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Equilibria Coaching Tools. Content. TOPIC Slide Realizing Potential Process 3 Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams 6 Realizing Potential Journey 9 RPJ Tracking Sheet / Database 14 Practical Coaching at the rig-site (Onshore or Offshore) 17
Content TOPIC Slide Realizing Potential Process 3 Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams 6 Realizing Potential Journey 9 RPJ Tracking Sheet / Database 14 Practical Coaching at the rig-site (Onshore or Offshore) 17 IFO Pocketbook 25 Tips on how to use the IFO Pocketbook 49
1. Realizing Potential Process RPP Realizing Potential Process
Realizing Potential Process The Realizing Potential Process is Equilibria’s Project Management Tool. It is designed to help coaches in their engagements with clients. It resembles a simple version of Chevron Project Development & Execution Process (CPDEP) and is focused on people and conversations. It is a five-phase process, which we define as: 1. Frame 2. Scope & Align 3. Design & Plan 4. Execute & Assess 5. Sustain The depth and detail of the process will greatly vary depending on the nature of the engagement and the needs & wants of the client. Per example, the process can be utilized to implement a vision in a business unit (One Team Process in DWEP) or it can be used to plan a day session (e.g. E-Color awareness session). Phases can take from minutes to months to complete.
Realizing Potential Process All the phases are unique pieces that are always completed in all the projects we do, even if we are not fully aware of it. Raising our awareness of a project management process can help us become more effective in our engagements. The process is termed “five-phase” rather than “5-step” because the different phases do not necessarily follow each other. With smaller engagements or projects it will sometimes be logical to follow a linear approach but it is not necessary. An example of this is that the framing phase is can be incomplete but some work can take place in the Execute & Assess phase. The focus of this process is to raise awareness of the different stages existent in a project management approach and understand how consciously completing all of them can help us raise our effectiveness.
2. Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams 7E’s Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams
Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams Equilibria’s “Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams” model is an excellent tool to help individuals and teams achieve the right results the right way. The purpose of the users guide is to help leaders establish an understanding of where their team currently finds themselves. This tool can also be used to assess existing teams, their performance and culture in order to determine essential components that may be preventing them from realizing their full potential. The Seven Essentials Model provides an easy vehicle from which to have the right conversations with individuals and team members. For further details, please see the Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams guidebook and teamwork section of the E-Colors in Action DVD.
Seven Essentials of High Performance Teams • In the second quarter 2012, we will have available online Seven Essential Assessments for the following context: • Office Teams • Rig Teams • Sports Teams • MCP Teams • Education Teams • Generic, for any team
3. Realizing Potential Journey RPJ Realizing Potential Journey
Realizing Potential Journey • The RPJ is there to provide a visual perspective of the progression that Equilibria typically coach in the Oil & Gas environment. • The three phases help people see that there are various elements to be coached and refined at each journey milestone. The RPJ also tends to give leaders a picture of what it takes to achieve a Sustainable Incident Free environment. • Later in the IFO booklet you will see under the leadership principles two key messages for ensuring success: • Leaders endorse by doing: It is essential that the organization’s leadership fully understand the necessary visible and vocal support needed. • No involvement = No commitment: In order for the workforce to enroll and buy-in to the E-Colors coaching tools and methodology the leaders role has to be one of full ownership and support of the system.
Realizing Potential Journey Your IFO journey starts here • Teams start to realize the potential of the E-Colors program through own experiences. • Coaching sessions become more focused on using E-Colors to achieve specific core business objectives. • Coach the Trainer/ Champions sessions so that client’s and business partner’s own personnel can continue the coaching experiences. • Equilibria coaches conduct regular team tune up sessions. • E-Colors are rolled out to all personnel. All complete PDI to establish own E-Colors. • Equilibria coaches visit to set the FOUNDATION.
Realizing Potential Journey For those coaches who are used to project planning & execution processes, you will see that in the Realizing Potential Process, there are going to be E-Colors applications in every phase. The RPJ as seen below predominantly is most valuable and applicable at the work-site in Phase 4: Execute & Assess. Depending on the maturity of the client Business Partner’s Safety Management System there will be a varying degree of importance and prioritization to the various elements described in the Foundation, Realization & Sustainability phases. Typically each Drilling Contractor will have their own form of planning and hazard / risk assessment, it is our role as Equilibria coaches to dispel any fears that what we coach will in any way interfere or erode the effectiveness of their Safety Management System.
Realizing Potential Journey • Personal Intervention • Pause and Play • Seven Essentials of High • Performance Teams • Know yourself, know your team • Shared vision and values • Building of Trust • Diversity of Thought • Personal & Team commitment • Owning accountability • Getting right results, the right way • Experiential Exercises
4. RPJ Tracking Sheet / Database RPJ Excel Realizing Potential Journey
RPJ Tracking Sheet / Database The RPJ Tracking Database is a Training Matrix which allows you as coaches and the client to easily view the progress of each individual on any given installation. Each element that we coach can be documented and described using this process. As seen in the MCA RPJ, below, the process can be modified to suit the client needs. We appreciate that filling in this program can be time consuming and we are currently looking at other mechanisms to effectively and efficiently manage the data input requirements.
RPJ Tracking Sheet / Database, e.g. MCA Rig Visit 1: Review 515, JSA coaching of practical application of E-Colors into job planning process. Rig Visit 2: Stop Work Authority (SWA) training. MCA IFO Pocketbook pages 12-35, 42. Rig Visit 3: “How can I get hurt?” MCA IFO Pocketbook pages 12-35. Rig Visit 4: “What makes it difficult to exercise SWA?” MCA IFO Pocketbook pages 12-35 Rig Visit 5: Hazard Wheel. MCA IFO Pocketbook pages 12-35. Rig Visit 6: Job De-briefing. MCA IFO Pocketbook page 43. Rig Visit 7: BBS Program and observation training. Rig Visit 8: E-Colors Ethics MCA IFO Pocketbook page 43. Rig Visit 9: Ten Tenets of Operation and The Chevron Way. MCA IFO Pocketbook page 2-4. Rig Visit 10: Communication Training. MCA IFO Pocketbook page 36-39 and Equilibria DVD. Rig Visit 11: Trailing Hand Technique.
5. Practical Coaching at the rig-site Coaching Practical Coaching at the rig-site
Practical Coaching at the rig-site In order to be able to answer question number 1 of the debrief process described below, we have to define crystal clear objectives at the beginning of any given task. A rig-visit by Equilibria coaches is no different so we must start by engaging with our client, and where appropriate their Business Partner, e.g. Drilling Contractor and have defined desired outcomes from the outset. The five questions to be asked at each debrief are: Did we achieve a predictable outcome? What went right? How could the job have been done better? Lessons Learned Action Items
Practical Coaching at the rig-site There is an E-Colors lesson and opportunity in every interaction between one or more people. It is up to you as an Equilibria coach to capitalize on those moments. WHAT? HOW? WHY? WHO?
Practical Coaching at the rig-site: TIPS • People are always watching you – ALWAYS USE THE TRAILING HAND TECHNIQUE • Never walk past someone who is working; at least, stop and acknowledge him / her. If in teams, one person intervenes and the others take one step back • Do not rush • Use your time wisely • Consider the impact that you will have while you are on the rig (from your view point and from theirs) • You impact those with whom you interact and those you don’t • When interacting with rig team members listen to what they say and for what they don’t say What message do you want to leave with the rig and what action do you want them to take
Practical Coaching at the rig-site: Effective Interventions • When making interventions, visibly utilize the Job Planning and JSA pocket book • Make sure you include E-Colors applications during intervention • Once the intervention is complete, debrief with participants • Utilize the ¨feedback sandwich¨ Step 1. Provide feedback on some things that went well. (lower bun) Step 2. Provide feedback on the opportunities for improvement for our next visit.(meat in the middle) Step 3. Provide feedback on the real successes that can be viewed as: Best Practices, Lessons Learned or items that need to be carried forward to others.(upper bun)
Practical Coaching at the rig-site: Observe & Discuss • Look at the safety culture and be prepared to debrief • What action can you take to promote the safety culture? • Pre-job safety meeting, JSA and debriefing – effective? • How was the pre-tour meeting? • What are people's views on the use of SWA, is SWA prevalent as part of the culture? • Did you witness open conversation between the supervisor and crews? • Were operational discipline and managing safe work evident? • Encourage the debrief process • Prior to leaving the rig debrief with OIM – DSM and others they invite
Practical Coaching at the rig-site: MCA 515 JSA initiative Application of the 10 Tenets to the job being discussed. Using the Hazard Wheel to identify what could hurt them and what they can do about it. Discussing how each person could be hurt based upon their individual E-Colors. Reviewing what makes it difficult for each person to exercise Stop Work Authority and role-playing strategies to overcome those difficulties. Setting aside a specific time to de-brief the job upon its completion by making it a step in the JSA and recording lessons learned. Discuss with the crew’s their share experiences using E-Colors. Sharing global challenges and best practices using E-Colors.
Practical Coaching at the rig-site: Leadership Principles • Setting ourselves and the client up for success. • Consider our Leadership Principles: • Know yourself and your team (strengths as well as potential • limiters) • Leaders endorse by doing (and will kill a process if they do not • consistently visibly and vocally support it) • People don't care what you know until they know you care • The lowest standard that you maintain is the highest you can expect • from your people • Seek first to understand then seek to be understood • Utilize the E-Colors and applications to full effect • No involvement, no commitment • - Mutual expectations go a long way (as we have discussed)
6. IFO & Job Planning Pocketbook Coaching onsite using the Pocketbooks
IFO & Job Planning Pocketbook Over the last few years the IFO Pocketbook has developed into a very useful and practical tool for people to actively use in the office and at the job-site. In some Business Units, the pocketbook is seen as PPE and is referred to as such. Everyone involved in the operation is required to have the pocketbook with them at all times. There is a wealth of knowledge and useful tips that can easily enhance any form of interaction from meetings, pre-tour meetings, job planning sessions, debriefs, interventions and personal development. As a coach with Equilibria it is essential that you are familiar with the content and coaching opportunities the pocketbook provides. The following slides reflect the 2012 Global HES approved IFO Pocketbook and some of Chevron Thailand’s JSA Pocketbook.
IFO & Job Planning Pocketbook It is important to remember that each Drilling Contractor and most large service organizations, e.g. Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, etc. each have their own safety management systems and related handbooks. The IFO pocketbook should always be seen to compliment and in many cases enhance the above mentioned literature. The more effort put into gaining the Client’s Business Partner buy-in for general use of the booklet, the better. This will deter ‘malicious compliance’.
Chevron Way & Vision The first couple of pages are dedicated to the Chevron Way and their organization’s vision. This makes for good discussion when giving people the opportunity to appreciate Chevron’s perspective on how they wish to work and how they expect their Business Partners to operate in their environment. It is important to remember that people, partnership and performance really form the basis for how they act.
Chevron Tenets of Operation The 10 Tenets along with the principles of “Do it safely or not at all” and “There is always time to do it right” should be utilized in job planning meetings, safety meetings, P.O.A’s, etc. If a tenet cannot be honored, then a Stop Work Authority should be invoked and the affected task should be rethought and designed in such a manner that the tenet remains integral. The tenet should be discussed at least in pre-tour meetings, safety meetings, pre-job meetings and post-task debriefs. It makes sense as crews are learning about the tenets to have “the tenet of the day” related to the day’s date.
Chevron Tenets of Operation In order for the tenets to become part of peoples thought process, it is a good idea to have people relate to the tenets not only in a work scenario but also in a home setting. For example: Tenet N 3 – Ensure safety devices are in place and functioning, What safety devices do we have in the home that could easily be covered in this tenet? When a Plan Of Action, or part of a drilling program is being written, it is good practice to ‘tenet test’ the plan pro-actively, making sure that there is no violation up-front. History has shown that the more tenets dishonored, the greater the potential for an incident.
The Hazard Identification Tool The Hazard ID Wheel provides a simple guide to the potential energy sources that we can be exposed to during a task. Like the tenets, starting with gravity, it is a good idea to discuss a source of energy per day. For example: Pressure source, Number 5. The ideal time to discuss the energy sources is when we reach the Hazard ID section of the planning JSA process as the wheel gives us an opportunity to consider any energy sources we may not have thought of. It is a good time to remember the hierarchy of controls as described near the bottom of the page – 1. Remove the source …
Leadership Principles The Leadership principles can be used to have the right coaching discussions with Supervisors and would be leaders at any stage of their career. It makes sense to focus on a couple of applicable principles depending in the audience. The lowest standard that you maintain is the highest you can expect from your people is a very powerful statement when coaching supervisors who may spend most of their time telling others what to do and yet may not be fully aware of the impact of their own actions and inactions.
E-Colors Ethics It is important early on that the E-Colors ethics are both highlighted and discussed so that there is no chance of people heading down a path that could potentially damage the positive impact of the process. The E-Color Ethics provide good discussion material at the work site, in workshops and in coaching opportunities. They also give people the ability to air any doubts or questions that they may have around the use of the E-Colors. Breaking any ethic is a good opportunity to exercise Stop Work Authority and having a conversation about the different implications breaking these ethics can have.
E-Colors Help us achieve IFO by … • Depending on someone's own perspective will influence the way the perceive the value of the E-Colors relative to IFO. • Having gone through the four paragraphs, some good questions to ask will be: • How do you think the E-Colors can impact IFO? • How have the E-Colors impacted how you view the world? • Could understanding E-Colors have helped you respond instead of react in previous situations?
E-Colors Brain The picture of the brain can be used to stimulate conversations about different personality traits and styles. The listed strengths and potential limiters of each top E-Colors, represent an inventory of how several thousand people from across the world have described their own traits and tendencies. Even if people have not had the opportunity to complete the PDI, it does not take people long to find themselves when looking at the brain. Hopefully the Brain picture also demonstrates the huge benefit of tapping in to the diversity of thought when considering the different quadrants.
E-Colors in Action: Qualities & Characteristics The pages that cover the qualities and characteristics of each E-Color combination provide tremendous insights into the similarities and differences between us. The tendencies around tasks and people are worth appreciating and often the biggest benefit when working in a team is looking at other people’s E-Colors descriptions. Typically goals can be set for each individual once their individual strengths and potential limiters are discussed.
E-Colors in Action: Questions There is tremendous value in each individual knowing how people of their E-Color combination have described “How they could get hurt”. There are some obvious places within a JSA or pre-planning meeting when it makes sense to discuss how that E-Color combination says they can get hurt relative to the task at hand. Clearly, once someone has identified how they can get hurt, the next step must be to describe how they could prevent it. When working in a team this also provides fellow team members with an insight into how each person typically puts themselves in harms way when in “reaction mode” and leads to nicely into a discussion around intervention, Personal Intervention and Stop Work Authority.
E-Colors in Action: Questions Appreciating that different personalities have varying difficulties in exercising Stop Work Authority is very important to understand both for an individual and for the team in which he or she works. The inventory of answers around “What makes it difficult for me to exercise SWA?” has been made up from answers from people and teams across gender, generation, geographical and religious borders. Remember the question is “What makes it difficult?” and thus does not mean SWA is not applied. By having a conversation with the team during the control section of a JSA, people get a chance to air their difficulties and challenges around exercising SWA, so the appropriate support and encouragement can be given. A lot of times it is down to team members giving each other permission and responsibility to interrupt each other.
E-Colors in Action: Questions Understanding how individuals unwittingly disrupt teamwork and how teamwork is disrupted for them can help a team function more efficiently. When working together with others it is important to appreciate that we can all disrupt teamwork for others by simply doing that which comes naturally to us. By going through the inventory of answers described by each E-Color combination there is a better chance of teams working together in harmony and productively. We encourage utilizing this data for effective team tune-up sessions.
E-Colors in Action: Forms of effective recognition Appreciation that different E-Colors want and need different forms of recognition goes a long way to help leaders and supervisors motivate their people effectively. Once people have been through their own E-Color combination desires for recognition and reward it is very useful to compare individual answers with those with another E-Color perspective. It is worth noting that this information is just as valuable for parents who want to effectively interact with their children.
E-Colors in Action: When Working With Me The information around how different E-Colors like to be treated when working together can be very useful for supervisors and leaders. We recommend that people first look at their own needs and wants and then start to appreciate the differences when comparing answers with different E-Colors combinations. The following three pages are closely interlinked with the comments around “When working with me”. Each page will give the reader a little more insight into the similarities and differences between the different E-Color needs.
E-Colors in Action: If you want me to listen This information around how people listen is fundamental for effective and efficient teamwork and communication. Different E-Color combinations typically listen at different levels unless aware of the subtle nuances between each personality. We recommend that people go through these “should’s and shouldn’ts” when they are going to have a conversation with somebody and really want them to listen. If in any doubt as to the persons listening style, just start by asking the individual to have a look at this page and let you know their natural style.
E-Colors in Action: How to Delegate to me Very interesting to see how different E-Colors treat the art and science of delegation. Some personalities find it very easy to delegate and others find it extremely difficult. This page helps to define by top E-Color the differences in style related to delegation. The next questions can be useful when talking about delegation with different people: What do you need from someone to feel comfortable to delegate to them? What makes it difficult for me to delegate? How do you like people to delegate to you?
Plan Brief Execute Debrief Checklist The following two pages represent the minimum standard of Planning, Briefing, Execution and Debriefing that Chevron D&C want to use in their operations worldwide. Note that the first element of the PBED checklist is Objective overview. This is very important as many times we find that people are expected to contribute to tasks when only given instructions as to how to do their particular part of the overall project. A much better result can be expected if all team members are given the overall objective from the outset. This will be reinforced when the debrief first question is “Did we achieve a predictable outcome?”
Plan Brief Execute Debrief Checklist By systematically working through the PBED checklist there is a far greater chance of achieving predictable outcomes. Over time, through coaching, repetition and reinforcement of this process, teams will become more familiar with the flow and consistent approach to task Planning, Briefing, Execution and Debrief. Note that the debrief section has general guidelines followed by specific questions. These should be followed and practiced post-task so on all occasions.
Personal Intervention: Pause & Play Personal Intervention is now seen as the next logical step in a mature Stop Work Authority culture. Personal Intervention is the individual’s capacity to choose an appropriate response to any given situation instead of reacting out of habit without thinking. We can now choose to “Pause” or to “Play” ourselves and interrupt the sequence of errors to prevent a negative incident. Personal Intervention should be discussed in pre-task planning meetings around the same time as “How could I get hurt?” and “What makes it difficult for me to exercise Stop Work Authority?”.
SWA Discussions The following questions provide a guideline for making effective recognitions. Clearly we are not always going to ask every question but rather choose which are the most appropriate ones in order to engage people at the appropriate time. Whenever possible make sure that the questions you ask are open ended and cannot be answered with a yes or no.
SWA! This page is self explanatory. At any time there is fear to exercise Stop Work Authority, it is a good page to understand that each individual has the full backing of their own and Chevron’s management.
7. Tips on how to use the IFO Pocketbook Coaching onsite using the Pocketbooks