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Advanced-degree in Communication Engineering. Ing. Masruri, S.T PhD Student Email: masruri.masruri@nemo.unipr.it. Advanced degree in Communication Engineering.
Advanced-degree in Communication Engineering Ing. Masruri, S.T PhD Student Email: masruri.masruri@nemo.unipr.it
Advanced degree in Communication Engineering CE is a second-level degree according to the European categorization (LM 27 - Telecommunication Engineering), taught and examined in English, offered by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Parma. A two-year course which enables successful students to be awarded the Advanced Degree Certificate “LaureaMagistrale” – “equivalent to a US Master of Science”.
First Year Provides the sound and fundamental background tools of the Communication Engineer, but also leaves significant space to interdisciplinary learning by allowing the student to attend courses from other Engineering, Physics or Economics programs.
Second Year The second year focuses on specific advanced disciplines within Communication Engineering and leaves significant space to a final thesis work.
ElectivecomplementaryCourses and ElectiveCourses Elective Courses (9 CFU ) can also be selected out of the list of Elective Complementary Courses or in the programmes of Advanced Degree Courses (LaureeMagistrali) in Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, and International Business and Development with no need of further approval. Other courses can be chosen subject to approval by the Course Programme Committee.
How to Apply (non-EU) Submit a pre-enrollment application form to the Italian Embassy or Consulate specifying UNIVERSITY, ADVANCED DEGREE (Università di Parma - LaureaMagistrale in Communication Engineering). Pre-enrollment can be submitted from April onwards. The deadline for submission is fixed by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in each Country.
Pre-Enrollment • The following documents must be submitted: • First-level Degree certificate • List of module/course examinations comprising the degree • Syllabus or programme of each module/course • Passport • Two passport photos
Pre-Enrollment (con’t) All documents submitted must be original, and, where necessary, must be supplied with an Italian translation. The translation of official documents must be certified by the Italian Embassy or Consulate or by a Court or Official (the syllabus or programme of each module or course may be submitted in English). The Embassy or Consulate must issue a Dichiarazione di Valore (DV).
Dichiarazione di Valore This is a declaration of the value in the home Country of an overseas degree certificate; specifying course type and duration etc., it is issued for the purposes of possible recognition of the qualification in Italy solely by an Italian Embassy or Consulate overseas.
Assesment of Application The Embassy or Consulate forwards applications for assessment by the Faculty Admission Panel at the University of Parma. For successful applications, a letter of acceptance is sent to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s home Country, which then issues a visa for study purposes.
Accepted Student On arrival in Italy, students must register at the Student Registry Office of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Parma, and must apply for a residence permit at an authorized Italian postal office within 8 days.
First Time Procedure for Foreign Student 3. Fiscal Code (CodiceFiscale) ≥ 1 month 1. Lodging (Alloggio) Require: - passport - visa Require: -certificate of residence (contract) -certificate of acceptance -financial support -insurance -fiscal code 4. Registration (Iscrizioni) 2. Residence Permit (PermessodiSoggiorno) ≥ 3 months Require: -residence permit -fiscal code The residence permit application is proceeded at the Post Office (not less than 8 days upon arrival in Italy). Fiscal code isproceeded at the Agenzia dell’Entrate.
In Practices... In the case Official Certificate of Acceptance could not be obtained before applying the residence permit, apply the residence permit without the certificate of acceptance (Use temporary the Arrival letter from the Contact Professor). After obtaining the receipt go to the Student Secretary to complete the registration. Ask the certificate of acceptance of the University from the admission office (SegretarieStudenti) which later must be presented at the appointment date in the Immigration Office (Questura) See http://www.portaleimmigrazione.it for the new procedures for applying the residence permit.
GAEM- Research Topics The first research theme regards the study and the modelling of optical fiber devices, mainly the so called photonic crystal fibers, and optical amplifiers for telecommunication and industrial applications. The second research topic is focused on antennas for RF applications, in particular the design and measurement of antennas for radio-frequencies and microwaves applications, mainly for industrial ones. Powerful CAD tools, either commercial or developed within the Information Engineering Department, are available. Recently, integration issues between wireless and fiber systems have been considered, using radio-over fiber technology, aimed to the transmission optimisation of radio frequency modulated optical signals.
Laser Scribing • Thin films solar cells • CdTe • CIGS • Mono- multilayer materials for the packaging industry • Aluminum foil • PP-Al-PP, etc… • Dentistry • Hard tissues – teeth • Soft tissues
DNA Biosensors Fiber surface Single Nucleotide Polymorphism PNA probe Target DNA Mismatched DNA Photoniccrystalfibers Label free detection Fiberbragggratings
GAEM - People Stefano Selleri, Associate Professor Annamaria Cucinotta, Assistant Professor Federica Poli, post-doc Michele Sozzi, post-doc Enrico Coscelli, PhD student Alessandro Candiani , PhD student Masruri Masruri, PhD Student Carlo Molardi, PhD Student
Signal Processing for Advanced DIgitalCommunications Lab http://www.tlc.unipr.it/spadiclab
SPADiC LAB - Research Topics adaptive and graph-based iterative detection/decoding and estimation for channels with unknown parameters satellite communications (in collaboration with European Space Agency) electronic processing for high-speed optical communication systems multiple-antenna transmission systems and space-time code design of spectrally- and energy-efficient systems based on information theory analysis
SPADiC LAB - People Giulio Colavolpe, Associate Professor Tommaso Foggi, CNIT Researcher Amina Piemontese, post-doc Nicolò Mazzali, PhD student Andrea Modenini, PhD student Alessandro Ugolini, PhD student
Wireless Ad hoc Sensor Network Laboratory http://wasnlab.tlc.unipr.it/
WASNLab- Research Topics Ad-hoc wireless networks with peer-to-peer communications Sensor networks (Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4, RFID, distributed detection, multi-hop, mobile target detection) Wired networks using spanning tree protocol (STP)-based networks Cognitive networks (cognitive CDMA networks, polarization detection/decoding, forward-backward) Performance analysis of digital communication systems Coding theory (low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes , Turbo Codes) Video signal processing(low-complexity detection of neonatal seizure)
WASNLab- People Prof. Gianluigi Ferrari, Coordinator Prof. Riccardo Raheli Marco Martalò, Post Docs Simone Cirani, Post Docs Marco Picone, Post Docs Giovanni Spigoni, PhD Student Matteo Giuberti, PhD Student Stefani Monica, PhD Student Pietro Gonizzi, PhD Student Guy Kouamou Ntonfo, Research Collaborators
OptikLab Optical Communications http://www.tlc.unipr.it/bononi/OptikLab/Laboratorio.html
OptikLab- Research Topics Coherent Optical Communications Ultrafast Optical Mesh Networks Centralized Optical Networks Wavelength Routing Optical Networks Fiber Nonlinearities Doped Fiber Amplifiers RAMAN Amplifiers Polarization Mode Dispersion Modulation Formats Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
EDFA amplified transmission over up to 500km of straight-line dispersion-managed fiber of WDM signals with 10Gb/s OOK-NRZ modulation
Nonlinear optics and optical communications • Polarizon project: “Nonlinear cross-polarization interactions in photonic devices and systems”, supported by the Programma Nazionale di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale PRIN2008, funded by Italian Ministry (MIUR) • Objective: realize a lossless polarization attractor devise based on the Kerr effect • References: M. Barozzi, A. Vannucci, and D. Sperti, in Proc. Fotonica 2012 (ISBN 9788887237146), A6.4, (2012). M. Barozzi, A. Vannucci, and D. Sperti,J. Europ. Opt. Rap. Public. 12042 Vol 7 (2012) M. Barozzi, A. Vannucci, in Proc LAOP 2012, LM3C.4 (2012)
SOP input, 50 seed, 1 MHz, 3 symb SOP output
OptikLab- People Alberto Bononi, Associate Professor Paolo Serena, Assistant Professor Armando Vanucci, Assistant Professor Matteo Barozzi, PhD Student Nicola Rossi, PhD Student
Contact For online information: http://ingegneria.unipr.it/communication-eng/ For academic advice on CE, contact: Chairman of the CE Programme Committee: Prof. Giorgio Picchi e-mail: giorgio.picchi@unipr.it Phone: +39 0521 905762 For administrative queries on admissions and recruitment on CE, contact: Davide Aimi Student Registry office (SegreteriaStudenti), Faculty of Engineering e-mail: davide.aimi@unipr.it, seging@unipr.it Phone: +39 0521 905112 – 905022
Italian Institute of Culture (IIC) As a result of the formation of bilateral and multilateral agreements between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and various other countries http://www.esteri.it/MAE/EN/Ministero/Servizi/Stranieri/Opportunita/BorseStudio_stranieri.htm?LANG=EN http://www.iicjakarta.esteri.it
Important dates • Application published by end of April • Application Deadline by beginning of June
Requirements • Age limit (Applicant’s age should not exceed 35 years, with some exceptions); • Required documentation - Application form - Two reference letters - Academic diplomas and transcripts - Applicant’s CV
How to Apply • All applicants must fill out the on-line application form. The form must be saved and sent on line before the deadline indicated Required documentation • Applicants for enrolment in University courses held entirely in English, will have to demonstrate at least A2 level certification of competence in Italian, or equivalent.
IIC Scholarship • Scholarship recipients are selected by the Italian mission in the applicant’s country of residence through an “ad hoc” committee or jointly with the local authorities (local ministry of foreign affairs, local ministry of education, and Director of IIC) • The Italian Government awards and pays the grant through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate General for Country Promotion (DGSP), Office VII, Rome. • The scholarship will be awarded for one academic year with the duration of three, six or nine month duration, start from January 1st onward, and duration cannot exceed 31 December. • The Scholarship holder may apply for renewal for the continuation or completion of a multi-year course of study (Corsi di Laurea, Specializzazioni, Dottorati di Ricerca).
ER-GO Er.Gois the RegionalAuthority for the Right to Higher Education in Emilia Romagna http://www.er-go.it/index.php?id=5963
ER-GO • Offersservices to students and new graduates of the universities in Emilia Romagna, foreignstudents and new graduates on international mobility and research programmes. • Covers the universityeducation in Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia and Parma • Offerseconomic support for certain studentschosenthrough the application procedure for scholarships, accommodationservices, international mobility, accompaniment for disabledstudents, careeradvice and catering services.
Accommodation services • Er.Goofferslodgings in 6 residentialfacilities in Parma. • Lodgingisreserved for studentswho are resident distant from the university of Parma. The lodging are assigned to students on waitinglist on the graduation listwhichisrankedbased on considerationmerit and economicrequirements.
Requirements • Registered at the University of Parma • Merit requirement: Students have to complete a minimum number of credits . It’s defined for each year. The requirement for the students of the first year is 0 credit, but by the end of the year, ER-GO requires 30 credits to confirm the scholarship. • Economic Requirement: The accumulatif family income not exceed 28.000 € annually. Students should produce a certificate of income of all members of family that are living together in the same house, translated in italian by italian diplomatic authority. A certificate of family lodging containing the status of the house (owner/rental) and the measurement.
Deadlines • Deadlines for lodging: At the beginning of August (around 8 of August). • Deadline for Scholarship: At the end of September (around 26 September) Further information: http://www.er-go.it/fileadmin/user_upload/mvm/SCADENZE_BENEFICI.pdf
Required Documents • The same documentation is produced for both scholarship and lodging
How to apply • Application shouldbe made onlythrough Internet: https://servizionline.er-go.it/html/static/login/domanda_login_studenti_nu_pr.html • The student have to attach all documents referring to economic conditions, translated in italian by italiandiplomaticauthority. For futher information: http://www.er-go.it/index.php?id=6620
TerimaKasih Grazie Mille Thank You