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WHAT FORMS OF LEADERSHIP, LEADERSHIP STRUCTURES AND LEADERSHIP LEARNING ARE REQUIRED FOR ENABLING TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS?. National leadership Learning Network Adelaide 27 th August 2008 Professor Stephen Dinham Research Director – Teaching, Learning and Leadership ACER.
WHAT FORMS OF LEADERSHIP, LEADERSHIP STRUCTURES AND LEADERSHIP LEARNING ARE REQUIRED FOR ENABLING TEACHEREFFECTIVENESS? National leadership Learning Network Adelaide 27th August 2008 Professor Stephen Dinham Research Director – Teaching, Learning and Leadership ACER
Clarifying Our Challenge as Leaders of School Leadership Learning • What influences student achievement? • How do people learn? • What role does leadership play in quality teaching and student achievement? • Key Questions for Discussion Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Background • Until the mid-1960s the prevailing view was that schools make almost no difference to student achievement, which was largely pre-determined by socio-economic status, family circumstances and innate ability. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Background • Today that view of social-biological educational determinism has been totally refuted. Schools do make a difference, with the classroom teacher being confirmed as the major in-school influence on student achievement. • Student socio-economic backgroundis however a significant influence on achievement, but only as it relates to matters such as opportunity and advantage, foundation and support for learning, role modelling and encouragement. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Background • As a result, there has been a major international emphasis on improving the quality of teachers and teaching since the 1980s. We now know how teacher expertise develops and we know whatgood teaching looks like. However we also know that teacher quality varies within schools and across the nation. • A quality teacher in every classroom is the ultimate aim, but how to achieve this is the big question and challenge for educational leaders. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
From the BCA Report (2008) • Although Australia performs well on international measures of student achievement such as PISA (the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment involving 400,000 15-year-olds in 57 countries), there are concerns over equity. Many students in Australia continue to struggle, including Indigenous students, where the performance gap with non-Indigenous students remains wide. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Background • Students’ social backgrounds have a greater influence on educational results in Australia than in higher performing countries such as Finland and Canada. • PISA findings released in December 2007 indicate that Australia’s performance has ‘slipped’ in comparison with other OECD nations. Since the previous survey in 2003, Australia has dropped from third to sixth place in reading; from eighth to ninth in mathematics; and remains in third place in science. These changes in rankings are mainly due to the improved performance of other nations. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Reference Dinham, S.; Ingvarson, L. & Kleinhenz, E. (2008). ‘Investing in Teacher Quality: Doing What Matters Most’, in Teaching Talent: The Best Teachers for Australia’s Classrooms. Melbourne: Business Council of Australia, available at: http://www.bca.com.au/Content/101446.aspx Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
The Effects of Quality Teaching:accounting for variance in student achievement ( Findings from meta-analytic research) > 30% ~50% ~5-10% ~5-10% John Hattie ( 2003, 2007) Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Effects on Learning • Students – account for about 50% of the variance of achievement: ‘It is what students bring to the table that predicts achievement more than any other variable’. • Home- accounts for about 5-10% of the variance: ‘the major effects of the home are already accounted for by the attributes of the student. The home effects are more related to the levels of expectation and encouragement, and certainly not a function of the involvement of the parents or caregivers in the management of schools’. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Effects on Learning • Schools – account for about 5-10% of the variance: ‘the finances, the school size, the class size, the buildings are important as they must be there in some form for a school to exist, but that is about it’. • Principals – ‘are already accounted for in the variance attributed to schools; their effect is mainly indirect through their influence on school climate and culture’. [As will be seen later, I think that the influence of principals and leadership generally may have been underestimated, at least in successful schools]. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Effects on Learning • Peer Effects – account for 5-10% of the variance: ‘It does not matter too much who you go to school with, and when students are taken from one school and put in another the influence of peers is minimal (of course, there are exceptions, but they do not make the norm)’. • Teachers – account for about 30% of variance: ‘It is what teachers know, do, and care about which is very powerful in this learning equation’. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
References • Hattie, J. (2003). ‘Teachers Make a Difference: What is the Research Evidence?’, paper presented to ACER Annual Conference, October. http://www.leadspace.govt.nz/leadership/articles/teachers-make-a-difference.php • Hattie, J. (2007). ‘Developing Potentials for Learning: Evidence, assessment, and progress’, EARLI Biennial Conference, Budapest, Hungary, available at: http://www.education.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/education/staff/j.hattie/presentations.cfm Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
KEY FINDINGS FROM HOW PEOPLE LEARN* • Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp the new concepts and information that are taught, or they may learn them for purposes of a test but revert to the preconceptions outside the classroom. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
KEY FINDINGS FROM HOW PEOPLE LEARN • To develop competence in an area of enquiry, students must: • have a deep foundation of factual knowledge, • understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and • organise knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
KEY FINDINGS FROM HOW PEOPLE LEARN • A ‘metacognitive’ approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining learning goals and monitoring their progress in achieving them. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Implications for Teaching • Teachers must draw out and work with the pre-existing understandings that their students bring with them. • Teachers must teach some subject matter in depth, providing many examples in which the same concept is at work and providing a firm foundation of factual knowledge. • The teaching of metacognitive skills [learninghow to learn] should be integrated into the curriculum in a variety of subject areas. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Designing Classroom Environments • Schools and classrooms must be learner centred. • To provide a knowledge-centred classroom environment, attention must be given to what is taught (information, subject matter), why it is taught (understanding), and what competence or mastery looks like. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Designing Classroom Environments • Formative assessments – ongoing assessments designed to make students’ thinking visible to both teachers and students – are central. They permit the teacher to grasp the students’ preconceptions, understand where the students are in the ‘developmental corridor’ from informal to formal thinking and design instruction accordingly. In the assessment-centred classroom environment, formative assessments help both teachers and students monitor progress. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Designing Classroom Environments • Learning is influenced in fundamental ways by the context in which it takes place. A community-centred approach requires the development of norms for the classroom and school, as well as connections to the outside world, that support core learning values. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Applying the design framework to adult learning • Many approaches to teaching adults consistently violate principles for optimising learning. • Professional development programs for teachers, for example, frequently: • Are not learner-centred • Are not knowledge-centred • Are not assessment-centred • Are not community-centred • Bransford, J.; Brown, A. & Cocking, R. (Eds) (2000). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC.: National Academy Press. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
THE CENTRAL MESSAGE The teaching of highly successful teachers is student-centredandteacher directed. Such teachers possess and utilise three forms of professional knowledge: • Subject Content Knowledge (what subject content to teach) • Subject Pedagogic Content Knowledge (how to teach certain subject content) • Subject Course Content Knowledge (why certain subject content is taught: the curriculum; exams) Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Leadership? • We have confirmed the crucial importance of the teacher to student learning. The challenge for any educational leader… is to make things happen within individual classrooms. … school leaders can play major roles in creating the conditions in which teachers can teach effectively and students can learn, although the influence of leadership on student achievement has perhaps been underestimated. … • Today, leadership is seen as central and essential to delivering the changes, improvement and performance society increasingly expects of all organisations, including schools. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Four Fundamentals of Student Success(Dinham, 2008)* QUALITY TEACHING FOCUS ON THE STUDENT (Learner, Person) LEADERSHIP PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Some Key Questions • Given the diversity of schools, schooling systems and sectors, what does it mean for principals to be responsible, and held accountable for teachereffectiveness? • Who does and should do the actual work of ensuring teacher effectiveness in a school? Is leading professional practice in a school a specialism in its own right? • Where is student voice in teacher effectiveness? • How do we support emergent leaders to be effective enablers of teacher effectiveness? Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Mapping the Landscape for Enabling Teacher Effectiveness • How educational leaders make things happen in the classroom • Trends in Professional Learning • Key Discussion Questions Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They make students, as learners and people, the central focus of the school. • They make teaching and learning the central purpose of the school. • They ensure that student welfare policies and programs are integrated with and underpin academic achievement. • They have a vision for where they want their school to go and for what they want it to be. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They are effective communicators at all levels. • They are able to balance the big picture with finer detail. • They possess perspective and can prioritise. • They place a high priority on and invest in the professional learning of themselves and others. • They are informed, critical users of educational research. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They continually seek to improve the quality of teaching in their school. • They seek ways for every student to achieve and experience success. • They act as talent spotters and coaches of talented teachers and release individual and organisational potential. • They question and push against constraints. • They seek benefits from imposed change. • They are informed risk takers and encourage others to do the same. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They have a positive attitude and seek to drive out negativity. • They model the values they expect in others such as integrity, altruism and self-growth. • They build a climate of trust, mutual respect, collegiality and group identity. • They believe in education for the benefit of the individual and society. • They work for students, staff, the school and community, rather than for themself. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They can read and respond to people and build relationships. • They have high professional standards and expect high levels of professionalism in return. • They possess courage and demonstrate persistence and resilience. • They build productive external alliances with parents, the community, government agencies, business and the profession. • They entrust, empower and encourage others through distributed leadership and engage in productive team building. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They provide timely and constructive feedback, good and bad. • They are approachable and good listeners; they can read and reach people. • They create an environment where people strive to do their best and where they are recognised for their effort and achievement. • They emphasise and use evidence, planning and data. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: WHAT SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DO* • They are constantly concerned with lifting school performance; nothing is permitted to get in the way. • They see themselves and their school as being accountable for student achievement. • Overall, they are authoritative, being highly responsive and highly demanding of individuals, teams and groups, and above all, themselves. Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Types of Professional Learning Traditional • Formal pre-service • ad hoc, on the job • Professional associations • Informal self-directed • Formal in-service • Formal postgraduate study Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Types of Professional Learning Alternative Approaches • Action research • Action learning • Formal mentoring and coaching • Professional standards/certification (mandatory, voluntary) • Professional learning modules • Learning communities • Institutes, centres and other bodies Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Professional Learning since the mid-1970s From ……………………… To Centralised Decentralised System responsibility Individual, collective responsibility Off the shelf Tailored Generalised Contextualised Off site, apart On site, embedded Input Outcomes Passive Interactive External expert External partner Individual learning Community learning Theory based Problem based Transactional Relational Changing things Changing people Learning by seeing, hearing Action learning Using research Doing research Broad focus Student/learning focus Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
*(2008) ACER Press [November] Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Discussion Questions • How do we identify, attract, prepare and support the next generation of educational leaders? • How might leadership be different in the schools of tomorrow? • What sort of learning for leadership are we going to need? • Who and what should be involved with the above processes? Dinham NLLN 27/08/08
Contact Details Professor Stephen Dinham Research Director – Teaching, Learning and Leadership ACER Private Bag 55 Camberwell Vic 3124 Email: dinham@acer.edu.au Phone: 03 9277 5463 Website: www.acer.edu.au/staffbio/dinham_stephen.html Dinham NLLN 27/08/08