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CH. 5. R I G H T S. H U M A N. HUMAN RIGHTS KEY TERMS. HUMAN RIGHTS Fundamental rights to which all people are entitled. STEREOTYPING Having a simplified fixed judgment on a group of people. DISCRIMINATION Treating a person unfairly because of race, religion, ability, etc.
CH. 5 R I G H T S H U M A N
HUMAN RIGHTSKEY TERMS HUMAN RIGHTS Fundamental rights to which all people are entitled STEREOTYPING Having a simplified fixed judgment on a group of people DISCRIMINATION Treating a person unfairly because of race, religion, ability, etc. PREJUDICE A preconceived opinion based on stereotypes or inadequate information. HUMAN RIGHTS CODES Legal documents that protect people from discrimination.
PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTSHUMAN RIGHTS – Rights that are considered basic to life in any human society.This concept can vary from society to society. Residential Schools THE GLOBAL MOVEMENT Human rights became a global issue after WW II UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS • backed by the UN after • “all human beings are born free & equal in dignity & rights”. • Most countries have agreed to these principles. • Problem – the only power the UN has is ‘world attention.’ • Not part of binding international law. Stalin’s Purges World Abuses 1870-1996Canada’s Indian Act & Residential Schools 1900-69 Australia ‘Stolen Generation’ 1924-53 Stalin 1939-45 Holocaust 1948-94 Apartheid 1959-? Chinese occupied Tibet 1971-79 Dictatorship in Uganda 1989 Tiananmen Square China 1991-99 Civil War Sierra Leone 1992-95 Bosnian War 1994 Rwandan Genocide 2004 Darfur genocide Apartheid Protest in China INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS 1946 International Court of Justice (Both parties had to agree) 2002 a more permanent International Criminal Court established. USA, China & others opposed (internal courts sufficient) Rwandan Genocide
HUMAN RIGHTS IN CANADA PROV. HUMAN RIGHTS CODES Codes are subject to Can. Charter of Rights & Freedoms. See Girl/Boys Hockey p. 137. Annika Sorenstam CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT – CHRA Covers Fed. Regulated Business ie. Banks, airlines, Canada Post, & National Media Grounds For Discrimination: Race Ethnicity Age Marital Status Pardons Colour Religion Gender Hate mail Pay Equity Sexual Orientation Physical / Mental Disabilities The first woman to play in a men's pro golf tournament in over 50 years, calls the Colonial her "own personal Everest." She leaves it up to others to predict how her breaking of this gender barrier will affect the golf world. Men?????
FILING A COMPLAINT Possible Remedies -Stop injustice - $$$$$ -Job • Programs • Training Prima Facie Prove the unjust. ie. Best person for job!!
Advocating your rights Tenant vs. Landlord Rights • CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT • Covers Fed. Regulated Business • Banks, airlines, Canada Post, & National Media • B.C. Human Rights Code • Discrimination (age, ancestory, colour, family/marital status, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation. • Employment, tenancy, property, accommodation, services, public facilities, & hate propaganda. • A Tribunal hears complaints (2009 = 1100) • Supreme Court (Highest Court) • PM/GG appointed from all regions. • Sets Precedent for the country. • Aboriginal Rights • Residential Schools, poverty, treaty issues, education, fishing. • Gender Equity • Less pay, out # CEOs, > part time, • Preferential Hiring • Affirmative action vs. reverse discrimination. • Children’s Rights • Ministry of Children & Family Dev’t • 2007 = 1 in 10 children living in poverty. • Debate – less taxes, affordable child care, housing, schools Can you recall any recent media stories? Gender Equity vs. Preferential Hiring