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Ud. and Uds. Commands. Espa ñol 3 Capítulo 10 página 343. Ud. and Uds. Commands. To form an affirmative or negative command in the Ud. or Uds. Form use the same form as the present subjunctive. Ud. Explique Obedezca Diga. Ud. Negative No explique No obedezca No diga.
Ud. and Uds. Commands Español 3 Capítulo 10 página 343
Ud. and Uds. Commands • To form an affirmative or negative command in the Ud. or Uds. Form use the same form as the present subjunctive.
Ud. Explique Obedezca Diga Ud. Negative No explique No obedezca No diga Ud. and Uds. Commands
Uds. Expliquen Obedezcan Digan Ud. Negative No expliquen No obedezcan No digan Ud. and Uds. Commands
Ud. and Uds. Commands • The same rules you know for tú commands regarding pronouns apply to Ud. and Uds. as well.
Ud. and Uds. Commands • As with the negative tú commands, verbs that have the same irregular forms in the Ud. and Uds. Forms • Ex. • No vayas –Ud. Vaya ---Uds. Vayan • No seas- Ud. Sea---No Sean
Ud. and Uds. Commands • Like the tú commands, object and reflexive pronouns are attached to the end of affirmative coomands but go before negative commands. • Quédese • Explíqueme • No lo compre