Segment User Segment Ground Segment In Europe Galileo/EGNOS Infrastructure Applications / Downstream Segment Independence / Autonomy with regard to other GNSS (GPS, GLONASS…)
Galileo Full Success • Galileo Full Success : • Deployment of the infrastructure • Use of the Galileo infrastructure • ROI in Europe • Benefits for Europe’s citizens: • Growth • Employment • Enhancing the citizens’ wellbeing • Being part of conditions to ensure the full success of Galileo : • Preparation of the Galileo user segment • EU GNSS downstream market development
Public Funding Other GNSS Space Segment User Segment Ground Segment Since 2010, Public Funding ~ 0 € Galileo/EGNOS Infrastructure Applications / Downstream Segment 3,4 B€ + 7.9 B€ Including 350M€ made available from FP7 GNSS application R&D budget
What are the Challenges and Risks? • Lack of EU public funding before the IOC and FOC prevent: • Adequate preparation of the user segment • Success of Galileo Programme “Huge risk of the absence of EU public GNSS applications R&D budget until 2014, whereas it is absolutely essential that European GNSS/Galileo downstream industry is ready when IOC availability will be declared.” GS Letter to Mr Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission
GNSS market capacity vs. Public R&D Funding (1/2) * GSA estimates
GNSS market capacity vs. Public R&D Funding (2/2) + 400 000 Jobs in Europe * GSA estimates
Necessity of public funding for GNSS applications R&D (1/2) • Public funding necessary to reach excellence, be competitive in a global market and expect future commercial and societal benefits • GNSS technology mature commodity, but still requiring major improvements • Without public support : GNSS development to follow purely economic approach from industry preventing to reach excellence • GNSS applications : one of the most promising markets (1/2) • Contribution to all major global policies, as part of the solutions to the next generation challenges • Immediate benefits: • creation of new industrial activities, and hundreds of thousands of jobs • enhancing the day to day life and wellbeing of citizens
Necessity of public funding for GNSS applications R&D (2/2) • GNSS applications : one of the most promising markets (2/2) • Annual growth rate of Global GNSS market = +11% • Public budget dedicated towards GNSS applications R&D • decisive impact on the GNSS market • Generate a snowball effect fertilizing further applications and domains with GNSS technology • Significant catalytic effect of public budget in GNSS field expected In Europe : EUR 1 invested in GNSS application R&D generates about EUR 100 of European turnover
Galileo Services Position Paper SATELLITE NAVIGATION APPLICATIONS REALIZING THE AMBITIONS OF EU2020 1. Challenges & Ambitions for Europe 2. The necessity of EU public funding for GNSS applications R&D EU public funding is necessary for Europe to reach excellence, be competitive in a global market and expect future commercial and societal benefits GNSS applications constitute one of the most promising markets for Europe 3. EU public funding level required for maximizing the benefits for Europe 4. The critical GNSS technologies, applications & services 5. Crucial importance of users’ involvement in EU projects 6. Horizon 2020 - “Galileo Services” Recommendations GNSS technologies and services Enabling Activities to support market penetration and development Other support activities from European Institutions Available at: www.galileo-services.org
Galileo Services Position Paper SATELLITE NAVIGATION APPLICATIONS REALIZING THE AMBITIONS OF EU2020 1. Challenges & Ambitions for Europe 2. The necessity of EU public funding for GNSS applications R&D EU public funding is necessary for Europe to reach excellence, be competitive in a global market and expect future commercial and societal benefits GNSS applications constitute one of the most promising markets for Europe 3. EU public funding level required for maximizing the benefits for Europe 4. The critical GNSS technologies, applications & services 5. Crucial importance of users’ involvement in EU projects 6. Horizon 2020 - “Galileo Services” Recommendations GNSS technologies and services Enabling Activities to support market penetration and development Other support activities from European Institutions At EU levelNeed for dedicated budget line within Horizon 2020 for GNSS applications R&D At EU Member States levelNeed of concrete actions to develop GNSS applications Available at: www.galileo-services.org
Conclusion GNSS application industry can act : to take up EU challenges to reach EU2020 ambitions Public funding for GNSS Applications R&D is crucial to maximize the socioeconomic benefits for European citizens !!!
Thank you for your attention We would be delighted to provide youwith any further information Axelle Pomies, Permanent Representativeaxelle.pomies@galileo-services.org
Galileo Services Overview • Non-profit Making Association aiming at developing, promoting and maximizing the potential of the GNSS applications’ market • Comprising key GNSS Downstream Industry players • Representing all elements of the value chain and covering the different application sectors (aviation, maritime, road, rail, telecom…) • Missions: • Voice Industry concerns & expectations toward the institutions • Share market experience and knowledge of user needs • Support the implementation of the Galileo and EGNOS Programmes
No more EU public funding for GNSS applications R&D • Benefits from EU GNSS Programmes for Europe in jeopardy ?! • Major support for R&D is to be expected at European Level through Framework Programme • Very limited support at National Level • 350M€ initially allocated to GNSS R&D within FP7 • Around 100M€ remaining after the cut to fund the Galileo Infrastructure • 3rd and last FP7 GNSS Call for Proposals (July 2010) • And thereafter….. No further support! Budget being exhausted No specific budget line for GNSS application R&D foreseen for the period post-2013 !
What are the Challenges and Risks? • The importance of Galileo for Europe and the strong need to complete the infrastructure deployment as fast as possible are indisputable! • The support to GNSS applications development in Europe can not be delayed until Galileo early services are operational. • The challenge is at the worldwide GNSS market level, TODAY! • GNSS Technology : Under development and out of reach in a few years • Current market boom • Immediate benefits from GNSS applications and services development The present context of economic crisis gives a strong additional incentive, not to lose the opportunity to develop new industrial activities in Europe!
Galileo Services Position Paper Horizon 2020 - Galileo Services Recommendations Need for dedicated budget line within Horizon 2020 for GNSS applications R&D To provide the European GNSS downstream Industry with the means to reach excellence, remain competitive in a global market and expect future commercial and societal benefits To guarantee the use of Galileo and EGNOS by securing substantial EU public investments in their applications development To dramatically and quickly increase the level of EU public funding in GNSS applications R&D to a minimum of EUR 100-200 M per year to optimize EU benefits and not miss the window of opportunity for Europe To support the European industry in investing and developing critical GNSS technologies, applications and services GNSS technologies and services Enabling Activities to support market penetration and development Other support activities from European Institutions