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NAF Literacy Strategies and Instructional Supports. Daniel Wallace, Ed.D. Instructional Manager Central & Southeast Regions. Webinar Housekeeping. Participants will automatically be muted “Raise Hand” feature should be used for technical support
NAF Literacy Strategies and Instructional Supports Daniel Wallace, Ed.D. Instructional Manager Central & Southeast Regions
Webinar Housekeeping • Participants will automatically be muted • “Raise Hand” feature should be used for technical support • Questions and comments should be typed in the “Question Box”
Please practice using your question box by answering the following question: Can you see my screen and hear me clearly?
Webinar Objectives By the end of this webinar, participants will: • Have a better working knowledge of the curriculum handbook • Overview of NAF’s approach to Literacy • We will also discuss examples of instructional supports that can be made available to students in your NAF academy.
Literacy and Common Core Standards • “As a natural outgrowth of meeting the charge to define college and career readiness, the Standards also lay out a vision of what it means to be a literate person in the twenty-first century. Indeed, the skills and understandings students are expected to demonstrate have wide applicability outside the classroom or workplace. Students who meet the Standards readily undertake the close, attentive reading that is at the heart of understanding and enjoying complex works of literature. They habitually perform the critical reading necessary to pick carefully through the staggering amount of information available today in print and digitally.” • Common Core State Standards Initiative
The goal of literacy instruction is the attainment of fluency Speaking FLUENCY Use Vocabulary Interpret Texts Reading Writing Construct Meaning
Question Have you reviewed the NAF Curriculum Handbook?
Literacy improves by communicating with an audience NAF curriculum employs a wide range of audiences • Classmate • Small group • Whole class • Invited guests • Professionals as recipients of letters and emails How does an audience improve literacy?
Students publish their work in a wide range of venues • Sharing with a partner or small group • Presenting to the class in a gallery walk • Sending or emailing to an Advisory Board Member or guest speaker • Publishing a class directory or in the school newspaper • Submitting to a newspaper or magazine • Posting online • Making a formal presentation
Writing genres in NAF courses include texts students will encounter in college and career • Essays (personal, explanatory, persuasive) • Research reports • Business letters, memos, emails, and proposals • Resumes and cover letters • Directions • Skits • Editorials, reviews, blogs • Ads, brochures, press releases
Every NAF literacy activity includes clear expectations Students need to know what to do, why, and what the end effort should look like. Provide explicit guidance: • Set the context for students • Use concrete tools: prompts, graphic organizers, specific instructions • Ensure that students understand the goal • Give students examples of the end product
NAF courses use key strategies to build vocabulary • Taxonomy • Defining Format • Composing with Key Words
A taxonomy is a personal list of terms about a topic • Tell students to come up with as many words as they can about a particular topic. • On their taxonomy worksheets, write down each word next to the letter the word begins with. • Have students compare lists with a partner and add any words they haven’t thought of to their own. • Add more words by sharing with a group or doing a gallery walk. • Continue to add words throughout the lesson. Taxonomy of Color
NAF courses employ many other literacy activities • Reading Jigsaw teaches students to cooperate, summarize, and present • SQ3R is a time-tested reading comprehension activity • Anticipation Guides reveal assumptions and require articulating new learning
SQ3R Francis Pleasant Robinson Effective Study (1946) ……is a reading comprehension method named for 5 steps that originally was for college students
SURVEY - gather the information necessary to focus and formulate goals • Read the title - help your mind prepare to receive the subject at hand. • Read the introduction and/or summary - orient yourself to how this chapter fits the author's purposes, and focus on the author's statement of most important points. • Notice each boldface heading and subheading - organize your mind before you begin to read - build a structure for the thoughts and details to come. • Notice any graphics - charts, maps, diagrams, etc. are there to make a point - don't miss them. • Notice reading aids - italics, bold face print, chapter objective, end-of -chapter questions are all included to help you sort, comprehend, and remember.
QUESTION - help your mind engage and concentrate. One section at a time, turn the boldface heading into as many questions as you think will be answered in that section. The better the questions, the better your comprehension is likely to be. You may always add further questions as you proceed. When your mind is actively searching for answers to questions it becomes engaged in learning.
READ - fill in the information around the mental structures you've been building. Read each section (one at a time) with your questions in mind. Look for the answers, and notice if you need to make up some new questions
RECITE - retrain your mind to concentrate and learn as it reads. After each section - stop, recall your questions, and see if you can answer them from memory. If not, look back again (as often as necessary) but don't go on to the next section until you can recite.
REVIEW - refine your mental organization and begin building memory. Once you've finished the entire chapter using the preceding steps, go back over all the questions from all the headings. See if you can still answer them. If not, look back and refresh your memory, then continue.
NAF literacy activities are carefully matched to the task • Experiential learning is paired with the appropriate literacy activity Literacy activities may be unique to a specific course
Every NAF lesson supports retention and integration of new learning through closure Final reflections and closing discussions help students to • Assimilate new content by putting it into their own words • Apply new content to their own lives • Extend learning by considering new situations and scenarios • Develop metacognition (….allows people to know what they know, or to think about their thinking. Metacognitive processes include planning, monitoring one's own thoughts, problem solving, making decisions and evaluating one's thought processes. It also involves the use of strategies for remembering information.)
Let’s take a reflective moment……… Do you think your students exposed to this kind of literacy instruction would be more inclined to read on their own?
Instructional Managers: Northeastern Region Laura Fidler: Laura@naf.org Western Region Aazam Irilian: arilian@naf.org Central & Southeastern Region Daniel Wallace: daniel@naf.org
NAF Regional Support Northeast Region Tanya Navas, Regional Director tnavas@naf.org Laura Fidler, Instructional Manager lfidler@naf.org Maria Alutto, Academy Development Director malutto@naf.org Sarah Hickert, Academy Development Manager NYC shickert@naf.org Jen Geisler, Network Liaison jgeisler@naf.org West Region Central Region Rebecca Privett, Regional Director rprivett@naf.org JessicaFelix, Academy Development Manager jfelix@naf.org Dan Wallace, Instructional Manager dwallace@naf.org Fred Press, Network Liaisonfpress@naf.org Beth Kay, Regional Director bkay@naf.org Morgan Pulleyblank, Academy Development Manager morgan@naf.org Aazam Irilian, Instructional Manager arilian@naf.org Ana Morrison, Network Liaison amorrison@naf.org Southeast Region Jeanine Flynn, Regional Director jflynn@naf.org Steve Brown, Academy Development Director sbrown@naf.org Jeanne Friedman, Academy Development Director jfriedman@naf.org Dan Wallace, Instructional Manager dwallace@naf.org Tony Asplin, Network Liaison aasplin@naf.org
NAF’s Online eCollege Basics of the NAF Curriculum Please contact Evan Watkins, Communications Coordinator ewatkins@naf.org This course serves as a broad, basic introduction to the NAF approach to curriculum. It covers the curricular elements that courses in the Academies of Finance, Information Technology, Health Sciences, and Hospitality & Tourism share. Topics include course structure, Project Based Learning, assessment, and strategies for engaging students.