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Annexure – VI. Uttarakhand. Pahal – What it is?. An initiative of SSA, Uttarakhand for providing School Education to Out of School Children (6–14 yrs.) belonging to vulnerable sections of society, e.g., rag pickers, scavengers, street beggars, orphans, etc. living in urban deprived areas.

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  1. Annexure – VI Uttarakhand

  2. Pahal – What it is? An initiative of SSA, Uttarakhand for providing School Education to Out of School Children (6–14 yrs.) belonging to vulnerable sections of society, e.g., rag pickers, scavengers, street beggars, orphans, etc. living in urban deprived areas

  3. Need for the Pahal Scheme • High Concentration of Out of School Children in Slums • As per child census conducted in 2007 by SSA, around 22,230 children were found to be out of school • Urban Slums have max. no. of out of school children • Around 75% of these come from four districts (US Nagar, Haridwar, Dehradun & Nainital)

  4. OUT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN IN UTTARAKHAND-SOURCE AWP&B 2007-08 • Total 6-14 age group population - 1830256 • Total Enrolment - 1808026 • Total out of school children - 22230

  5. Need for the Pahal Scheme (Cont.) • Inadequacy of Govt. schools in Slum Areas Difficulties being facedin establishing Govt. schools within 1 km radius of slums— • Non-availability of land in slum areas. • Community not in a position to provide land. • No possibility of establishing new schools in hired buildings as their owners do not permit requisite alterations. • Inadequacy of space for Co-curricular activities/sports and MDMS in hired buildings.

  6. Coverage of the Scheme • Dehradun District ( On Pilot Basis 2007-08) • Distt.Udham Singh Nagar. • Considering the success of the scheme in above two districts, the scheme has been extended to two other districts Nainital & Haridwar.

  7. Officials of Nanhi Duniya Private School Officials of State Project Office, SSA Strategy Universalization of elementary education in Public-Private Partnership (PPP-Mode)

  8. Thrust on Quality Education Mainstreaming the targeted children in the schools by ensuring quality education and to improve their attendance and retention.

  9. Eligibility Criteria for Enrolment • Age : 6 - 14 Years. • Never enrolled or drop-out for at least one year. • Children belonging to the deprived and marginalized sections of the society in urban slums and other such locations. • No Govt. school or EGS centre within 1 Km. radius of their habitation.

  10. Implementation Process • Identification of the slums • Identification of the children (6-14 yrs) • Identification of private schools • Admission of children • Payment to accredited private schools • Monitoring & Evaluation

  11. Criteria for Identification of Pvt. Schools • Must be a Govt. recognized school – # Primary Schools - 1st to 5th Class. # Upper Primary Schools – 6th to 8th Class. • Must have been running for atleast two years. • Must have adequate infrastructure. • Must be committed to undertake responsibility of completing education of the enrolled children up to Primary/Upper Primary level. Contd.……

  12. Criteria for Identification of Pvt. Schools • Willing to bear all costs over and above the amount determined in the Scheme. • Ready and willing to accept terms, conditions and other formalities as considered appropriate by the SSA from time to time. • Willing to accept the annual internal/external evaluation system to check minimum learning levels attained by the children. It entails signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between both the parties, i.e., the District Project Office & Private Schools.

  13. Financial Rules and Regulations Rs. 3000/- per child per annum is paid to the accredited Private Schools in 3 equal installments : First Installment : Within one week of enrolment for uniform, textbooks, workbooks, writing material and entrance fee etc. Second Installment On the basis of attendance and improvement in achievement level (on submission of evaluation report by external agency) Third Installment : On the basis of attendance and improvement in achievement level (upon receiving annual examination results)

  14. Monitoring and Evaluation of Children • Next six months : Quarterly monitoring through a committee constituted by the District Project Office. AND Through an external agency appointed by the SPO, SSA . • First six months : Monthly monitoring of the enrolled children by State/District Project officials.

  15. Facilities to be Provided by Accredited Pvt. Schools to Children • Education and other school facilities • Text books, workbooks and other learning material • Question papers and answer booklets • School uniform • Conveyance facility, if it is being given to other children of the school • Remedial teaching, If the child is unable to attain pre-decided learning levels • Facility for computer education games/sports, cultural/co-curricular activities, if available in the school

  16. Enrolment under Pahal (Academic Year 2008-09)

  17. Achievement - Hindi Language Writing Hindi Alphabets Correctly Word Formation

  18. Achievement - English Language Writing English Alphabets Correctly Word Formation

  19. Achievement - Mathematics Writing Numbers (1-50) Writing Multiplication Table

  20. Contd…. 3-Digit Addition 3-Digit Subtraction 3-Digit Multiplication 3-Digit Division

  21. Routine Behavioural Aspects & Gen. Knowledge Able to correctly respond to traffic related questions Able to correctly respond to health & hygiene related questions Able to correctly respond to GK related questions

  22. No. of enrolled Children mainstreamed during the Academic Year 2008-09

  23. Extra Curricular Activities • Bulbul Training to enrolled girls • Participation in State level Bal Mela activities like— • March Past • Nukkad Natika • Jagrukta Rally on ‘School Chalo Abhiyan’ by these children. • Participation in Educational fair.

  24. Additional Initiatives • Training of Pahal Teachers by the trainers of DIET • Health Check-ups and providing medicines. • Escorts facilities. • Scholarships. • Educational Visit/Tours..

  25. Feedbacks from Parents/Guardians • Feedbacks from Parents/Guardians • ge tSls xjhc yksx Hkh iSls dh otg ds dkj.k cPpksa dh i<+kbZ dj ldrs gSaA (The poor like us can also afford schooling of our children without money) • ;gk¡ ij ,d cPps dh i<+kbZ gsrq tks vko';d phtsa gSa mudk lkjk [kpZ Ldwy ls fey jgk gSA (The scheme is bearing all the expenses for the essential items required for the schooling of a child) • ljdkj dh bl ;kstuk ds dkj.k vc xjhcksa ds cPps Hkh cM+s ?kjksa ds cPpkas ds lkFk i<+ ldrs gSaA (Due to this scheme of the Government, the children from poor families can also study with the children of high families)

  26. Pahal Children (Then and Now) Before Enrolment After Enrolment The Beneficiary with her family

  27. Pahal Children (Then and Now)

  28. Pahal Children (Then and Now)

  29. Thanks

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