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Student and Staff Perceptions of the Utility of Learning Outcomes

Student and Staff Perceptions of the Utility of Learning Outcomes. Jon Scott, Sara Brooks, Kerry Dobbins, Robert Norman & Mark Rawlinson. Schools of Biological Sciences, Medicine & English.

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Student and Staff Perceptions of the Utility of Learning Outcomes

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  1. Student and Staff Perceptions of the Utility of Learning Outcomes Jon Scott, Sara Brooks, Kerry Dobbins, Robert Norman & Mark Rawlinson Schools of Biological Sciences, Medicine & English

  2. ‘…. while learning outcomes can be valuable if properly used, they have been misappropriated and adopted widely at all levels within the education system to facilitate the managerial process. This has led to their distortion. The claim that they can be made precise by being written with a prescribed vocabulary of special descriptors so as to serve as objective, measurable devices for monitoring performance, is fundamentally mistaken, and they may be damaging to education when used in this way.’ (Hussey & Smith, 2002)

  3. In this section of the course you will learn how to… ‘dissolve customer objections using proven strategies that move customers more quickly through the sales funnel.’ Sales Coaching & Training Manual

  4. How are learning outcomes perceived, and used, by students and staff?

  5. Perceptions of Students & Staffin the School of Biological Sciences I consider that LOs are a useful learning aid Respondents: 311 students ( 41% of student cohort) 37 staff (45% of staff total)

  6. Perceptions of Students & Staff I consider that LOs specify the range of subject material that may be assessed

  7. Jon Kudelka (2013), The Australian

  8. Perceptions of Students & Staff I have found that published LOs can restrict the breadth of my/students’ learning

  9. Are Learning Outcomes used effectively to inform the depth of learning?

  10. Perceptions of Students & Staff I consider that LOs specify the level of learning required to pass an assessment

  11. Perceptions of Biology Students I am usually able to understand easily the depth of learning required based on stated LOs

  12. … but…

  13. Perceptions of Biology Students I have found it is possible to underestimate the level of learning required to pass an assessment from the published Learning Outcomes

  14. How do Students Use Learning Outcomes? I first read the LOs in relation to a teaching activity …

  15. How do Students Use Learning Outcomes? I consider that LOs are most useful to me…

  16. How do Staff Use Learning Outcomes? I consider LOs to be useful for structuring module & programme design

  17. How do Staff Use Learning Outcomes? I use LOs to frame the design of assessment

  18. How do Staff Use Learning Outcomes? When undertaking teaching design…

  19. …Just a Management Tool?? I consider that LOs are primarily for the use of the university in providing evidence of teaching quality to outside reviewers

  20. How do you use yours?

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