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How Has Disease Shaped our World?. By: Anika Bobb, Adi Villanueva and Calvin Goudy. I HAD A LITTLE BIRD, IT’S NAME WAS ENZA. I OPENED THE WINDOW AND IN- FLU-ENZA. The 1918 Influenza.
How Has Disease Shaped our World? By: Anika Bobb, Adi Villanueva and Calvin Goudy
I HAD A LITTLE BIRD, IT’S NAME WAS ENZA. I OPENED THE WINDOW AND IN- FLU-ENZA The 1918Influenza 1918 influenza also known as the Spanish Flu. This pandemic was a GLOBAL DISASTER, it killed more people than the wars combined. It was one of the worse pandemics in History. Half of the influenza deaths were individuals at the age of 20 – 40 years old. Also was a strain of the Avian Flu( bird flu).
Virus Replication What is Virus Replication? Virus replication means when a virus reproduces itself with a living organism. Viruses contain double standard RNA. The 6 main steps of viral replication are: 1.Adsorpation 2.penetration 3.Viral Genome Replication 4.Assembly 5.Maturation 6.Release Viruses can release infection to any type of cell such as Animal cells, Plant cells, Bacterial cells.
Anika (Black Death) Facts-the Black Death was a medical term. This disease is called black death because a symptom caused the skin to get black. This Black death was spread by fleas that were carried by rats. The symptoms of the black death are painful swellings, very high fever, vomit, muscular pains, bleeding in the lungs, mental disorientation . Guiding Question: How has disease affect cultures such as the Black Death? The black death had affected culture by… Some of the cultures such as the one that believes in GOD, brought despair and they questioned.. Why he would do that?! IT made them believe that it was the end of the world and even today they still think about the same questions.
Adi (HIV) Did you know that HIV is the last stage of an infection that kills people? Well it does the virus attacks the white blood cells, when the white blood cells die, it spreads to other cells and that’s how you can get HIV. Other ways that people can get HIV is by having sex with an infected person. The virus spreads with contact with infected blood, like sharing needles. Guiding Question: How has disease affected War? HIV has affected war by women and girls getting weaker and sexually abused the rate of them getting abused has gone up fast. It affected war because people didn’t know what to do anymore and they would just give up
Calvin (Small Pox) Small pox is very contagious. Nobody has yet found a cure for this disease, the only thing people can do to prevent small pox is vaccination. Small Pox is caused by the variola virus that emerged thousands and thousands of years ago. Face to face contact is a risk of getting small pox from one person to another. The symptoms of small pox are fever, malaise, head and body aches. Guiding Question: What are the b??..
Driving QuestionHow has disease shaped our world? • It effected the society • It gave us a better look at the epidemics • Medicine is more advanced • And the outcome of war.