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Horace : Ars Poetica (the Art of Poetry) lines 240 – 242 ex noto fictum carmen sequar , ut sibi quivis speret idem, sudet multum frustraque laboret ausus idem : I will aim for poetry moulded from the familiar so that if anyone
Horace : ArsPoetica(the Art of Poetry) lines 240 – 242 ex notofictumcarmensequar, utsibiquivis speret idem, sudetmultumfrustraquelaboret ausus idem : I will aim for poetry moulded from the familiar so that if anyone wants the same for himself, he may sweat a lot and work in vain trying the same thing : tantum series iuncturaquepollet the order and combination (of words) has such great power.
Latin does not rely on word-order to convey meaning: as an inflected language, the words change their endings depending on the sense of the sentence, so they can be placed in the order the poet thinks is most effective ….
Horace : ArsPoetica (the Art of Poetry) line 361 utpicturapoesis Poetry is like a picture ………
nullomunusculacultu erranteshederas passim cum baccaretellus mixtaqueridenticolocasiafundetacantho Virgil, Eclogue IV lines 18 – 20 Virgil describes the profusion of flowers growing together in the Golden Age.
A translation of these lines is : With no cultivation nullocultu the earth pours forth its little gifts : tellus.. fundet .. munuscula climbing ivy everywhere with cyclamen erranteshederas passim cum baccare and colocasia mixed colocasia.. mixtaque with smiling acanthus. ridenti.. acantho.
Virgil has mixed up the order of the words to illustrate the mixed flowers: mixtagoes with colocasiaand ridentigoes with acantho
Horace, Satire II 6, parts of lines 79 - 81 rusticusurbanummuremmus veteremvetushospesamicum [Once upon a time], the Country Mouse [is said to have invited into his poor mousehole] the Town Mouse, an old friend [welcoming] his old friend. Horace describes the Country Mouse greeting his old friend the Town Mouse – but you can see that he has ‘unpoetically’ used the same words for ‘mouse’ (mus/murem) and ‘old’ (vetus/veterem) next to each other. ‘hospes’ and ‘amicum’ both mean ‘friend’ – but at least here Horace has varied his vocabulary. Very odd ….
Once upon a time a country mouse is reported to have received a city-mouse into his poor cave, an old host, his old acquaintance; a blunt fellow and attentive to his acquisitions, yet so as he could [on occasion] enlarge his narrow soul in acts of hospitality. What need of many words? He neither grudged him the hoarded vetches, nor the long oats; and bringing in his mouth a dry plum, and nibbled scraps of bacon, presented them to him, being desirous by the variety of the supper to get the better of the daintiness of his guest, who hardly touched with his delicate tooth the several things: while the father of the family himself, extended on fresh straw, ate a spelt and darnel, leaving that which was better [for his guest]. At length the citizen addressing him, 'Friend,' says he, 'what delight have you to live laboriously on the ridge of a rugged thicket? Will you not prefer men and the city to the savage woods? Take my advice, and go along with me to the city: since mortal lives are allotted to all terrestrial animals, nor is there any escape from death, either for the great or the small. Wherefore, my good friend, while it is in your power, live happy in joyous circumstances: live mindful of how brief an existence you are.’ Translation: C. Smart (1863), courtesy of J. Kirby, Purdue University olimrusticusurbanummuremmuspauperefertur accepissecavo, veteremvetushospesamicum, asperet attentusquaesitis, uttamenartum solverethospitiisanimum. quid multa? nequeille sepositicicerisneclongaeinviditavenae, aridumet ore ferensacinumsemesaquelardi frusta dedit, cupiensvariafastidiacena vinceretangentis male singula dente superbo: cum pater ipse domuspaleaporrectus in horna essetadorloliumque, dapismeliorarelinquens. tandem urbanus ad hunc "quid teiuvat” inquit,"amice, praeruptinemorispatientemviveredorso? vistuhominesurbemqueferispraeponeresilvis? carpe viam, mihicrede, comes ; terrestriaquando mortalisanimas vivuntsortita, nequeullaest autmagnoautparvoletifuga : quo, bone, circa, dumlicet, in rebus iucundis vive beatus :vive memor, quam sis aevibrevis." Horace, Satire II 6 lines 79 - 96
Catullus poem 45 Catullus is describing the mutual love between Septimius and his girlfriend (suosamores) Acme. AcmenSeptimiussuosamores tenens in gremio ‘mea’ inquit ‘Acme … The translation of the first few lines is: Septimius, holding his girlfriend Acme in his embrace, said ‘My dear Acme …. Look at the word-order of line one. Who is ‘embracing’ whom?
Septimius, holding his lover Acme, in his bosom, said, “my Acme, if I do not love you with abandon and if I am not prepared to henceforth love you constantly for all our years, so many times as he who can die alone in Libya and in sweltering India, I shall come to meet the blue eyed lion.” As he said this, Love sneezed approval on the left as before on the right. But Acme, lightly bending back her head, and having kissed the infatuated eyes of the sweet boy with her wine-red mouth, said, “let it be thus, my life, my little Septimius: let us forever serve this one master, so that a passion far grander and keener may burn in my soft marrow.” As she said this, Love sneezed approval on the left as before on the right. Now, having started off on a good omen, they love and are loved like-mindedly. Poor little Septimius prefers Acme alone to Syria and Britain: the faithful Acme finds pleasure and desire in Septimiusalone. Who has seen any one happier, who has seen a more blessèd love? AcmenSeptimiussuosamores tenens in gremio ‘me’' inquit ‘Acme, niteperditeamoatqueamareporro omnes sum assidueparatusannos, quantum qui poteplurimumperire, solus in Libya Indiaquetosta caesioveniamobviusleoni.’ Hocut dixit, Amor sinistrautante dextrasternuitapprobationem. At Acme leviter caput reflectens etdulcispueriebriosocellos illopurpureo ore suaviata, ‘sic’ inquit ‘mea vita Septimille, huicuni domino usqueserviamus, utmultomihimaioracriorque ignismollibusardet in medullis.’ Hocut dixit, Amor sinistrautante dextrasternuitapprobationem. Nuncabauspicio bono profecti mutuisanimisamantamantur. UnamSeptimiusmisellusAcmen mavult quam SyriasBritanniasque: uno in SeptimiofidelisAcme facitdeliciaslibidinisque. quisulloshominesbeatiores vidit, quisVeneremauspicatiorem?
The next illustration should be viewed with caution: the Romans would not need to rearrange the order of words in their minds in order to understand it. Catullus 64 lines 112 – 115 describe the hero Theseus leaving the labyrinth of King Minos after killing the Minotaur. The princess Ariadne had given him a ball of thread to help him out of the maze.
indepedemsospesmulta cum laude reflexit errabundaregenstenuivestigiafilo, ne labyrintheiseflexibusegredientem tectifrustrareturinobservabilis error. Then, safe, gaining much glory, he turned back his steps directing his wandering footsteps with the slender thread so that an unnoticed twist of the building would not confuse him making his way out of the labyrinthine windings.
This artificial route through the maze of words is purely to aid English speakers – but it is one of the most convoluted passages in Latin poetry with the word-order all over the place. Even the Romans would have found it confusing, and that was obviously Catullus’ intention!
Pictorial approach to Latin poetry devised by Anne Dicks, creator of “Pyrrha’s Roman Pages” www.pyrrha.me.uk original art work by Di Lorriman.