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Chemistry 121. Dr. Patrick Woodward Office 3109 Newman and Wolfrom Lab Office Hours 2:30-3:30 M, T, W, R E-mail woodward@chemistry.ohio-state.edu Phone 688-8274 Web Site www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~woodward/chem_121.htm. Chemistry 121. Required Materials
Chemistry 121 Dr. Patrick Woodward Office 3109 Newman and Wolfrom Lab Office Hours 2:30-3:30 M, T, W, R E-mail woodward@chemistry.ohio-state.edu Phone 688-8274 Web Site www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~woodward/chem_121.htm
Chemistry 121 Required Materials Text “Chemistry, The Central Science” by Brown, Lemay and Bursten 9th Edition Lab Manual “General Chemistry Laboratory Experiments, Volume 1” by Casey & Tatz Lab Notebook “Student Laboratory Notebook” Calculator TI-30, Sharp EL-509, Sharp EL-531, Casio FX-250 www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~woodward/chem_121.htm
Grading Scheme • Midterm 1 (Tues, Feb 3rd) 175 pts • Midterm 2 (Tues, Feb 24th) 175 pts • Final Exam (Tues, Mar 16th) 300 pts • Laboratory (10 labs) 200 pts • Quizzes (6 Quizzes, drop the lowest) 150 pts • Total 1000 pts • Opportunities to do problems • Take home quizzes • Recitation Exercises • Homework Problems (at the end of the chapter) • Web Material (Old exams, sample quizzes, CD exercises)
Top 5 Myths about Chem 121 5. This class is a weed out class. For example consider the final grade distribution from Autumn 2002 (beginning with ~300 students): 21 Dropped 20 Failed 29 D/D+ 126 C-/C/C+ 59 B-/B/B+ 46 A-/A
Top 5 Myths about Chem 121 4. It’s OK to blow off lab, because it’s only 20% of your grade. If you don’t get 50% in lab, you will be given a failing grade. Extra time will not be given to make up missed labs.
Top 5 Myths about Chem 121 3. The curve will save me. If you get below 600 points (60%) the best grade you can hope for is C-, and your likely to get a D or D+. If you get below 500 points (50%) you’re almost certain to fail the class.
Top 5 Myths about Chem 121 2. There are so many students that office hours will be very crowded, plus professors don’t want to be bothered. Office hours are usually only crowded before the exams. I set aside time to see you during office hours so it’s boring when no one comes. I’m also happy to make appointments for other times if you have conflicts with my office hours.
Top 5 Myths about Chem 121 1. Knowledge of chemistry will make you more attractive to the opposite sex and enhance your love life. Unfortunately based on personal experience I see no evidence for this kind of cause and effect relationship.
Scientific Method Keep in mind though that generally hypotheses and even theories are based on an incomplete set of experiments, so that later experiments or advances may provide further information that shows the theory or hypothesis to be incorrect.
Classification & Properties of Matter Matter – Anything that has mass and occupies space. Atom – The smallest stable building block of matter. Made up of protons, neutrons & electrons. Molecule – Groups of atoms held together with a specific connectivity and shape. Composition tells us the types of atoms that are present in a compound and the ratio of these atoms (for example H2O, C2H6O, etc.). Structure tells us which atoms are connected (bonded) to each other, how far apart they are, and the shape of the molecule.
Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Pure SubstanceMatter that has a fixed composition and distinct properties. All substances are either elements or compounds. Elements All atoms are the same, i.e. Oxygen (O2), Gold (Au), Silicon (Si) and Diamond (C). You should memorize the elemental symbols in Table 1.2 Compounds Contains more than one type of atom, but all molecules (or repeat units) are the same, i.e. Water (H2O), Ethanol (C2H6O), Quartz (SiO2), Sodium Chloride (NaCl). All compounds follow the law of constant composition. Mixture Have variable composition and can be separated into component parts by physical methods. Mixtures contain more than one kind of molecule, and their properties depend on the relative amount of each component present in the mixture.
Ne N2 SO3 Homogeneous Mixture
Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Mixtures Homogeneous Mixture Composition and properties are uniform. Sometimes called a solution. Air – principle components include O2, N2 & CO2 Vodka – principle components are ethanol and water Brass – solid solution of Cu and Zn Ruby – solid solution of Al2O3 and Cr2O3 Heterogeneous MixtureComposition and properties are non-uniform. Chocolate Chip Cookie – Chocolate, Dough, etc. Concrete – Cement, Rocks, etc. Vomit – Depends upon previous intake of food and drink
Chemical and Physical Properties • Physical PropertiesThe identifying characteristics of matter. Some properties can be readily measured with our senses, such as odor and color, instruments are needed to measure other properties, such as electrical resistivity, compressibility, hardness, melting point, etc. • Chemical PropertiesDescribe the reactivity of a substance toward other substances. Examples include: • Ethanol burns in air (reacts with oxygen in the air) • Sodium reacts vigorously with water, • Corrosion of metal parts (rust), • Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is explosive, • Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a hallucinogenic drug.
Ethanol Stoichiometry = C2H6O Melting Point = -115 ºC Boiling Point = 78 ºC Density = 0.79 g/cm3 Chemical Prop. = Intoxicating Dimethyl Ether Stoichiometry = C2H6O Melting Point = -140 ºC Boiling Point = -24 ºC Density = Gas Chemical Prop. = Intermediate Ethylene Glycol Stoichiometry = C2H6O2 Melting Point = -16 ºC Boiling Point = 197 ºC Density = 1.11 g/cm3 Chemical Prop. = Toxic
Metric Prefixes You will be expected to know these prefixes from memory.
Significant Figures • Non-zero numbers are always significant. • Zeros between non-zero numbers are always significant. • Zeros before the first non-zero digit are not significant. (Example: 0.0003 has one significant figure.) • Zeros at the end of the number after a decimal place are significant. • Zeros at the end of a number before a decimal place are ambiguous (e.g. 10,300 g).
Significant Figures & Calculations Addition and Subtraction Line up the numbers at the decimal point and the answer cannot have more decimal places than the measurement with the fewest number of decimal places. Multiplication and Division The answer cannot have more significant figures than the measurement with the fewest number of significant figures.
Units of Volume 1 m3 (1003 cm3)/(1 m3) = 1,000,000 cm3 1,000,000 cm3 = 1 106 cm3
Chemical Reactivity 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g)