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DCPS Pupil Premium Governors’ Briefing March 25 th 2014 . Big Picture. t he legislation Pupil Premium funding at DCPS Pupil Premium provision at DCPS t he wider financial context a ccountability for PP money Pupil Premium done and not yet done at DCPS Pupil Premium next year.
Big Picture • the legislation • Pupil Premium funding at DCPS • Pupil Premium provision at DCPS • the wider financial context • accountability for PP money • Pupil Premium done and not yet done at DCPS • Pupil Premium next year
DfE website information http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium/b00231348/pupil-premium-information-for-schools-and-ap-settings
Currently • The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. • Pupil premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units. It is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who have been: • registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years • been in care for 6 months or longer • In the 2013 to 2014 financial year, schools have received: • £953 for each eligible primary-aged pupil • £900 for each eligible secondary-aged pupil
Next financial year • In the 2014 to 2015 financial year, pupil premium funding will increase to: • £1,300 for each eligible primary-aged pupil • £935 for each eligible secondary-aged pupil • Funding to support looked-after children will increase to £1,900 for each eligible pupil. Eligibility for funding will be extended to all children who: • have been looked after for 1 day or more • were adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005 left care under: • a Special Guardianship Order on or after 30 December 2005 • a Residence Order on or after 14 October 1991
Pupil Premium eligibility • DfEuse eligibility for free school meals as the main measure of deprivation at pupil level (issue: Question) • For the academic year 2013 to 2014, DfEprovide all schools with a list of pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years. This list is available through a pupil premium download from the Key to Success website. • This data will allow DCPS to identify the pupils who have previously attracted pupil premium funding so we can target support accurately. The data can also help us estimate how much pupil premium funding we will be allocated for budget planning purposes. Guidance on the free school meals data is available. • We know our looked-after pupils. • To receive the premium for adopted pupils we mark them as eligible on the school census(issue: question!)
Pupil Premium Allocation • Allocations are made based on the school which the eligible pupil attends at the time of the January school census. • DfEpay the pupil premium to local authorities in quarterly instalments. Local authorities then manage the funding and decide when to pass it on to the schools they fund. Education Funding Agency pays the premium directly to academies and free schools. • Local authorities also decide how pupil premium funding is allocated in special schools and alternative provision (AP) settings (including pupil referral units).
Pupil Premium and DCPS • Funds allocated to DCPS in 2013-14 = £21,919 • number of pupils= 23@£953 per head=21,919 • Ever6 list from the DfE • 6 children left • 17 on DfE list children remaining • 10 still have FSM • 7 don’t have FSM any more • 23/271=10.4% of DCPS pupils ( comparisons)
Intervention groups • TA and Specialist Teacher • TA costs= £4,010.27 • Specialist Teacher costs (2 days per week)=£16872.82 • GF additional 1-1 support £334.08 Total intervention and support costs=£ 21,217.17 (out of £21,919 total) Questions
Who gets the support and intervention? • Everyone who needs it ( based on ARE- or EP- data) • FSM/Pupil Premium pupils often but don’t always need it • 14/17 PPs have been part if S+I groups in this or last Academic year • 3 PP pupils haven’t. Issue to solve • After SATs, we will divert Specialist Teacher time to ensure remaining 3 pupils get a good dose of S+I in the Summer term, and include as many other PP pupils as appropriate during the summer term • …being mindful that this support has leave enough budget for PP S+I next academic year September to March
Other PP expenditure • Subsidised residential visits=£556.98 • Sports clubs= £170 • Judo= £? (40-quidish) Total spend on PP £21 994 out of £21919 PP allocated =£25.14 overspend in FY 2013-14
Pupil Premium Accountability DfEhold headteachers and school governing bodies accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding in the following ways: • performance tables, which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers • requiring schools to publish details online each year of how they are using the pupil premium and the impact it is having on pupil achievement • the Ofsted inspection framework, where inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, and in particular those who attract the pupil premium
RaiseOnline PP section • See handout • 4 pupils from the 2012/13 KS2 SATs cohort • APS school V. national • Small sample. Hard to say if there are issues • Current 6s/Essex tracked. • Report to curriculum committee before Easter • On-track M+E for FSMs now need by SMT and Governors
Website reporting The level of detail DfE want included in the information we put online is for each school to decide, but we must include the following: • your pupil premium allocation for the current academic year • details of how we intend to spend our allocation • details of how we spent our previous academic year’s allocation • how it made a difference to the attainment of disadvantaged pupils
Complication • The funding is allocated for each financial year, but the information we publish online should refer to the academic year, as this is how parents and the general public understand the school year. • As allocations will not be known for the latter part of the academic year (April to July), we should report on the funding up to the end of the financial year and update it when you have all the figures.
Ofsted • PP was not an issue in our last Ofsted • Ofsted revised their inspection framework in September 2013. As a result, school inspections report on the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils who attract the pupil premium. • RaiseOnline is the data set • Ofsted will recommend that a school carries out a pupil premium review where they: • rate the school as ‘requires improvement’ overall and in leadership and management • have serious concerns around the attainment of pupils that attract the pupil premium • You don’t necessarily fail an Ofsted because of an issue with Pupil Premium • From the Regional Director of Ofsted I have it that it is acceptable for PP pupils to receive I+S alongside non PP pupils and that this an acceptable use of PP • There is no necessary connection between a pupil attracting £953 worth of PP and that pupil being required have £953 spent on them.
To Do • Revamp the website interim account of PP expenditure • Explicitly include PP pupils who have not yet had S+I in Summer Term S+I programme • Work out the FY 2014/14 and 15/16 allocations for PP and what funding this will allow for S+I over the rest of AY 2013/14 and AY 14/15 • Modify SIMS to best plan and track PP expenditure • More explicitly create provision S+I for PP pupils next year ( including booster sessions for abler PP pupils) • Find out about the LAC allocation (one complication) and how this is best used and how accounted for. • Closely track the progress of the PP pupils as a distinct analysis and report to Governors • Governors need to be explicitly M+E Pupil Premium expenditure and provision. Design appropriate mechanism for this • Have Lynda Smith ( External Advisor) to give her view as a lead Ofsted inspector on how we are managing PP (tomorrow and Thursday!)