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The “Roaring Twenties”

- Chapter 2 - The U.S. Between World Wars: (1918-1941) The Roaring Twenties, Black Tuesday, and Beyond. The “Roaring Twenties”. - A New Mass Culture -. Today’s Lecture Focus:. Understand the images of 1920s culture Main vocabulary : “roaring twenties” “mass culture”

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The “Roaring Twenties”

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  1. - Chapter 2 - The U.S. Between World Wars:(1918-1941)The Roaring Twenties, Black Tuesday, and Beyond

  2. The “Roaring Twenties” - A New Mass Culture -

  3. Today’s Lecture Focus: Understand the images of 1920s culture Main vocabulary: “roaring twenties” “mass culture” “celebrity” “economic boom” “economic crash” Do NOT memorize names of people!

  4. “RoaringTwenties” • to roar (v.) = to make a loud sound • roaring (adj) = loud, fast, hot, exciting, wild, dangerous a roaring lion a roaring engine a roaring fire

  5. The Roaring Twenties • Prosperous • Glamorous • Optimistic a.k.a. “Prohibition Era” a.k.a. “The Jazz Age” Beginning of modern American culture!

  6. A New “Mass Culture” mass(adj) = shared by many people, affecting many people,covering a large area Usage Examples: • mass culture • mass media • mass transit • mass unemployment • weapons of mass destruction

  7. Why did “Mass Culture” develop? • Urbanization / Industrialization • leisure time • (for people in cities!) • disposable income • (for people in cities!) • Automobiles • travel • connected towns / cities • New mass media technology reached more people • radios • phonographs • cinema

  8. Media Technology: Radio Helped to “standardize” the culture. 1920: First radio station  1923: 600 stations! All Americans could listen to the same… • news • music • dramas • sports • speeches • commercials

  9. Media Technology: Phonographs • allowed people to listen to music at home • Musical styles spread across the country

  10. Mass Culture: Music Dance Crazes! • The Charleston

  11. Mass Culture: Music Jazz • African American music • Began in New Orleans • Dance!

  12. Media Technology: Cinema • Hollywood Studios • Silent Films • Good for immigrants! • (No English needed)

  13. Media Technology: Cinema “Talkies” • First film with sound (1927) The Jazz Singer Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer (A white man in blackface = controversial now)

  14. Mass Culture: Cinema - Animation 1928 – First Cartoon with Sound: Disney’s Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie

  15. 1920s = Era of Heroes & Celebrities

  16. Mass Culture: Sports Heroes The “Golden Age of Baseball” • Babe Ruth “Home-Run King” Boxing • Jack Dempsey

  17. Cinema: InternationalComicHero: Charlie Chaplin

  18. Cinema: Romantic Hero: Rudolph Valentino The Sheik (1921)

  19. Cinema: ActionHero: Douglas Fairbanks

  20. Romantic Star: Clara Bow

  21. 1920s = Era of High Fashion

  22. Mass Culture: “Flapper” Fashion • Short Hair (“bobbed”) • Short Skirts • Straight lines • Glamour!

  23. Mass Culture: Fashion Coco Chanel designer (Paris) Louise Brooks model & movie star

  24. Compare to Fashion of the 1900s

  25. 1920s = Era of Prosperity

  26. Post WWI - Economic Boom! • Industrialization continues • wages increase • production increases • U.S. Dollar is strong • Stock market soars • Easy Credit  Consumerism

  27. Imminent Crash! • Growing income gap rich   poor • Rural / urban divide • Overspending • Risky investments

  28. The Roaring Twenties end in 1929 America enters the Great Depression

  29. Review of Today’s Lecture • What adjectives would you use to describe the lifestyle of the 1920s? • What is mass culture? • How did technology help mass culture develop in the 1920s? • Describe the mass culture of the 1920s • Contrast the economy of the 1920s with the economy of the 1930s.

  30. Review Vocabulary • roaring • prosperous / prosperity • optimism / optimistic • mass / mass culture • standard / standardize / standardization • phonograph • cinema • flapper • economic boom • economic crash

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