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Going beyond Turnitin and Plagiarism Serge Noiret EUI History Information Specialist (Ph.D.) Introduction to Good Academic Practice and the Avoidance of Plagiarism organized by Prof. Lucy Riall, Prof. Stéphane Van Damme and Dr. Serge Noiret Tuesday 8 October 2013, 13:10-15:00
Going beyond Turnitin and Plagiarism Serge Noiret EUI History Information Specialist (Ph.D.) Introduction to Good Academic Practice and the Avoidance of Plagiarism organized by Prof. Lucy Riall, Prof. Stéphane Van Damme and Dr. Serge Noiret Tuesday 8 October 2013, 13:10-15:00 Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia
What is plagiarism? EUI definition ‘The deliberate copying of ideas, text, data or other work (or any combination thereof) without due permission and acknowledgement.’ European University Institute, Code of ethics in academic research, p.14
How can you avoid plagiarism? Rule 1: Acknowledge direct use of someone else’s words. Rule 2: Acknowledge any paraphrase of someone else’s words. Rule 3: Acknowledge direct use of someone else’s idea(s).
What is Turnitin ? • Conceived 14 years ago by John Barrie and threeotherstudentsat the UC Berkeley to offer new forms of peerage & as an instrument to discoverplagiarism in scholarlywritings • The first paper added to the Turnitin Student Paper Repository was submitted on September 20, 1999. • With Turnitinyouwilldiscoverwhoisquoting the same source and in whichcontext so to decide wetteryoushould or not quote the sameexcerpt of text or the same source. • Furthermore, you are reminded to use the best way to quote a source in yourbibliography. Thisisdonelookingatotherpapersquoting the same source • Whatisplagiarism?, URL: [http://plagiarism.org/], is a website created by Turnitinitslef to informyouabout the topic. • Turnitinisusingthreemaindatabasesto look for originality: More then 24 bilion web pages are indexed; More then 300 milionstudentpapersarchived in repositoriesworldwide are checked; More then 120 milionessays in books and journals are analyzed.
Turnitin 3 contentdatabases When a paper is submitted to Turnitin, it is compared against 3 databases of content: • The Current and Archived Web: Similar to Google and Bing, Turnitin has built a web crawler that crawls the Internet and indexes content into a searchable form. Turnitin currently contains over 24 billion web pages from the current web as well as archived web pages. • Student Papers: Over 50 percent of plagiarism comes from other student’s work. Turnitin compares submitted papers to a database of over 300 million papers in the Turnitin paper database. Each day, the Turnitin student database grows by 190,000 papers. • Content Partnerships: Turnitin has partnered with leading content publishers, including library databases, text-book publishers, digital reference collections, subscription-based publications, homework helper sites and books. These partnerships have contributed over 110 million additional articles to the databases.
Turnitin: a self-check tool for the sources of your quotations • Submityourpaper online: http://turnitin.com • First originality report generatedrelativelyquickly, depending on the size of the paper • One paper at a time! Previous submissions will be overwritten and they cannot be retrieved • Originality reports for subsequent papers require a further 24 hours to be generated • Textsare notstored in repositories or databases • Onlyyou can seeyoursubmission and also in text mode to access the sourceswhenyou are out of Turnitin
Turnitin: checking for originality Whatwillnot be identifiedasplagiarised • phrases of 3words or less • ‘quotations’ • Bibliography Whatwill be identifiedasplagiarised • blockquotationswithoutquotationmarks • identicalpassages • partiallyparaphrasedpassages
Turnitinconcepts in the EUI environment • «TeachingAssistants» = EUI Professors • «Admin/Instructor» = Rhoda Lane (ICT) • Students» = everybodyusingTurnitinat EUI • «Join an Account» = asking EUI Helpdesk ifyou are a fellow; researcherswillgetone for 2013-2014. (Verifying with Anna Coda) • Submitqueries to EUI helpdesk
OriginalityCheck EUI Submission page • Turnitinprepares an "originality report" on how the submitted work compares with other documents. • It can also evaluate students' papers for spelling, grammar and structural errors. • Could we use the software for text-mining and context searching ? Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Tested in Turnitin 1.A paper on Collectivememory and Cultural Identity downloaded from JSTOR 2.S.Noiret: Digital History 2.0 in a September 2013 Peter Lang edited book. Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Your EUI outlook Digital Receipt Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Document Viewer beforeoriginalitycheck Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Document Viewer afterasking for originalitycheck Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Originality Report Overview • Shows percentage of sources matched • Colour coded text to indicate matches to sources in database • Compare your text with the source text • Parameter filtering option (word matches, quoted text, bibliography) • Print or download and save the link to the report to your computer via the ‘Text Only Report’ option
Documentviewer v. Text onlyDocument Documentviewer Text Only Viewer Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Filtering the originality report • Click the Icon bottom right • Youmayexclude the bibliography and/or the quotes • Youmay decide to change the default EUI settings to more than 4 words • Abandon or not the multi-color highlighting Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Confrontingmy text with othersources • Click the number • The publicationopens in a pop-up window • Youmayask to view the Full Source Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Turnitin and TeachingPlatforms from en.Wikipedia • Some virtual learning environments can be configured to support Turnitin • Student assignments can be automatically submitted for originality analysis and provide various forms of Turnitinintegration. • Blackboard, Moodle, ANGEL, Instructure, Desire2Learn, Pearson Learning Studio, Sakai, Studywiz
WriteCheckanother commercial software by Turnitin Papers to be tested against the same databases used by Turnitin (WriteCheck is part of iParadigm, the company behind Turnitin) Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Students againstlookingatplagiarism in 2004 «We are guiltyuntilprovedinnocent» he sais and refused to submithispapers to Turnitin. Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Video Tutorials: how to use Turnitin ? ViewingOriginality report About OriginalityCheck Turnitin for Good Academic Practices
Contacts at the EUI For anytechnicalissuesregarding Turnitin, contact the EUI Helpdesk at http://helpdesk.eui.eu