Problems with heavy computer use With increasing computer use, a number of health and safety concerns related to vision and body aches and pains have arisen. Many problems with computer use are temporary and can be resolved by adopting simple corrective action. Most problems related to computer use are preventable. Symptoms can include: aches and pains throbbing tingling numbness burning sensations
Measures to protect health when using computers Measures To avoid problems: • Take regular breaks from working at your computer – for a few minutes every hour • Regular stretching to relax your body • Using equipment such as footrests, wrist rests and document holders
Examples • Examples of exercises you could do to avoid problems when using computers
Measures to protect physical safety • make sure there are no loose carpets • no hanging wires • no food or drink near computers • no overloaded wires
Protect files from being lost • Back up your files regularly • Beware of email attachments • Beware of user error • Keep hardcopies of your documents
Protect files from unauthorised access • use a password • Don’t read any spam emails