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U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations require the Department of Public Instruction to evaluate program compliance and provide consultative and technical assistance for local educational agencies participating in the School Nutrition Programs. To meet this requirement, we conduct on-site evalua
1. Coordinated ReviewEffort(CRE)Administrative Reviewof the School Nutrition Programs
2. U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations require the Department of Public Instruction to evaluate program compliance and provide consultative and technical assistance for local educational agencies participating in the School Nutrition Programs. To meet this requirement, we conduct on-site evaluations, using USDA required procedures called Coordinated Review Effort. What is CRE?
3. If More Than One School, How Many and Which Ones Will Be Reviewed?
4. Worksheet will be sent to you by the consultant assigned to your review.
Complete the form using claim information for the month of October 2011:
School name
Number of serving days
Number of free eligible
Number of free lunches claimed If you have more than one school listed on Schedule A of your on-line contract, you will need to complete aSchool Selection Worksheet.
Coordinated Review Effort – Critical
Performance Standard 1
Summary of Certification and Benefit Issuance
Meal Counting and Claiming
Updating Eligibility CRE Review Areas(process used to review both lunch and breakfast programs)
6. CRE Review Areas
Coordinated Review Effort – Critical
Performance Standard 2
Lunch Components
What are your menu
planning and offer
versus serve options?
7. CRE Review Areas Coordinated Review Effort – General
Free and Reduced Price Process
Overt Identification
Verification Process – can result in fiscal action if changes in eligibility as determined during the process were not made.
Denied Applications
Meal Patterns for Lunch
Portion sizes to meet meal pattern requirements
Production records
Crediting Documentation (CN labels, spec sheets, etc.)
Variety of milk, plain or flavored low fat and fat free milk
Correct implementation of Offer vs Serve
8. CRE Review Areas Coordinated Review Effort – General (con’t)
Civil Rights Compliance
Completion of Civil Rights Self Evaluation Form
Outreach to community & grassroots organizations
Civil Rights training for frontline staff
Documentation to support accommodation of special dietary needs
“and Justice for All” poster
Monitoring Responsibilities
Edit checks by site for lunch
On-site monitoring for agencies with multiple sites completed by February 1
9. Coordinated Review Effort – General (con’t)
Reporting and Recordkeeping
Food Safety
Food Safety Plan Based on HACCP Principles
(extends to all programs including National School Lunch Program, Afterschool Snack Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program, and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
Food safety inspections completed
Most current report posted in a public area CRE Review Areas
10. Water Availability during National School Lunch Program Service
Student Involvement
Competitive Foods
Purchasing Practices
USDA Foods Distribution Program (Commodities)
Financial Management System
School Wellness Policy
Any grants received for
the current school year
Regulatory Evaluation of Operations
11. Other Programs School Breakfast Program
Special Milk Program
Wisconsin School Day Milk Program
Elderly Nutrition Improvement Program
After School Care Snack Program
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
12. Special Milk Program
Only available to half-day
students that do not have
access to School Breakfast
and/or Lunch
Wisconsin School Day Milk Program
Provides free milk for milk break (milk served other than at scheduled meal times) for students in Pre-K through 5th grade who are eligible for free and reduced price meals.
Claims for both milk programs must be based on an acceptable and accurate point of service accountability system!
Milk Programs
13. You will find links to webcasts, resources, forms and other information for each of the review areas categorized on our CRE webpage at:
CRE Webpage
14. Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Reauthorization of Child Nutrition Programs)
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Facebook Page and Twitter – connect from our main webpage
http://dpi.wi.gov/fns/index.html How Will You Know If There Are Program Changes?
Have you visited our website lately?
You’ll find lots of information on the various areas of the Child Nutrition Programs.
It’s available 24/7 Have Questions??Looking for More Information??
16. Think you missed a mailing?
All mailings for the
current school year,
Including the Back to
School mailing, are
posted to our website at:
17. Thank you for your participation today!
The students of Wisconsin benefit from the nutritious meals you provide to them!