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The Principles of Modernisation and Development Studies (History and Contemporary Aspects). Lecture Course by Victor Krasilshchikov, Dr. of Sc., Prof. Office hours: E-mail : victor.krassilchtchikov@univie.ac.at victor_ias2004@yahoo.co.in. Lectures 1-2.
The Principles of Modernisation and Development Studies(History and Contemporary Aspects) Lecture Course by Victor Krasilshchikov, Dr. of Sc.,Prof. Office hours: E-mail: victor.krassilchtchikov@univie.ac.at victor_ias2004@yahoo.co.in
Lectures 1-2. • Modernisations in Human History. The Historical Echelons of Modernisation and the Capitalist Development
What is modernisation? • “…modernization is like the elephant, difficult to define but easy to recognize when one sees the beast.” • (Goh Keng Swee. The Economics of Modernization. Singapore: Federal Publications, 1995 (1-st. ed. – 1972), p. 1).
- Primary - Secondary (economic formation of society) - Tertiary (post-economic formation) - Based upon gathering and hunting - Based upon labour - Based upon intellectual, creative activity Great formations of society
Routes to/through Modernity(according to Göran Therborn) • - “The West European route” • - Transcontinental migration and genocide of the local population (both Americas, Australia, New Zealand) • - Influence of the West on non-western societies through demonstration effect • - Through colonisation
«La marche de ces peuples (les peuples de l’Asie et de l’Afrique – V.K.) serait plus prompte et plus sûre que la notre, parce qu’ils recevraient de nous ce que nous avons été obligés de découvrir, et que, pour connaître ces vérités simples, ces méthodes certaines auxquelles nous ne sommes parvenues qu’après de longues erreurs, il leur suffirait d’en avoir pu saisir les développements et les preuves dans nos discours et dans nos livres.» The march of these peoples (peoples of Asia and Africa – V.K.) would be prompter and surer than ours because they would receive from us what we were obliged to discover and what, for knowing simple truths, we had to conceive by methods of errors and probes. They could learn all that from our discourse and our books. Jean-Antoine de Condorcet
Take up the White Man’s burden – The savage wars of peace– Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought, Watch Sloth and heathen Folly Bring all hope to nought. Take up the White Man’s burden – No tawdry rule of kings, But toil of serf and sweeper – The tale of common things. The ports ye shall not enter, The roads ye shall not tread, Go make them with your living, And mark them with your dead. Resistance to Modernisation (Rudyard Kipling. “The White Man’s Burden”)
The social-technological types (stages) of modernisation • - pre-industrial (XV c. – the 1770-80s) • - early-industrial (1770s-80s – 1900s) • - late-industrial (1913 – 1973) • - post-industrial (the end of the 1960s and onwards)