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PWIM 4. We’re ready for another cycle … and another … and. Sequence of the Pictu r e- W o r d Inductive Model 1. Select a picture. 2. Have students identify what they see in the picture.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PWIM 4

  2. We’re ready for another cycle … and another … and

  3. SequenceofthePicture-WordInductiveModel 1. Selectapicture. 2.Have studentsidentifywhatthey seeinthepicture. 3.Label the picturepartsidentified.(The teacherdrawsaline fromthe pic- turetothe word,says the word,spells the wordand pointstoeach letter with herorhisfingerorthemarker,saysthewordagain,and studentsspell thewordwith theteacher.) 4.Read/reviewthepicture-wordchart. 5.Havestudentsclassifythewordsinto avarietyofgroups.Identifycommon conceptsinthewordstoemphasizewith theclass asawhole.Thestudents “read” the wordsbyreferringtothe chart ifthe wordisnot intheirsight vocabulary. Phonics/Grammar/Mechanics/Usage 1.Studentshear the wordspronouncedcorrectlymanytimes,and they have animmediatereferencesource touse(the picture-wordchart)asthey add thesewordsto theirsightvocabulary.Atthe teacher’sdiscretion,almost anysound/symbolrelationshipcan beemphasized(introducedortakento mastery). 2.Studentshearand seethelettersidentifiedcorrectlymanytimes,and they seethemformedcorrectlymanytimes.

  4. 6.Read/reviewthepicture-wordchart(say,spell, and say). 7.Addwords,ifdesired,tothepicture-wordchartand tothewordbanks. 8.Have studentsthinkofatitle for theirpicture-word chart.(The teacher leadsstudentstothinkaboutthe“evidence”and informationintheirchart and aboutwhatthey wanttosayaboutthis information.) 9.Have studentsgenerate asentence,sentences,oraparagraphdirectlyre- latedto theirpicture-wordchart.Studentsmay classifygroup-generated setsofsentences.Theteachermodelsputtingthesentencestogetherinto a good paragraph. 10. Read/reviewthesentencesorparagraphs.

  5. Rationale • Link students’ natural listening-speaking language directly to print. • Students inquire from the beginning – starting with studying a picture and identifying objects and actions in it. The words they “shake out” of the picture become the content of instruction.

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