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Columbia High School Freshman Transition Night Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:00 pm, CHS Auditorium

Program Agenda. WelcomeThe Class of 2013 A look back at freshman yearWhat Do We Mean by TRANSITIONThe Sophomore Year Graduation ProgressCounselor Communication Keeping-up by keeping in touch.Post-High School PlanningStudent Athletes Playing sports in college

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Columbia High School Freshman Transition Night Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:00 pm, CHS Auditorium

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Columbia High School Freshman Transition Night Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:00 pm, CHS Auditorium Welcome! We hope you leave here tonight feeling well-prepared to navigate SOPHOMORE YEAR.

    2. Program Agenda Welcome The Class of 2013 A look back at freshman year What Do We Mean by TRANSITION The Sophomore Year Graduation Progress Counselor Communication Keeping-up by keeping in touch. Post-High School Planning Student Athletes Playing sports in college & the NCAA Clearinghouse Financing the Future Financial Aid and Scholarship Opportunities Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    3. CHS Counseling Department Contact Information Dr. Jennifer Giordano jgiordan@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1030 Guidance Counselors (10-12) Mrs. Nancy Tenenbaum ntenenba@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1036 Mr. David Frick dfrick@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1037 Mr. William Seaman wseaman@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1038 Mr. Sam Maietta smaietta@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1039 Ms. Patricia Nazaire pnazaire@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1040 Ms. Deb Conway dconway@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1041 Mrs. Marcia Hicks mhicks@somsd.k12.nj.us 973-378 2086 Student Assistance Counselor (11-12) Mrs. Judith Cohen jcohen@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1043 Mr. Phillip Lester plester@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1044 Guidance Secretaries and Registrar Mrs. Carolyn Stickle cstickle@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1030 Ms. Amy Singer asinger@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1031 Mrs. Sheila Bellini sbellini@somsd.k12.nj.us ext 1032 * 10th grade Dean of Students: Craig Rynar ext. 1126 Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    4. The Class of 2013 We have had a GREAT year! We have come so far since middle school. Success is measured in many ways! We want to congratulate you and your children on a job well done. We look to the future with optimism. Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    5. Things to keep in mind as you tackle the last mile of 9th grade. Grades transcript: quarter vs. final grades End of year course exams You can still pass this class! Dont give upit aint over til its over, and then its still NOT OVER! Summer School 2010 Registration begins MAY 12, 2010 Promotion vs. Repeating 30 credit threshold What is a 9R? Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    6. The Truth About Sophomore Year New Expectations CHS values organization, study skills, and a thirst for success! You are NOT a freshman anymore! Behave like a young-adult. Ask for help when you need it there is no shame in Self-Advocacy Its not your parents job to Get it Right! You determine your own future. Learn How to Play School before it is too LATE!!! New Experiences You are an upperclassmen what does this mean? You set the pace; You set the tone. Academics become more rigorous and diverse. You have a choice. Educating is about more than what happens in the classroom Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    7. Naviance Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    8. Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    9. Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    10. Graduation Requirements 4 Years of English 3 Years of Math 3 Years of Science World History US History 1 US History 2 1 Year World Language 4 Years PE & Health/DE 1 Year Fine Arts Includes Music or Art 1 Year Practical Arts Includes TV Production, Business, and Industrial Arts Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    11. Counselor Meetings-10th Grade Will begin in December/January Group meetings Get to know the counselor Counselors role in the school process Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    12. Post-High School Options 4-year College 2-year College Work Military Trade School Post-Graduate Year Gap Year Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    13. New State of Admissions Think outside the box Rutgers is not a safety! Financial plays Think 2-year option Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    14. Sophomore Year Testing PSAT October 2010 Not a mandate If taken, great ! If not taken, no harm is done Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    15. Sophomore Year Testing SAT 2 Subject Area Test Some take it in physics in the sophomore year More competitive colleges will require the test Play to student strengths Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    16. Student Athletes Register with the NCAA Clearinghouse www.ncaaclearinghouse.net Submit transcript request to counselor Send test scores direct to NCAA Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    17. SCHOLARSHIP RESOURCES Counseling Center News Parent Workplaces Naviance Houses of Worship Books Websites such as fastweb.com Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    18. Counseling Center News Available once a week in paper, via email, via Naviance and on our website. Scholarship information College Visits Internal School deadlines Events Notes and Things to Remember: Notes and Things to Remember:

    19. We look forward to your sophomore year at Columbia High School.

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