My game level This is a basic blockout of my game level. It is located in Ankh-Morporkand described as one of the poorest districts of the city.My level is about in the middle of Ankh-Morpork city below river/canal.All the objects and details of the houses I am going to put later by time.My level I am going to make in the highest quality as possible and make it look beautiful and trying to make as good graphics as they are in other games made in this time of the year.
Genre and gameplay Genre of my level/game is stealth action-adventure . At the start of my level player are located in middle of the city called Ankh-morpork. Dark spooky streets gives player the feeling that he should be more careful and stealthy rather than charging through the city. The game’s genre in this case depended because of the main protagonist who is an assassin and assassins usually are considered to be stealthy unlike warriors and others. I immediately thought about Assassins Creed franchise when thinking about how my game level is going to work. In future I’m going to be doing my level a lot like assassins creed especially the environment because I think Assassins creed is the best example for my game level. The gameplay, how the characters is going to move and how actually all the game is going to work out I will make keeping in mind other games similar to this one. The game is in 3rd person perspective only because if the game would be also available it would lose graphical quality as it is kind of zoomed in in 1st person.
Rating and similarities comparing to other games in my opinion Audience the game is considered to is 16 + or 18 + it depends weather I use strong language in the game after, put violence or blood in it. The game at the moment might feature some violence in it but I don’t know if it is going to be considered as 16+ game or either 18+. The most similar game in the market that’s been released and that I can think is most appropriate game to be compared with my work is Assassins Creed 1, 2, brotherhood, revelations. Assassins Creed 3 is set in different age and can’t be compared with our game by the environment but some of the game’s elements still can help to improve my level. There are also games like Darksiders 1 ,2 (is quite similar but would help more if my game/level would be considered more like RPG style of game but it isn’t.) Also quite similar games that could be compared with is – Dragon age series, Batman franchise, Thief, metal gear solid, Splinter Cell, Hitman. There are some elements in all these games that might feature my game’s elements.
Environment As seen in previous pictures the environment is similar to the middle age time about in year 1200 and that’s whereabouts the game is set.The buildings in my level are going to be pretty similar looking-like in games mentioned before. People are dressed as they should be in year 1200 and as mentioned before again my level is located in one of the poorest part of the city which means people are going to be dressed casually and a bit more poorly than in other games similar to this one.I am not making game objects from other games , I am making these objects by my own and with some improvements if possible.