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1. General Information. 1.1 General equation - standard hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic Reynolds-averaged primitive equations1.2 Grid structure 1.2.1 Grid stagger : Standard C grid ( Mesinger and Arakawa, 1976) 1.2.2 Horizontal grid : polar-stereographic projection 1.2.3 Vertical grid : Terrain-following coordinate .
1. RAMS(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) Nankyoung Moon
University of Houston
2. 1. General Information 1.1 General equation
- standard hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic
Reynolds-averaged primitive equations
1.2 Grid structure
1.2.1 Grid stagger : Standard C grid
( Mesinger and Arakawa, 1976)
1.2.2 Horizontal grid : polar-stereographic projection
1.2.3 Vertical grid : Terrain-following coordinate
3. 2. How to get RAMS 2.1 Model, Utilities and Documents
( http://www.atmet.com )
Test file name : mrc-test-4.3.0.tar.gz
2.2 Surface characteristics Datasets
2.2.1 SST Contains the global monthly climatological sea surface temperature data for RAMS version 4.3 at 1 degree resolution (about 100km).
4. 2.2.2 Landuse
Contains the global landuse data for RAMS version 4.3
at 30s, or about 1km resolution.
data input to and data output from the model
10. 3.6 Model run
>rams –f RAMSIN-initial
>mpirun –np <np> <rams path>/rams –f RAMSIN-initial
where, <np> is the number of processors
11. 4. REVU
13. 4.2.2 Viewing with Vis5D
Run REVU for the example input namelist files...
>revu –f REVU_IN-v5d-sigma
>revu -f REVU_IN-v5d-cartesian
>revu -f REVU_IN-v5d-pressure
14. 4.2.3 Veiwing with GrADS
> revu -f REVU_IN-grads-cartesian ctl, gra file
15. mrc-test-4.3.0.tar.gz README.txt
data/ test run initialization data
geodata/ contains geophysical surface data
VTABLE VTABLE for the test run
RAMSIN-makesfc RAMSIN files for the test run
RAMSIN-makevfile RAMSIN files for the test run
RAMSIN-initial RAMSIN files for the test run
isan/ location for varaible initialization file storage
sfc/ location for surface file storage
sst/ location for sea surface temperature file storage
hist/ location for history file storage
anal/ location for analysis file storage
rams-test script containing the command for the RAMS test