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INSUP FORMATION IN A FEW WORDS…. Since its creation in 1978, INSUP FORMATION has grown and developed into one of the leaders in vocational training in the South West of France.
INSUP FORMATION IN A FEW WORDS… Since its creation in 1978, INSUP FORMATION has grown and developed into one of the leaders in vocational training in the South West of France. Founded as a non-profit organisation, our emphasis is placed on adult and youth vocational training or re-training in the tertiary sector. Siège social : 37 rue Labottière 33000 BORDEAUX Tél : 05 56 01 31 70 – Fax : 05 56 52 37 76 E-mail : Bordeaux@insup.org Web : www.insup.org
A REGIONAL VOCATION Our main office is located in Bordeaux, in addition to which we have 15 branches throughout Aquitaine. This enables us to be as close as possible to our trainees and to deliver courses tailored to their needs as well as the specific requirements of the regional labour market.
INSUP FORMATION ’s headquarters in Bordeaux Siège social : 37 rue Labottière 33000 BORDEAUX Tél : 05 56 01 31 70 – Fax : 05 56 52 37 76 E-mail : Bordeaux@insup.org Web : www.insup.org
INSUP FORMATION aims at the social and vocational qualification of varied target groups : Young people without qualification Young and adult jobseekers Beneficiaries of re-training schemes Disabled workers Prisoners AIM
INSUP also provides training for : Young people aged 18-25 in alternate training towards a vocational diploma through its branch ALTEA FORMATION Company workers
INSUP offers integration and professional training modules in the following areas : Acquisition of core skills Skills upgrading Personal and professional balance/evaluation Career guidance Job search Pre-qualifying and qualifying training schemes in the tertiary sector : office skills, ICT, accountancy, foreign languages, French as a foreign language, careers in the sectors of security, industrial cleaning and hygiene, marketing and sales. Guidance and support in job search, work placement and on-the-job support. SCOPE OF INTERVENTION
A TRADITION OF PARTNERSHIP As per its legal status, INSUP FORMATION is committed to the social and professional advancement of its trainees. We provide the skills that will allow for successful integration and progress at work and in society. For this reason, INSUP’s main partners and fund providers are the local delegations of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, the Regional Council of Aquitaine, the General Councils of the 5 counties of Aquitaine, the employment services, social institutions in favour of the advancement of disadvantaged groups (unemployed workers, women, young people without qualification, learners with disabilities or special needs…) as well as private companies.
A COMMITMENT TO QUALITY It is INSUP FORMATION's policy to reach the highest possible level of quality in the training it provides. As signatories of the French 'Training Organisations' 'Quality Chart', we also abide by the standards of the French Standardisation Association to promote higher training quality.
SPECIFIC ATTENTION TO SPECIFIC NEEDS Over the years, INSUP FORMATION has adapted its course contents and conditions of delivery to the specific needs of its trainees, were they private company workers or unemployed individuals. All the means available are put to their best use to reach the most efficient response to the needs of specific target groups. • These include : • The organisation of courses in remote areas or the use of distance training tools as a key to mobility problems, • The adaptation of training contents, and work in synergy with a network of local partners likely to bring solutions to the learners’ more personal problems. • Special attention is also paid to the evolution of society and technologies.
INSUP FORMATION’S INVOLVEMENT IN EUROPEAN TRAINING PROGRAMMES • Since 1991, INSUP FORMATION has opened to the European dimension through its participation in several training projects within the objectives of the European Union. • Our most significant contributions include : • 1995-1998 • Pilot project YOUTHSTART “Passerelles pour les Jeunes” in partnership with Italy and Finland • Pilot project HORIZON “STEP” on the use of teleworking tools for disabled and disadvantaged trainees. Project run in partnership with Greece and the UK. • Leonardo exchange programme “Transnational Study Visit for Trainers and Training administrators from the Catering Industry. Partnership with the UK. • 1998-2001 • Pilot project INTEGRA “STEP by STEP” on the use of teleworking for disabled and disadvantaged trainees. • Pilot project INTEGRA “EMPLOYMENT FOR SOCIAL INTEGRATION” on the professional and social inclusion of very disadvantaged groups. • ADAPT pilot project “ TELEMEDIA 2000” on the introduction of NICT in SMEs to maintain and employment and promote the skills of the workforce.
INSUP FORMATION’S INVOLVEMENT IN EUROPEAN TRAINING PROGRAMMES • 2000-2003 • Pilot project LEONARDO “TELE-LEOFIL” on the use of distance tools for the training of company workers, disabled groups and minorities. • Numerous LEONARDO mobility programmes for language and on-the-job training of unemployed trainees throughout Europe. Cooperation with many European countries as a sending and receiving institution. • INTERREG programmes on cross border methodological exchanges and the use of e-learning tools in training. Cooperation with Spain. • 2003-2006 • Pilot linguistic project “SLANG” on the creation of language training tools to meet the needs of companies from various sectors of the economy. • LEONARDO DA VINCI and SOCRATES mobility programmes • EQUAL Project “SINAPSE” as training provider in office skills and ICT for disadvantaged trainees working towards a qualification through tele-training • EQUAL Project “CAPPRO” for the professionalisation of people in training • EL-3, an e-learning project for the use and dissemination of blended learning in 3rd sector institutions • INTEGRATION, a Grundtvig project for the design of a trainers’ training tool on intercultural approach
2008-2011 YOUTH project “EUROPEAN BRIDGES FOR EUROPEAN MINORITIES” on the exchange of good practices on the integration of migrants and empowerment of young people from ethnic minorities. ASTRA, a LDV pilot project on the skills required for company creators. QUALITEDU, a LDV pilot project on quality best practices in educational and training institutions and definition of a transnational quality model. SHOT (2009-11), a LDV partnership project on the theme of professional guidance KACHAPPY (2009-2011) a LDV project on happiness in life and at work. Numerous mobility and work placement projects as sending or host organisation in partnership with several EU countries.
GROUPE INSUP also includes : ALTEA FORMATION, exclusively dedicated to alternate training of company workers aged 18-25 ARINSUP, a European cooperative established in partnership with a Spanish partner, Arizmendi, and dedicated to the development of joint transnational training ventures around the use of new technologies. DECLIC-INSUP, located in Charentes-Poitou : core skills training for disadvantaged groups XADIA, located in Pays de Loire, development of sofware and web applications. Transnational Contact Person : Ms Gisèle MASSOL, GMassol@insup.org