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1. 2/10/2012 Welcome to Presentationon Geospatial Technology in finalization of technically feasible Railway Alignment on paper By P. K. Choudhary
3. GIS FOR SURFACE TRASPORT ‘Real Time Rome’ mobile phone usage during the Madonna concert.
4. 2/10/2012 RITES Ltd. is a consultancy organization undertaking feasibility, preliminary engineering studies, Detailed Project Report preparation and Construction supervision works for Railway, Highway, Metro-Rail, Ports, Waterways, Ropeways, Pipelines, Power lines etc. in India as well as abroad having extensive use of Geospatial Technology.
5. The present paper discusses the Use of Geospatial Technology in finalization of technically feasible Railway Alignment on paper with the details of Satellite based Geo-Tectonic Studies along the proposed Railway Alignments of one PROJECT in UAE.
6. 2/10/2012 GIS FOR SURFACE TRASPORT The first step involved in any feasibility study is to define the technical parameters to be adhered to in the project based on the topographical features, localities need to be served and other technical, environmental, archeological and other issues.
For this purpose, desk study is conducted and tentative alternative alignments are designed using suitable software and marked on digitized topographic sheets the scale of which is 1: 50,000 with 20 m contour interval which is projected on UTM.
Digital terrain Model (DTM) is also generated using suitable software.
A coordinate based spatial data structure is used in which the data are represented as vectors; a form of computer graphics in which objects are represented as points, lines and polygons.
Desk study of available geological literature and maps on scale 1: 50,000 is also done and the alternative alignments are also marked on the geological digitized maps.
After this study, a maximum of three alternative alignments having the least geological problems and fulfilling other requirements are chosen.
7. GIS FOR SURFACE TRASPORT After this, satellite imageries of the area of resolution 5 to 15 m and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) are procured and the alternative alignments are marked on it after geo-referencing, DTM creation and alignment design using suitable software.
The alignments are uploaded and field reconnaissance is then carried out using hand held GPS and satellite based geo-technical studies using suitable Geographic Information System (GIS) are also conducted to generate various Thematic Maps such as geological, geomorphic, lineaments and drainage and water body maps to decide the most appropriate technically feasible alignment.
Use of geo-spatial technology is once again involved at the time of establishing control points in the field with Differential GPS and for picking up topographical and geological details from the field for generation of topographical and geological plan, L-section and Cross-section on a scale of say 1:1000 to 1: 5000.
Vertical scale for topographical sections may be exaggerated 10 times but geological sections are generally plotted on natural scale to show dips accurately.
8. 2/10/2012 Satellite based Geo-Tectonic Studies along the proposed Railway Alignments in UAE The area of study has been confined mainly to the Northeastern part of UAE between Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman.
The original proposed alignment is shown on the Landsat satellite image.
The study area is confined to 1 km buffer zone
10. 2/10/2012 Objectives
Satellite data interpretation through Digital Image Processing.
To create GIS database for various thematic layers viz. geology, geomorphology, structure/lineament, drainage, and surface water bodies.
Spatial analysis of spatial thematic maps.
11. Methodology
Registration of satellite data with base map
Digital Image processing by using satellite data (Landsat ETM)
Interpretation of satellite imagery and on-line digitization to prepare GIS layers for lithology, geomorphology, lineaments and surface water bodies.
Digitization of drainages and base map information (road, rail and settlement) using satellite image and toposheet.
Statistical analysis for thematic layers
Integration of all thematic layers in GIS environment
Discussion on the Geotechnical properties of rocks/soils
12. 2/10/2012 Remote Sensing Capability The main objective of remote sensing is to measure the Electro-Magnetic Energy (EME) coming from the Sun which is reflected, scattered or emitted by the surface features / objects using passive or active sensors onboard airborne and space-borne earth-resources-observation-platforms.
The passive sensors depend on the reflected radiant energy (Sun's) from the target and active sensors on the back-scattered energy transmitted through radar systems.
Examples of former satellites are LANDSAT, SPOT and IRS series, including recent satellite RESOURCESAT (IRS-P6), while those of latter are ERS, RADARSAT, and ASTER.
13. 2/10/2012 Different objects on the surface of the earth reflect different amounts of energy in different wavelengths of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Detection and measurement of these spectral responses and spectral signatures enable identification and classification of surface objects through visual interpretation techniques and/or digital analysis using computers.
But often, similar spectral response from objects creates spectral inseparability causing mis-interpretation and mis-classification.
14. 2/10/2012 This is overcame by systematic ground verifications/measurements and thereby improving the accuracy of thematic content of the maps.
Satellite remote sensing provides multi-spectral, multi-spatial, multi-temporal and multi-sensor data, which can be meaningfully used in resources inventory, mapping, monitoring and their management.
Stereo products can be used for understanding of the terrain and its cover, whereas microwave satellite offers cloud free images, which are vital for areas, which are persistently under cloud.
Satellite data with multiple spectral bands can be used for various applications.
15. 2/10/2012 Remotely sensed data is compatible and can be integrated with most of the other data generated from conventional and ground measurement systems, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies for finding optimal solutions for effective management of earth resources and environment for sustainable development.
16. 2/10/2012 Advantages of Using Satellite data Identification and delineation of lithological, geomorphological units, their locations, extent and spatial distribution pattern is possible because of its synoptic view and its ability to resolve both macro and micro details on a single imagery.
It provides basic data in different multi-spectral bands of the Electro- Magnetic Spectrum (EMS) thus making it useful for mapping different surface features using a single BNV band or a False Colour Composite.
It provides periodic coverage of the same area thus enabling to obtain multi-date and multi-temporal data useful for monitoring the dynamic changes.
It provides data in different radiometric and spatial resolutions, thus making it amenable for enlargement to different scales.
It provides reliable and reasonably accurate estimates on a near real time basis.
It provides data both in analog and digital form. Such data is amenable for both visual interpretation and digital (computer) analysis for extracting thematic information.
It is relatively fast, cost effective and economical for inventorying several details of thematic information than most of the other methods of surveying.
17. 2/10/2012 Digital image processing The digital data (raster) of the two satellite products have been analyzed by image processing techniques.
Initially, landsat images have been registered with the base map.
Then these two-registered images are processed to prepare False Color Composite (FCC).
From this image (FCC), various features like geology, geomorphology, lineament, drainage system, reservoirs, riverbeds, roads, settlements, vegetated and non-vegetated (rocky hills) areas and different landforms have been interpreted.
Individual agricultural lands with crop field/trees and other finer details can be seen spectacularly in landsat image.
The satellite image has also been used for delineating dry/moisture-laden soils as well as water-inundated areas.
For this purpose different enhancement techniques with brightness/contrast can be applied on the image.
Moreover, variation in DN values may give insight to estimate relative depth of water bodies.
18. 2/10/2012 GIS Database Creation ARC/INFO is one of the most powerful software for different geographic system (GIS) applications.
Various database such as geology, geomorphology, lineament, drainage and surface water bodies have been prepared using ARC/INFO.
The attribute table for polygon, linear and point features are filled respectively in the ARC/INFO environment.
19. 2/10/2012 Data used in the study a. Satellite Data
In the present study, LANDSAT ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic mapper) satellite data with resolution of 15 m have been used for image interpretation for various thematic layers.
Satellite characteristics with spectral bands of the data product are given in Table-1.
Various application fields for landsat ETM+ is given in Table-2.
Four registered images (A, B, C and D) having UTM/ WGS84/Zone40 projection parameters are mosaiced in ERDAS Imagine software.
Different enhancement techniques are applied for extracting features and on-line digitization is done on the images.
20. Data used in the study
21. Data used in the study b. Collateral data
Topographical maps on 1:1 M scale (internet downloaded) were used for base map information and other collateral information during the study.
Base map information (proposed rail, road, alternate routes, settlement etc.) is provided in AUTO/CAD.
These layers are converted into ARC/INFO coverage.
Regional geological, geomorphological and tectonic information are also collected from Internet downloaded literatures.
An extensive literature on UAE's Physiography, climate, environment etc. have been consulted through Internet downloaded information, various libraries and other sources.
c. Field data
During Geotechnical reconnoitery traverse limited ground truth verification has been done for lithological, geomorphological and structural features.
22. 2/10/2012 Results and Discussion The proposed railway line is to pass through a diversified terrain viz. coastal sabkhas near Abu Dhabi and Dubai, a vast stretch of desert dunes complex in the central part from Abu Dhabi to Dubai to Al Dhaid and rocky mountainous region in the north from Ra's Al Khaimah to Al Fujairah.
23. 2/10/2012 Methods for Mapping Geological Units In the study area geological map is prepared on 1:250,000 scale using landsat ETM+ satellite imageries (FCC).
Individual lithological units (rock types) are identified and delineated exclusively based on the visual interpretation of satellite image in consultation with the existing geological maps (Ref. Aston, Glennie and others).
Limited field check is done to conform these units.
Initially, extended lithological boundaries are marked on the image based on the tonal character (DN value) of individual rock units.
Finally, the study area is clipped and geological map is prepared within the buffer zone.
24. 2/10/2012 Geology Geologically the alignment is passing through four different Geological Formations viz. Semail Ophiolite (Late Cretaceous), Hawasina Autochthon (Triassic to Middle Cretaceous), Ruu's Al Jebal Parautochthon (Permian to Triassic) and Quaternary Formations.
25. Geology Map showing geological units in 1 km buffer zone of the proposed Railway alignment in UAE.
26. 2/10/2012 Geomorphic Classification The surface expression of the land, manifestation of Physiography, lithology, geological agents and climate, is known as geomorphology.
Based on the nature and origin, geomorphology of the area is classified into different categories at different levels.
In this project, standard geomorphic classification scheme given in NRIS (2000) is followed.
27. 2/10/2012 Methods for Mapping Geomorphic Units Geomorphology map is prepared on 1:250,000 scale using landsat ETM+ satellite imageries (FCC).
Individual geomorphic units are identified and delineated exclusively based on the visual interpretation of topography, lithology and drainage pattern.
Both satellite image and topomaps are used for this purpose.
Every individual unit has been marked by observing tonal difference, texture, pattern etc. on the image.
Limited field check is done to conform these units.
28. 2/10/2012 Geomorphic Units In the area of study, sixteen geomorphic units have been identified based on satellite image interpretation from landsat ETM+ digital data product (FCC) along with the toposheets.
These units are Alluvial Fan (AF), Alluvial Plain (AP), Bajada (BJ), Buried Pediplain (BP), Composite Hill-Massive (CHM), Dune Complex (DC), Eolian Plain (EP), Inselberg (I), Intermontain Valley (IV), Mud Flat (MF), Pediment (PD), Pediplain (PP), Piedmont Zone (PZ). Residual Hill-Massive (RHM), Salt Flat (SF), Stripped Plain (SP) and Tidal Flat (TF).
A large number of surface water bodies (WB), mostly seawater channel have also been demarcated in the study area.
29. 2/10/2012 Geomorphology Map showing geomorphic units in 1 km buffer zone of the proposed Railway alignment in UAE.
30. 2/10/2012 Lineaments/Fractures Lineaments can be marked on the satellite image based on the topography, lithology, geomorphic features, drainage pattern and vegetational alignment along certain channel.
For this purpose, Landsat ETM+ mosaic images of 2000 are referred along with the topomaps.
The picked up lineaments are basically the fracture zones whose width may vary from a meter to tens of meters.
In the study area, two prominent sets of lineaments have been identified which are trending along NE-SW and NW-SE directions.
Apart from these two, a few sets of E-W trending lineaments are also noticed within the buffer zone.
The intersection points of any of these two or three lineaments may represent a hazard zone.
31. 2/10/2012 Lineaments/Fractures Literature survey suggests that the older rocks (Semail ophiolite, Hawasina autochthon and Ruu's Al Jebal Parautochthon) are thrusted over the younger sediments of the Arabian Platform.
On the satellite image, this feature can be marked by demarcating the contact between the two rock types having contrast tonal difference.
In the buffer zone, this thrust contact (N-S) is marked between Al Dhaid and Al Sha'm in the north of the study area.
32. 2/10/2012 Lineaments/Fractures Map showing structures/lineaments in 1 km buffer zone of the proposed Railway alignment in UAE.
33. 2/10/2012 Drainage and Surface Water Bodies The drainage map is prepared using satellite image interpretation and topomaps.
The drainages are mostly dry and ephemeral in nature.
They emerge mostly from the high hills in the northeast and flow through the sandy desert plains in the west.
In the extreme north and eastern part, the drainages directly join the sea.
Due to low rainfall intensity in UAE and very low discharge capacity, most of the drainages disappear within sand pile and develop fan shaped distributory channels all along the foothills.
These features can be seen near Al Dhaid, Ra’s Al Khaimah and Al Fujairah. .
34. Drainage and Surface Water Bodies Although no ponds/tanks have been identified on the satellite image but a significant part of the coastal area is covered by seawater channels.
The buildings and business centers in the city have grown all along these channels.
In the buffer zone, area statistics of a part of these water bodies indicate very small (0.02 sq. km) to very large (3.81sq km) surface area.
All these water bodies spread over 10.9 sq. km area, which is 1.42% of the total study area (765.2sq.km).
35. 2/10/2012 Drainage and Surface Water Bodies
36. 2/10/2012 Conclusions The following conclusions have been drawn through satellite data image interpretations:
In this project, geotectonic studies have been carried out using multi-spectral landsat satellite data with ETM+ sensor (15m spatial resolution).
Digital Image Processing (DIP) techniques have been applied for extracting different features and GIS database has been prepared for various thematic layers (geology, geomorphology, lineament/structure, drainage and surface water bodies).
Total study area is confined to 1 km buffer zone (765.2 sq. km) along the original proposed railway alignment (391.51 km) between Abu Dhabi and Ra's Al Khaimah in the north and Al Fujairah in the east .
37. Conclusions The proposed alignment is passing through four geological formations viz. Semail Ophiolite (peridotite, gabbro, basalt), Hawasina Autochthon (limestone, chert), Ruu's Al Jebal Parautochthon (limestone, shale, siltstone, dolomite) and Quaternary Formations (aeolian sand, alluvium and coastal sabkhas). 86.26% area is covered by younger formations (Quaternary) and only 13.74% area is covered by older formations.
Within the buffer zone, seventeen geomorphic units have been delineated. Eolian Plain (EP) and Dune Complex (DC) occupy 21.46% and 17.98% of the total study area.
Two prominent sets of lineaments (NE-SW and NW-SE) and N-S trending thrust contact area have been demarcated in the study area.
Northeastern part of the study area is lashed with ephemeral drainages. Coastal areas account for 1.42% seawater bodies in the buffer zone.
38. 2/10/2012 Thank You