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Ancient Egypt: Beliefs,Religion,and Mythology

Ancient Egypt: Beliefs,Religion,and Mythology. By:Team 7. Religion. Religion was major in Ancient Egypt.It was included in: Everyday life Mummification  Tombs Pyramids Funerals/Deaths Temples. Facts on Ancient Egypt's Religion.

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Ancient Egypt: Beliefs,Religion,and Mythology

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  1. Ancient Egypt:Beliefs,Religion,and Mythology By:Team 7

  2. Religion Religion was major in Ancient Egypt.It was included in: • Everyday life • Mummification •  Tombs • Pyramids • Funerals/Deaths • Temples

  3. Facts on Ancient Egypt's Religion --The Ancient Egyptians were Polytheist,meaning they believe in multiple gods. --The Egyptians made sure that the deads' afterlife would be "perfect" by using lots of effort,which could take presumably around 70 days. --Most Egyptian deities resembled animals in some way.They could be completely human,human with animal-like features,or a complete animal.

  4. Beliefs   Ancient Egypt's beliefs join together, which makes them really important aswell. The myths included the gods the Ancient Egyptian's worshiped, which is where they got their beliefs for their gods.Their beliefs were included in: • Mummification (beliefs were majorly used) • Myths • Daily Life • Tombs • Pyramids used for burial

  5. Notes on Ancient Egypt's Beliefs --During the mummification process,the Egyptians believed the organs should be protected,so they were placed in canopic jars with heads of different gods. --Also during mummification,the Egyptians thought that smarts also came from the heart,so with a special tool,they put the tool up the nose of the dead body and turned the brain to liquid.Then,they would turn the body upside down and let the brain run out through the nostrils of the being. --Anubis was the god of protecting the dead during mummification,so the priest while mummifiying the dead body would wear the mask of Anubis.

  6. --During burial,mummies were put in their tombs,with everything they liked. Their tombs and sarcophaguses were decorated with hieroglyphics.Their tombs included everything that was from their homes,precious jewelry,favorite game pieces,and even food for them in the after-life. --The Egyptians also believed each spirit had three souls:the "ka," the "ba," and the "akh." --Outside of temples,women would play music and dance because they believed in "entertaining" the gods. --The Egyptians had statues of their deities.They believed in bathing and dressing them for ceramonies.

  7. Ancient Canopic Jars:       Imsety-The protector of the liver     Duamutef -Protector of the stomach Qebehsenuef-Protector of the intestines Hapy-Protector of the lungs                                                     (Sons of Horus,in order) Anubis protecting a mummy during the mummification process.

  8. Mythology    Mythology is most important out of religion,beliefs,and mythology.Religion and beliefs orginated from myths.Myths are simply legends told that revolve around daily life.Some myths were: • The Battle of Seth and Horus-A major battle between the gods of good and evil about who should rule the Earth. • The Seven Years of Famine-A Bible  story about how Khnemu saved Egypt from the tragic seven years. •  The Girl with the Rose-Red Slippers-The first story of Cinderella!

  9. The Greek Princess-The perspective from the Egyptians during the Trojan War. • Isis and Osiris-Two tales in one: The story of how Seth killed Osiris and how Horus got revenge on his father.

  10. Major Gods & Goddesses • Anubis-The god of mummification portrayed mostly as a jackal. • Geb-The God of Earth, potrayed usually as a man with a crown of North or South Egypt. • Hathor-Goddess of Love and Music portrayed usually as a cow. • Ptah-A mummification-creator god that is potrayed as a bearded man in the shape of a mummy. •  Re-A creator-of-the-Sun god that is potrayed as a falcon and human.

  11. Selket-A scorpion goddess who is magical and is potrayed as a woman • Nut-Goddess of the sky portrayed as a woman bending over decorated in stars as the night sky. • Osiris-Lord of the Afterlife portrayed as a human that is mummified with green skin. • Horus-Portrayed as a falcon and god of the Sun. • Seth-The god of chaos that is portrayed as a human with parts of a jackalope.

  12. Thorth-Ibis-god of wisdom and the moon,potrayed as a human with a baboon head. • Sekhment-The war and destruction goddess potrayed as a lioness. • Isis-Goddess of magic,potrayed as a woman holding a child.  Horus             Osiris         Ptah       Re              Isis                Seth          Geb        Nut

  13. Symbols of the Gods Symbol for Nut In hieroglyphics,                      this is the Eye of Horus                      meaning "Sun". Symbol for Anubis Symbol for Khonsu Symbol for Selket Symbol for Thoth

  14. Aftermath Egypt stayed strong,and lasted for about 3,000 years.It was really strong and had strong beliefs.When it fell in 31 B.C. due the Romans conquering it,the religions and myths were changed,along with the gods (Which is why the Egyptian's deities' names are similar to the Romans')But since it orginated,the tales of Ancient Egypt's myths are passed on to other centuries leading up to today.And that's another story,so the presentation ends here.

  15. The End!!

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