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Life in Ancient Egypt

Life in Ancient Egypt. Lesson 5-2. How did work and social roles affect people in ancient Egypt?. Work roles expanded More complex jobs were created that did not have to do with agriculture Scribe: A person whose job was to write and keep records. Egyptian Social Roles. Pharaoh

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Life in Ancient Egypt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life in Ancient Egypt Lesson 5-2

  2. How did work and social roles affect people in ancient Egypt? • Work roles expanded • More complex jobs were created that did not have to do with agriculture Scribe: A person whose job was to write and keep records

  3. Egyptian Social Roles • Pharaoh • Priests & Nobles • Craftspeople & Merchants • Farmers • Laborers & Slaves

  4. How did learning advance in ancient Egypt? • New ideas were created in astronomy, geometry, medicine, and writing • Astronomy – used stars to create the first practical calendar • Geometry – developed accurate surveying methods • Medicine – learned to use herbs for medicine, were able to perform some of the world’s first surgery

  5. Hierogylphs • Developed a writing system beginning in 3000 B.C. • Early hieroglyphic system had about 700 characters and over time grew to include more than 6,000 characters. • Hieroglyphs - pictures that stand for different words or sounds • Papyrus – a paper-like material

  6. What religious beliefs did Egyptians hold? • They believed in many gods (polytheism). • They believed in a happy afterlife. • Egyptians believed that they would need their bodies in the afterlife so they embalmed bodies to make mummies. Afterlife – a life believed to follow death Embalm – to preserve a body after death Mummy – a body that has been dried so it won’t decay

  7. Mummification • The entire process could take up to 70 days. • The brain was not saved because it was considered worthless. • The heart was left in the body and weighed against a feather to see if the person was free of sin.

  8. Now you are going to embalm your own mummy! • http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/MUS/ED/mummy.html • Go to this website and embalm your own mummy.

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