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MARKS: Zero side-effect M ulticast key mgmt using A rbitrarily R evealed K ey S equences. Bob Briscoe BT Research 7 Nov 1999. context. key mgmt: the problem. member. time. context. application data unit (ADU). wrt security/charging.
MARKS:Zero side-effect Multicast key mgmt usingArbitrarily Revealed Key Sequences Bob Briscoe BT Research 7 Nov 1999
context key mgmt: the problem member time
context application data unit (ADU) wrt security/charging see taxonomy of large-scale multicast requirements [Bagnall] MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
context key mgmt: ADUs member time
context m'cast key mgmt: state of the art • not suitable for large-scale deployment • re-keying traffic rate of same order as join/leave rate • re-keying requires reliable multicast • hence Internet research task force, not IETF • MARKS: redefine problem • arbitrary eviction, but pre-planned • mainly commercial scenarios (pre-pay)e.g. pay-per-view-TV, usage-charged network games • zero side-effect on other receivers and sender • one small unicast set up message per session MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
solution lateral thinking member time
solution loose coupling to senders multicast data R KM unicast set-up S R R S R KM S R sender S R KM receiver R KM key manager reliable multicast keying not req'd MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
solution two blinding functions from one s0,0 r0 r1 b b b0 b1 s1,0 s1,1 MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
solution indexing arranged so even left min=3 max=9 binary hash tree s0,0 b0 b1 s1,0 s1,1 s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 s2,3 s3,0 s3,1 s3,2 s3,3 s3,4 s3,5 s3,6 s3,7 s4,0 = k0 s4,1 = k1 s4,2 = k2 s4,3 = k3 s4,4 = k4 s4,5 = k5 s4,6 = k6 s4,7 = k7 s4,8 = k8 s4,9 = k9 s4,10 = k10 s4,11 = k11 s4,12 = k12 s4,13 = k13 s4,14 = k14 s4,15 = k15
solution algorithm to reveal intermediate seeds for(d=D; ; d--) { // working from leaves... // move up tree 1 level ea loop if (min == max) { // min & max have converged... reveal(d,min); // ...so reveal sub-tree root.. break; // ...and quit } if odd(min) { // odd min never left child... reveal(d,min); // ...so reveal odd min seed min++; // and step min in 1 to right } if !odd(max) { // even max never right child.. reveal(d,max); // ...so reveal even max seed max--; // and step max in 1 to left } if (min > max) break; // min & max cousins, so quit min/=2; // halve min ... max/=2; // ... & halve max ready for... } // ... next level round loop MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
solution BHT - per ADU key calculation s0,0 b0 b1 s1,0 s1,1 s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 s2,3 s3,0 s3,1 s3,2 s3,3 s3,4 s3,5 s3,6 s3,7 s4,0 = k0 s4,1 = k1 s4,2 = k2 s4,3 = k3 s4,4 = k4 s4,5 = k5 s4,6 = k6 s4,7 = k7 s4,8 = k8 s4,9 = k9 s4,10 = k10 s4,11 = k11 s4,12 = k12 s4,13 = k13 s4,14 = k14 s4,15 = k15
solution BHT processing efficiency • receiver & sender: (mean no. of hashes per key) = (no. of branches) / (no. of leaves) = (2(D+1) - 1) / 2D < 2 • key manager: • it depends... • store all intermediate seeds, or cache & re-hash? MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
solution BHT efficiency independent of n, #rcvrs truly zero side effect N: length of the range of keys req'd ws: size of seed (typically 128b) wh: KM protocol header overhead ts: processor time to blind a seed MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
solution BHT security • as secure as the chained hash function • max attacker gain • doubles accessible value / hash • 1025 years for lone attacker? • …collusion or arbitrage far easier • usual caveats about due care: • randomness of seed • security of announcements and set up messages • (SDP & SSL-based example in paper) MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants variations • multi-sender multicast • all use same seeds - network game example in paper • combination with other schemes • storage/complexity costs sum of combined schemes • bandwidth cost of each only when necessary • unplanned eviction • (BHT aux. keys) XOR (Chang99 aux. keys) • but lose advantage of decoupling • watermarking... MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
summary limitations • receiver collusion & arbitrage • (strength of hash chain of length D)= D(hash strength)? MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
audit trail watermark without smartcard? Chameleon [Anderson97] long-term watermarked key block watermarks secondary keys - XOR cipherstream partial flaw: no protection against leaks to recent group members variants sto len MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
summary wider context • valid non-multicast scenarios for MARKS • DVD: digital video disk • VPN: virtual private network • dynamic stack creation • Flexinet, Mware • software engineering rather than protocol engineering (SMuG) frameworks (longer term focus) • cover reliable multicast, unicast etc. • declarative: cf. LSMA requirements taxonomy 'RFC'draft-ietf-lsma-requirements-04.txt MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
summary summary • no limit on MARKS scalability • completely decoupled • esp. if scenario allows stateless key manager replication • extremely low set up and running costs • no (reliable) multicast re-keying • arbitrary eviction • unplanned far more difficult than planned • cost difference worth business model distortion • can usefully combine planned & unplanned MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
summary where now? • current plan • license technology in short term? • will fit into SMuG framework • public domain & standardise medium term? • is SMuG chartered for RFCs on mechanisms? MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
more info further information • Mware project • http://www.labs.bt.com ...… /projects/mware/ • this presentation and paper • … /people/briscorj/papers.html#MARKS • Bob Briscoe • … /people/briscorj/ • Flexinet • http://www.ansa.co.uk/ common model MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants bi-directional hash chain v0,0 vG,1 = k0 v2,0 vG-2,1 = k2 … vm,0 vG-m,1 = km … vi,0 vG-i,1 = ki … vn,0 vG-n,1 = kn … vG-1,0 v1,1 = kG-1 vG,0 v0,1 = kG v1,0 vG-1,1 = k1 … … … … v0,0 v1,0represents v(1,0) = b(v(0,0)) v0,0 vG,1 = k0represents k0 = c( v(0,0) , v(G,1) ) MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants continuous BHT D0 M
variants s0,0 s0,1 s0,2 b) s1,0 s1,1 s1,2 s1,3 hash chain-tree hybrid element s0,0 v1,1 = s1,0 s0,1 v1,0 = s1,1 s0,1 v1,2 = s1,2 s0,2 v1,1 = s1,3 a) s0,0 v1,0represents v(1,0) = b( s(0,0) ) s0,0 v1,1 = s1,0represents s(1,0) = c( s(0,0) , b( s(0,1) ) )
variants hash chain-tree hybrid s0,0 s0,1 s0,2 s1,1 s1,2 s1,3 s1,0 s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 s2,3 s2,4 s2,5 s3,0 s3,1 s3,2 s3,3 s3,4 s3,5 s3,6 s3,7 s3,8 s3,9 s4,0 = k0 s4,1 = k1 s4,2 = k2 s4,3 = k3 s4,4 = k4 s4,5 = k5 s4,6 = k6 s4,7 = k7 s4,8 = k8 s4,9 = k9 s4,10 = k10 s4,11 = k11 s4,12 = k12 s4,13 = k13 s4,14 = k14 s4,15 = k15 s4,16 = k16 s4,17 = k17 MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants hash chain-tree hybrid s0,1 s0,0 s0,2 s1,1 s1,2 s1,0 s1,3 s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 s2,3 s2,4 s2,5 s3,0 s3,1 s3,2 s3,3 s3,4 s3,5 s3,6 s3,7 s3,8 s3,9 s4,0 = k0 s4,1 = k1 s4,2 = k2 s4,3 = k3 s4,4 = k4 s4,5 = k5 s4,6 = k6 s4,7 = k7 s4,8 = k8 s4,9 = k9 s4,10 = k10 s4,11 = k11 s4,12 = k12 s4,13 = k13 s4,14 = k14 s4,15 = k15 s4,16 = k16 s4,17 = k17
variants BHC-T per ADU key calculation s0,1 s0,0 s0,2 s1,1 s1,2 s1,0 s1,3 s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 s2,3 s2,4 s2,5 s3,0 s3,1 s3,2 s3,3 s3,4 s3,5 s3,6 s3,7 s3,8 s3,9 s4,0 = k0 s4,1 = k1 s4,2 = k2 s4,3 = k3 s4,4 = k4 s4,5 = k5 s4,6 = k6 s4,7 = k7 s4,8 = k8 s4,9 = k9 s4,10 = k10 s4,11 = k11 s4,12 = k12 s4,13 = k13 s4,14 = k14 s4,15 = k15 s4,16 = k16 s4,17 = k17
variants hash chain-tree twist s0,1 = v1,0 s1,1 s0,0 v1,1 = s1,0 MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants hash chain-tree hybrid growth 10 9 6 5 11 3 2 7 12a 12b 0 1 4 8a 8b 13a 13b 13c 13d MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants continuous hashchain-tree 2M M M
variants revealing and blinding pairs in BHC-T s0,0 s0,1 s1,1 s1,2 MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants s0,0 s0,1 s0,2 b) s1,0 s1,1 s1,2 s1,3 hash chain-tree hybrid II element s0,0 v1,0 v1,2 = s1,0 s0,1 v1,3 v1,1 = s1,1 s0,1 v1,2 v1,4 = s1,2 s0,2 v1,5 v1,3 = s1,3 b1 b1 b0 b0 b1 b1 b0 b0 a) b0 s0,0 v1,0represents v1,0 = b0(s0,0) b1 s0,0 v1,1represents v1,1 = b1(s0,0) v1,0 v1,2 = s1,0represents s1,0 = c(b0(s0,0), b0(s0,1))
variants revealing and blinding pairs in BHT2 s0,0 s0,1 s1,1 s1,2 MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants common model • general form • two co-ordinate planes • blinding • combining • tree 'molecules' in blinding plane • molecule leaves map down into combining plane • results mapped back into blinding plane • next blinding molecule starts • 3 general mapping formulae • expressions specialise formulae for each scheme MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999
variants j 5 BHT2 4 3 2 b1 1 b0 b1 0 0 v(h, j) b0 i 1 4 2 3 3 h 2 4 1 0 s(d, i) 0 1 d MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999 2
variants j BHT 4 3 2 1 b1 0 0 v(h, j) b0 i 1 2 3 h 2 4 1 0 s(d, i) 0 1 d MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999 2
variants BHC j 2 v(h, j) 1 0 0 i 5 1 4 2 3 3 h 4 2 s(d, i) 1 0 0 MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999 d 1
variants j 5 BHC-T 4 3 2 1 0 0 v(h, j) i 1 4 2 3 3 h 2 4 1 0 s(d, i) 0 1 d MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999 2
variants j 4 BHC3-T 3 v(h, j) 2 1 0 i 0 5 1 4 2 3 3 h 4 2 5 1 0 s(d, i) 1 d MARKS; (c) British Telecommunications plc 1999 2