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Industry Meeting with EPA ORD

Industry Meeting with EPA ORD. November 18, 2009. Dietary Intake of Dioxins is Declining Dramatically. Graph from Aylward et al. , 2008. 1985 and 1995 data: Lorber (2002 ) 2003-2004 data: US CDC (2005). May 2009 Science Plan: Dioxin Reassessment.

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Industry Meeting with EPA ORD

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  1. Industry Meeting with EPA ORD November 18, 2009

  2. Dietary Intake of Dioxins is Declining Dramatically Graph from Aylward et al., 2008

  3. 1985 and 1995 data: Lorber(2002) 2003-2004 data: US CDC (2005)

  4. May 2009 Science Plan: Dioxin Reassessment • March 2008 Plan: “Engage early and often with stakeholders.” • May 2009 Science Plan: Response to NAS Report Dioxin Reassessment: Timelines for Completion • 2008: Establish workgroups; hold kick-off meetings: Dioxin IWG, ARC, SAB and invited experts. • 2009: Draft response to NAS Report completed and released for SAB and public comment. • 2009-2010:EPA will expeditiously revise the draft reassessment. Will there be public review of the revised draft and IWG and SAB review? • 2009: Conduct analysis: update science; select key studies and endpoints; solicit review/convene workshops and consultations. EPA revises Draft Reassessment→ • 2010: SAB report issued?Final Response to NAS Report issued. Will it respond to the SAB Report? • 2010: External peer review of draft by SAB with public notice and comment period. • 2011: Complete report: final report includes response to comments.

  5. Dioxin Science Plan for Soil Clean-up Levels, TEFs and UMDES → ?

  6. Recommendations for Completing the Dioxin Reassessment To ensure that the final dioxin reassessment reflects the best available science, EPA should consider: • Inviting the public to submit relevant data and studies now. • Providing opportunities for the public comment on the charge to the SAB panel reviewing EPA’s Response to the NAS Report. • Providing for public comment, peer review and IWG review of the draft dioxin reassessment. • Requesting the Farm, Ranch and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee examine the impacts of the Dioxin Reassessment on agriculture, particularly on the Committee’s strategy for livestock operations. • Establishing a public docket now for the Dioxin Reassessment and the interim PRGs to include all of the documents that the Agency is reviewing, or has reviewed, in conjunction with this effort.

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