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D ynamic M easurement G roup. Supporting School Success One Step at a Time. IDEL™ Training:. Administration and Scoring of “Fluidez en la Segmentaci ón de Fonemas” (FSF). Fluidez en la Segmentaci ón de Fonemas (FSF). FRO. FLO. FPS. FSF. FUP. FNL.
Dynamic Measurement Group Supporting School Success One Step at a Time IDEL™ Training: Administration and Scoring of“Fluidez en la Segmentación de Fonemas” (FSF)
Fluidez en la Segmentación de Fonemas (FSF) FRO FLO FPS FSF FUP FNL Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Preschool Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Big Idea: Benchmark Goal: Assessment Times: Phonemic Awareness 35 end of K 18 at middle of K Kindergarten: Fall?, Winter, Spring First Grade: Fall, Winter, Spring Fluidez en la Segmentación de Fonemas (FSF) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Materials • Benchmark or progress monitoring booklet • Clipboard • Stopwatch • Pen or pencil © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Fluidez en la segmentación de fonemas (FSF) 1.Place scoring booklet on clipboard and position so that student cannot see what you record. Say these specific directions to the student: © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Fluidez en la segmentación de fonemas (FSF) “Voy a decir una palabra. Después de que la diga, quiero que me digas todos los sonidos que tiene la palabra. Por ejemplo, si yo digo, “oso,” tú dices /o/ /s/ /o/.” Vamos a probar. (pausa) Dime los sonidos en “mesa.” © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Correction Procedure Bien. Aquí viene tu primera palabra. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Directions for Administration • Say the first word and start your stopwatch. 2. Put a slash ( / ) through segments pronounced incorrectly. 3. Leave segments that are omitted blank. 4. If the student says the whole word, circle the entire word and give 0 points. 5. As soon as the student is finished saying the sounds, present thenext word promptly and clearly. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Directions for Adminsitration cont… • At the end of 1 minute, place a bracket after the last sound segment, stop presenting words and scoring further responses. • Add the number of correct sound segments. 8. Add the total number of correct syllables. 9. Record the total number of segments AND syllables on the bottom of the scoring sheet. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Timing and Wait Rules Continuous for 1 Minute • Start the stopwatch after you say the first word. • At the end of 1 minute place a bracket (]) after the last sound segment, say “stop” and stop your stopwatch. Do not present more words. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Wait Rule for FSF3 Seconds • Maximum time for each sound segment is 3 seconds. • If the student does not say the next sound segment within 3 seconds, say the next word. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Discontinue RuleFirst 5 Words • If a student has not said any sound segments correctly in the first 5 words, discontinue the task and record a score of zero (0). © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Prompting Rule • If a student has done the examples correctly and does not answer the questions correctly, say, “Recuerda decirme los sonidos en la palabra.” • This prompt can be given once. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Directions for Scoring • Underline the sound segments in the word the student produces that are correctly pronounced. • Total Parts – Todas Las Partes (TLP): Students receive 1 point for each different, correct, part of the word – Same scoring rule as PSF. • Syllable Parts – Sílabas (Síl): 1 point for each different,correct,syllable part, excluding one syllable words (no cuente monosílabos). © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Directions for Scoring cont… 2. Put a slash ( / ) through segments pronounced incorrectly. 3. Leave segments that are omitted blank. 4. If the student says the whole word, circle the entire word and give 0 points. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Correct Phoneme Segmentation Scoring Examples: Underline Correct Sound Segments Examiner says “abajo” student says “a...b...a...j...o” Examiner says “lista” student says “l...i...s...t...a” Examiner says “lana” student says “l...a...n...a” Examiner says “sala” student says “s...a...l...a” 10 1 8 0 18 1 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Practice Scoring Phonemes TLP Síl 7 1 9 0 1 7 23 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ 2 Sílabas (Síl): ____ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Correct Syllable Segmentation Scoring Examples: Underline Correct Sound Segments Examiner says “abajo” student says “a...ba...jo” Examiner says “lista” student says “lis...ta” Examiner says “lana” student says “la...na” Examiner says “sala” student says “sa...la” 5 5 4 4 9 9 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Mixed Phoneme & Syllable Segmentation Underline Correct Sound Segments Examiner says “abajo” student says “a...b...a...jo” Examiner says “lista” student says “l...i...s...ta” Examiner says “lana” student says “l...a...na” Examiner says “sala” student says “s...a...la” 8 3 6 2 14 5 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
4 4 7 2 1 7 18 7 Practice Scoring Phonemes and Syllables TLP Síl Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ Sílabas (Síl): ____ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Scoring Examples: Schwa’s are free with consonants Schwa Sounds Ə(in English /uh/) Examiner says “abajo” student says “a...bƏ...a...jƏ…o” Examiner says “lista” student says “lƏ...i...sƏ...tƏ…a” Examiner says “lana” student says “lƏ...a...nƏ…a” Examiner says “sala” student says “sƏ...a...lƏ…a” 10 1 8 0 18 1 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
5 2 4 0 9 2 Incomplete Segmentation other than Syllable Examiner says “abajo” student says “aba...jo” Examiner says “lista” student says “li...s...ta” Examiner says “lana” student says “lan…a” Examiner says “sala” student says “s...ala” Underline Correct Sound Segments © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Practice Scoring Incomplete Segmentation TLP Síl e l l a / e / | / y / / a / b e bé / b / / e / | / b / / e / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 4 g r a s a / g / / r / / a / | / s / / a / p o d e r / p / / o | / d / / e / / r / _ _ / 1 0 _ _ _ / 4 p a n / p / / a / / n / u n a s / u / | / n / / a / / s / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 2 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ Sílabas (Síl): ___ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
4 2 5 1 0 5 14 3 Practice Scoring Incomplete Segmentation TLP Síl e l l a / e / | / y / / a / b e bé / b / / e / | / b / / e / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 4 g r a s a / g / / r / / a / | / s / / a / p o d e r / p / / o | / d / / e / / r / _ _ / 1 0 _ _ _ / 4 p a n / p / / a / / n / u n a s / u / | / n / / a / / s / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 2 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ Sílabas (Síl): ___ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Overlapping Segmentation Scoring Examples: Give credit for each different, correct, sound segment of the word. Examiner says “abajo” student says “aba..ajo” Examiner says “lista” student says “lis..ta..a” Examiner says “lana” student says “la…a…na” Examiner says “sala” student says “sa…a…la˘¯¯ 5 2 6 4 11 6 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Practice Scoring Overlapping Segmentation TLP Síl e l l a / e / | / y / / a / b e bé / b / / e / | / b / / e / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 4 g r a s a / g / / r / / a / | / s / / a / p o d e r / p / / o | / d / / e / / r / _ _ / 1 0 _ _ _ / 4 p a n / p / / a / / n / u n a s / u / | / n / / a / / s / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 2 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ Sílabas (Síl): ___ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
TLP _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 4 / r / _ _ / 1 0 _ _ _ / 4 _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 2 Practice Scoring Overlapping Segmentation Síl 5 3 e l l a / e / | / y / / a / b e bé / b / / e / | / b / / e / 6 2 g r a s a / g / / r / / a / | / s / / a / p o d e r / p / / o | / d / / e / 6 2 p a n / p / / a / / n / u n a s / u / | / n / / a / / s / 17 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ 6 Sílabas (Síl): ___ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
10 1 8 0 18 1 Sound ElongationUnderline Correct Sound Segments (approx 1 second per sound) Examiner says “abajo” student says “aaaaabaaa..jooo” Examiner says “lista” student says “liiiiiiiisss..taaaa” Examiner says “lana” student says “laaaaaa…naaaaa” Examiner says “sala” student says “saaaaa…laaaa”. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
ella /e/ /y/ /a/ grasa /g/ /r/ /a/ /s/ /a/ uvas /u/ /v/ /a/ /s/ bebé /b/ /e/ /b/ /e/ poder /p/ /o/ /d/ /e/ /r/ unas /u/ /n/ /a/ /s/ Practice Scoring Sound Elongation (Trainee) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
ella /e/ /y/ /a/ grasa /g/ /r/ /a/ /s/ /a/ uvas /u/ /v/ /a/ /s/ bebé /b/ /e/ /b/ /e/ poder /p/ /o/ /d/ /e/ /r/ unas /u/ /n/ /a/ /s/ Practice Scoring Sound Elongation © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Incorrect Sound Segment Slash (/) Incorrect Sound Segments Examiner says “abajo” student says “a..ba…jos” Examiner says “lista” student says “p…i…s…t…a” Examiner says “lana” student says “p…a…l…a” Examiner says “sala” student says “s…o…l…a” 6 1 5 0 11 1 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
5 2 8 0 13 2 Additions Additions are not counted as errors if they are separated from the other sounds in the word. Examiner says “abajo” student says “a…ba…jos” Examiner says “lista” student says “l…i…s…tra” Examiner says “lana” student says “p…l…a…n…a” Examiner says “sala” student says “s…a…l…a…s” © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Practice Scoring Incorrect Sounds and Additions TLP Síl e l l a / e / | / y / / a / b e bé / b / / e / | / b / / e / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 4 g r a s a / g / / r / / a / | / s / / a / p o d e r / p / / o | / d / / e / / r / _ _ / 1 0 _ _ _ / 4 p a n / p / / a / / n / u n a s / u / | / n / / a / / s / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ _ / 2 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ Sílabas (Síl): ___ (no cuente monosílabos) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Practice Scoring Incorrect Sounds and Additions TLP Síl 7 1 e l l a / e / | / y / / a / b e bé / b / / e / | / b / / e / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ / 4 7 0 g r a s a / g / / r / / a / | / s / / a / p o d e r / p / / o | / d / / e / / r / _ _ / 1 0 _ _ _ / 4 5 1 p a n / p / / a / / n / u n a s / u / | / n / / a / / s / _ _ _ / 7 _ _ / 2 _ 19 Todas Las Partes (TLP): ____ Sílabas (Síl): ___ (no cuente monosílabos) 2 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
6 2 6 0 12 2 Omissions Leave Blank: Wait 3 seconds for elaboration Examiner says “abajo” student says “a…ba…(3 sec)” Examiner says “lista” student says “l…i…t…a Examiner says “lana” student says “l…n…a” Examiner says “sala” student says “s…a…l…(3 sec)” © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
0 0 0 0 0 0 No Segmentation/whole word Circle Examiner says “abajo” student says “abajo” Examiner says “lista” student says “lista” Examiner says “lana” student says “lana” Examiner says “sala” student says “sala” © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
3 1 2 0 5 1 “No sé” No Score Examiner says “abajo” student says “a….(3sec) Examiner says “lista” student says “l…i…(3sec) Examiner says “lana” student says “No sé” (3sec) Examiner says “sala” student says “s…a (3sec)”Do not underline; say the next word. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Sounds out of order Give credit for sound parts that are correct and in the correct order Examiner says “abajo” student says “a…jo…ba” Examiner says “lista” student says “ta…lis” Examiner says “lana” student says “a…n…l…a” Examiner says “sala” student says “sa…a…l” 1 1 1 1 2 2 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Articulation and DialectImperfect pronunciation due to dialect, articulation, or second language interference is not penalized. Examiner says “fruta”, student says “flu…ta”. Examiner says “gusta”, student says “g..u..j..ta”. Examiner says “cinta”, student says “thin…ta”. Examiner says “visa”, student says “b..i..s..a”. 6 3 2 6 12 5 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Practice Scoring (trainee) © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
0 0 5 3 4 2 2 8 7 2 3 4 31 10 Final Score • Add number of correct phonemes for each line up to bracket. • Total number of correct sound segments in space provided in lower right hand corner of probe. 1 0 © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Pronunciation Guide • Different countries or regions of a country use different Spanish dialects. These pronunciation examples should be modified consistent with regional dialects and conventions. • For example, /s/ as in gustar is pronounced as a /j/ in certain regions of Central America and the Caribbean. Our examples are typical of the pronunciation in Mexico City. © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group
Pronunciation Guide © 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group