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Accommodating and Teaching Students with Cognitive Challenges. Linda E. Miller, MA, CRC, CVE Disability Support Services Coordinator CH 200 X1785. Main Topics . The Law YCP Policies and Procedures Assistive Technology Special Considerations for Faculty Learning Styles
Accommodating and Teaching Students with Cognitive Challenges Linda E. Miller, MA, CRC, CVE Disability Support Services Coordinator CH 200 X1785
Main Topics • The Law • YCP Policies and Procedures • Assistive Technology • Special Considerations for Faculty • Learning Styles • Learning Disabilities and Classroom Strategies • Asperger’s Syndrome and Classroom Strategies • ADHD and Classroom Strategies
The Law Section 504 ADA • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs and services that receive federal funds. • YCP receives federal funds. • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 • Reinforces and extends the requirements of Section 504 to programs and services, regardless of whether or not they receive federal funds.
Basic requirements • No otherwise qualified person with a disability shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of a public entity. • Otherwise qualified: able to meet the technical and academic qualifications for entry
Requirements (cont’d) • All programs and services are accessible. • courses, residential life, athletic programs, student services, and extracurricular activities. • Internet accessibility. • For example, a blind student using a screen reader must have access to web page content in text format. • Reasonable accommodations do not include personal devices. • hearing aids, personal attendants, wheelchairs.
Please note: • Students who feel they have been discriminated against can file a lawsuit. • Complaints have been filed with the Office of Civil Rights and postsecondary institutions have been sued for reasons such as: • being denied the opportunity to take a course. • to participate in a co-op activity. • to submit an assignment in an alternate format.
YCP Policies and Procedures • Student contacts the DSSC to identifies themselves as having a disability and submits valid documentation . • Specific requirements vary • Generally, all documentation must • Be less than three years old from the time of admission • State specific test results (where applicable) • State a specific diagnosis • Include recommendations for accommodations
Policies and Procedures (cont’d) • Student schedules an interview with the DSSC to • review documentation. • clarify accommodations for which he or she is eligible. • receive detailed list of responsibilities. • sign a release form. • Memo outlining the approved accommodations sent to each professor.
Policies and procedures (cont’d) • *New for Spring 2010* Student will pick up their memos from the DSSC and hand deliver them to professors. • Student and professor discuss accommodations and how they will be carried out. • Accommodation use is voluntary and determined by student. • Memos prepared at the beginning of each semester thereafter.
Policies and procedures (cont’d) • Temporary accommodations • Some supporting documentation, such as IEP, but does not justify the accommodations or is too old. • Provided for one semester. • Updated documentation must be received before next semester. • Can refer to local providers or OVR.
Please note: • If a student comes directly to you to discuss a disability and/or request accommodations, please direct them to the DSSC. • If you suspect a disability, but have not received a memo, please discuss your concern with the student. • No accommodations should be provided unless they are deemed warranted by the student’s supporting documentation and the DSSC.
Common classroom accommodations(check-off list memo) • Classroom taping • Extended time on tests • Testing in a separate room • Use of auxiliary aids (calculator, laptop, spell-check) • Oral/taped exam responses • Provision of professor’s notes, or discreet assistance in identifying a classmate to provide copies of notes.
Other classroom accommodations (specialized memo) • Preferential seating • Excused absences • Free standing desk • Large print • Use of FM amplification system • Sign language interpreter • Audio books
LRC Procedures • Extended test time or private room testing can be provided at the LRC. • Use of the LRC is not required. • Professor is ultimately responsible for providing accommodation if requested by the student.
LRC (cont’d) • Student advises professor that he or she will be testing at LRC • Student contacts LRC and schedules to take test at same time as regular class. • If there is a conflict (i.e. student has other classes immediately before and after test) professor is contacted to discuss agreeable solution. • Professor is responsible for delivering test to LRC either by email or hand carried. Inter-office mail is NOT recommended.
LRC (cont’d) • Student is responsible for arriving at the LRC on time. • Student signs statement. • Will ask for help if they have questions. • Test is over if they leave the room or use any electronic device. • LRC test proctors are professional staff only. Student tutors not allowed to handle tests.
LRC (cont’d) • Proctors can watch the student throughout the test time and can easily view both the student and the monitor. • Completed test is hand delivered to the professor. • Delivery time and location documented.
Assistive Technology in the LRC • Dragon Naturally Speaking • A speech to text, voice activated system • Requires training from IT for non-users • Requires the development of a voice file • Excellent option for students who have upper extremity mobility issues or express themselves best orally.
Assistive Technology in the LRC (cont’d) • Kurzweil • A text to speech program. • Easy to use, minimal training required. • Scans any printed material and reads it out loud. • Student can select voice and speed. • Student can read along and view charts and graphs that accompany text. • Excellent choice for students with low vision or reading disabilities.
Special Considerations for Faculty • The purpose of accommodating students with disabilities is not to give them an unfair advantage, but rather to remove barriers that prevent them from learning and being able to demonstrate what they have learned.
Special Considerations for Faculty (cont’d) • DSSC will only request accommodations for which the student has a documented need. • Students with the same disability may have different accommodation needs. • Faculty responsible for providing accommodations listed on memo, but not required to fundamentally alter the requirements of the course.
Special Considerations for Faculty (cont’d) • Faculty not expected to pass student who has used accommodations but has not demonstrated required level of understanding or performance competency. • Once accommodations are provided, grade work as it would be graded for any other student.
Special considerations for faculty (cont’d) • Confidentiality of student information must be maintained. • File memos in a safe place • Refrain from discussing disability and/or accommodations within hearing of other students or others with no educational “need to know.” • Contact DSSC right away if • have difficulty providing an accommodation • disagree with an accommodation.
Remember… • Students are usually the experts on their own disability. • Feel free to discuss questions or concerns with them.
Learning Styles: the common categories based on sensory preferences • Auditory: learn best by listening to verbal information such as lecture, discussion, or recording. • Visual: remember most easily what they have read or observed. • Tactile: underlining while they read or taking notes when they listen helps these students learn. • Kinesthetic: whole body movements and real life experiences help these students absorb information.
Making the Most of Learning Styles in the Classroom • All students have different learning styles, whether or not they have a disability. • Successful teachers use techniques and strategies that might not be part of their own style and provide key information in a variety of ways: • Verbal discussion • Visuals • Demonstration • Active participation • Balancing conceptual information with concrete information
Learning Disabilities • According to the National Joint Commission for Learning Disabilities, learning disabilities: • Are a group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. • Have unclear causes, but are presumed to be related to central nervous system dysfunction. • Effects vary and can range from mild to severe.
Please note: • Students with LDs usually have average or higher intelligence, but the impact of the disability results in a severe discrepancy between intellectual abilities and academic achievement. • Examples • Student with IQ of 130, but a below average processing speed. • Student who can comprehend complex information auditorially, but can not understand what she reads.
Examples of Specific LDs • Dysgraphia: difficulty with the physical task of writing. • Dyscalcula: difficulty understanding and using math concepts and symbols • Dyslexia: mixing up and often reversing letters and words; spelling often poor; often have difficulty with directions and spatial information (i.e. left and right).
Examples of Specific LDs (cont’d) • Dyspraxia: Mixing up words and sentences while talking. Often a discrepancy between language comprehension and language production. • Nonverbal learning disorder: characterized by poor motor coordination, impaired visual-spatial organization, and/or a lack of social skills.
Other Important LD Notes • A student can have one or more of these specific LDs or could have a “non-specified” LD. • Auditory, visual, or tactile information can become jumbled at any point during transmission, receipt, processing and/or production.
Other Important LD Notes (cont’d) • Sometimes environment dependent: • Example: May be fine in a one-to-one situation, but have difficult in a noisy classroom. • Difficulties with attention, organization, time management, and/or prioritizing often present.
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Classroom Strategies for LD • Select course materials early so audio books can be obtained prior to semester. • Make syllabi, reading lists, and assignments available electronically. • May take longer for student with LD to complete assignments so syllabus should be detailed and list all assignments and due dates.
Classroom Strategies for LD (cont’d) • Provide frequent feedback . • If discrepancy between class work and written exams, meet with student to discuss and further analyze their understanding of the material. • Face class when speaking. • Repeat questions and comments from students.
Classroom Strategies for LD (cont’d) • Provide outline of notes electronically or as handout. • Any changes to syllabi, assignments, test instructions, etc, should be written on board. • Be sensitive to students who may be unable to read aloud or answer when called on.
Classroom Strategies for LD (cont’d) • Avoid visual confusion on exams by putting spaces between lines and limiting the number of questions or problems on page. • Group similar type questions together. • Leave spaces between multiple choice items. • Allow student to circle answers on exam rather than using scantron sheet.
Classroom Strategies for LD (cont’d) • Allow students to use extra paper to prepare outlines or rough drafts for essays. • Allow math students to use graph paper or lined paper turned sideways to avoid confusion with calculations. • Promptly return student emails.
Classroom Strategies for LD (cont’d) • A statement regarding the availability of accommodations to student with disabilities can be included in syllabus and verbally discussed at the beginning of the semester. • Example: “If you had an IEP in high school and/or are in need of accommodations in the classroom due to a disability, please contact Linda Miller in CH 200, or at 815-1785 or lmille18@ycp.edu. It is the student’s responsibility to make this contact in order to receive accommodations.”
Asperger’s Syndrome Presented by Rhonda Waterhouse, M.Ed.
ADHD • Symptoms • A persistent pattern of frequent and severe inattention, hyperactivity, and /or impulsiveness • Often have symptoms similar to LD • Slow and inefficient reading • Slow essay writing • Frequent math errors • Difficulty with the mechanics of writing
ADHD Symptoms (cont’d) • Other typical symptoms • Time management problems • Task completion issues • Poor organization • Poor memory
Classroom Strategies for ADHD • Many suggestions for students with LD also apply. • Syllabus with clear explanation of tasks and specific due dates. • Remind students of impending deadlines. • Start lectures with summary of material to be covered.
Classroom Strategies for ADHD (cont’d) • When providing an outline, use broad margins and triple space. • Review major points at conclusion of lecture. • In longer classes, used varied formats and permit breaks.
Classroom Strategies for ADHD (cont’d) • If student is “drifting,” discreetly invite them to sit near front and away from distractions. • Avoid making assignments, or any changes to assignments or test questions, orally. • For large projects and papers, assist in setting component deadlines.
Universal Design • Defined as “the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.”
Universal Design (cont’d) • Does not eliminate need for specific accommodations. • Application of principles will assure full access to more students without need for special accommodations.
Special thanks to… DO*IT Disabilities Opportunities Internetworking Technology University of Washington Seattle, Washington
For more information… • http://www.washington.edu/doit/Resources/links.html