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Sustainable Urban Housing Policy in Bangladesh: Challenges and Solutions

Learn about the housing policy and practice for sustainable urban development in Bangladesh, focusing on governance issues related to urban planning and housing policies. Explore the challenges faced in housing provision amid rapid urbanization and the need for strategic policies. Discover the unique characteristics of Sylhet city, a key study area, and the implications of urbanization on housing development.

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Sustainable Urban Housing Policy in Bangladesh: Challenges and Solutions

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  1. WELCOME to Presentation on Housing Policy and Practice for Sustainable Urban Development by Urban Development Directorate (UDD) Ministry of Housing and Public Works Governments of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

  2. Profile of UDD • Urban Development Directorate (UDD) was created on the 17th July 1965, • UDD is a government organization and performs its duty under Ministry of Housing and Public Works, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. • Main Function of UDD is to advise the government on matters of policies relating to urbanization, land use and land development. Hence, UDD prepares and co-ordinates regional plans, master plans and detailed layout and site plans for the existing as well as the new urban centers. • UDD also undertakes socio-economic research and collects data for determination of the location and pattern of future urban development. • UDD is the only Govt. organization for Physical planning at National Level.

  3. Preparation of Land use/Master Plans funded by Donor agency and Supervised by UDD 50 district towns 392 Upazila towns/ Paurashava (1984-1991)

  4. Preparation of Structure Plan, Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan for Sylhet Divisional Towns (2006-2010). Map-1

  5. Preparation of Structure Plan, Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan for Barisal Divisional Towns (2006-2010).

  6. Preparation of Development plan of Cox’s Bazar Town and Sea-Beach up to Teknaf.


  8. Study area: The study is an attempt to draw a picture of the existing housing situation of Sylhet city including its problems. It highlights mainly the prevailing situation and the constraints prevailing in the housing sector as well as local housing development programmes, future housing needs and the necessity for ground work for drawing an effective strategy and policy for housing development.

  9. Background : Bangladesh is experiencing rapid urbanization since late eighties. The current urban growth rate is 5-6% per annum. A prediction shows that more than 50% of Bangladesh population will be living in urban areas by the year 2030. To cater to such explosive population increases, the Government and urban development agencies must come up with appropriate policy options, strategies, plans and programmes. Otherwise the urban sector of this country will simply become unmanageable. The level of urbanization of Bangladesh in last three decades was influenced by rural to urban migration, availability of economic and social opportunities in the urban areas, territorial expansion of existing urban centres and natural growth of the population in urban centres.

  10. Housing is an important component of urbanism, but the provision of housing is a major problem for city dwellers, particularly in developing countries. The genesis of the problem remains in the fact that the growth of population in urban areas can hardly match the development of housing and related infrastructure in towns and cities. Government’s lone effort in terms of resources, capabilities and initiatives are not adequate in most of the cases. As a result the gap between housing demand (for rapid urbanization) and supply situation becomes wider. A national policy on housing was prepared in 2008. In view of this, I would like to mention the major problems of governance related to Public Policy on Urban Planning and Housing of the whole of Bangladesh with special reference to Dhaka. In fact, the issues relating to governance vis-à-vis public policy on urbanization and housing are wide ranging and multifaceted.

  11. Location of selected site: Sylhet, the north-eastern divisional city is different due to the presence of hill tracts, tea gardens, forests & mineral resources as well as for its natural calamities. It is the major city of the region and also the main tea producing and boulder and natural gas exploration region of Bangladesh. As a result of the extremely labor intensive economic activities, a large number of low income workers live in and around the city, many of them are from ethnic minorities, which is another special characteristics of Sylhet region. On the contrary, the prolong out-migration, primarily to the UK, has been the norms of Sylhet since 1960s, causing rise in local property and prices of wages higher than surrounding districts of Bangladesh. As a result, housing market remains inaccessible to the most of the people especially to those who are poor migrants from other parts of the country.

  12. Goal: The goal of the present project is to highlight major governance issues in formulating public policy on urbanization and housing in Bangladesh encompassing the involved institutions, actors, linkages and instruments so as to implement those policies.

  13. Objectives: • The objectives of the project proposal are as follows: • The determination key issue of national housing policy and optimum pattern of urban growth. • The determination key issue of national land policy and framing of policies for the best use of land and its control, to guide the spatial pattern of urban land use development. • To provide a quality urban design having aesthetic, functional and flexibility characteristics;

  14. Brief Description of Sylhet Divisional Town • Municipality Established: 1878. • 5 wards to 13 wards (1995). • Divisional town:1996. • Upgraded to City Corporation: 2002. (with 27 wards & 278 Mohallahs) Sylhet Metropolitan Area (SMA):2009 (with 6 thana) • Metropolitan Area : appx.106 sq. km • Sylhet City Corporation area: 26.5 sq. km • Project area: appx. 21,039 acres (appx. 85.17 sq. km) with 36 mouzas. • Population in 2009: • Population – appx.601,135; • Household- 104,545; • Density- 29popn/acre.

  15. Areas of Historical Importance & Tourist Attraction Parjatan Motel Tea Garden Shahi Eidgah Shahjalal (R) Mazar Shah Poran (R) Mazar Borhanuddin (R) Mazaar Monipuri Raj Bari

  16. PHYSICAL FEATURE SURVEY Conducting Spot Level survey with Level Machine to Prepare the Topographic Map Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS used to Transfer National Coordinates at Lauwa Eidgah from SoB Pillar.

  17. 3D Perspective of Areas around Keane Bridge Sylhet Central Jail Alhamra Shopping Centre Bondor Bazar Point Super Market PWD,Sylhet SCC Circuit House Keane Bridge

  18. 3D Perspective of Areas around Chauhatta Point Chowhatta Point RHD Tila/ Hillock Shajalal R: Mazar Mosque Sylhet Stadium Rikabi Bazaar Point Modonmohon College

  19. Discussion with Mayor,SCC in 2006 Consultation at Different Stage of The Project Discussion with WDB Officials in 2006 Initial Consultation with Different Organizations Discussion with XEN,SCC in 2006

  20. Consultation at Different Stage of The Project Discussion with LGED Officials in 2006 Discussion with SCC Officials in 2006 Initial Consultation With Different Organizations Discussion with DPHE Officials in 2006

  21. 1st Formal Consultation with Stakeholders in 2008. Attended of the meeting in Aug’2008 Presentation by the Consultant in Aug’2008

  22. Meeting with City Mayor in Presence of Finance Minister on 19th March, 2009. Meeting at Sylhet DC Office on 19th March, 2009.

  23. Consultation with SCC Officials in 2010

  24. Apprise to Honorable Finance Minister about the Master Plan of his constituency at his office

  25. Public Hearing in Sylhet from March to April 2010 at Sharoda Hall

  26. Existing Population Density (ppa)

  27. Structure Plan Map of Sylhet Divisional Town Development Discouraged Peripheral Urban Development Enabled Established Urban Area BDR Security Zone Urban Reserved Area New Urban Area Agricultural Area

  28. Major Structure Plan Policy Recommendations Policies for Urban Area Development • Policy UA/1: Infrastructure Development in Existing Spontaneous Areas • Policy UA/2: Promotion of Participatory Urban Development • Policy UA/3: Practice of Enabling Strategy in Urban Development • Policy UA/4: Initiatives for Urban Fringe Area Development • Policy UA/5: Utilization of Khas Land for Urban Development Economy and Employment Policy Econ/1: Creation of Investment Climate Policy Econ/2: Promotion of Public-Private Joint Industrial Venture Policy Econ/3: Promotion of SME Sector Housing Policy HA/1: Promotion of Housing Area Development in New Urban Area Policy HA/2: Promotion of Housing for the Low Income Group Policy HA/3: Promotion of the upgrading of slum settlemtents Policy HA/4: Encourage Private Sector Real Estate Developers for Increasing Housing Supply.

  29. Major Structure Plan Policy Recommendations Sanitation and Drainage • Policy SD/1: Development of underground sewerage network with treatment plant • Policy SD/2: Development of drainage facilities for the entire study area • Policy SD/3: Protection of the natural drainage system of the city based on Chhora. • Policy SD/4: Regular cleaning of drainage system and excavation of Chhoras • Policy SD/5: Motivational drive among citizens against indiscriminate waste dumping. Water Supply • Policy WS/1: Development of sustainable water supply system based on surface sources. • Policy WS/2: Strict enforcement of environmental regulations about surface and ground water pollution. • Policy WS/3: Conserve major sources of surface water in the city. Tourism and Recreation • Policy TOR/1: Promotion of local tourism • Policy TOR/2: Promotion of city level recreation facilities • Policy TOR/3: Promotion of local heritage based tourism.

  30. Major Structure Plan Policy Recommendations Transport and Communication Policies Policy TC/1: Existing narrow local roads need to be widened Policy TC/2: New local road development should follow standard width not below 20 ft. Policy TR/3: Improvement of Road Intersections Policy TR/4: Development of pedestrian facilities Policy TC/5 : Major roads passing through existing or potential commercial areas Policy TC/6: New road links should be established in unplanned areas Policy TC/7: Care should be taken to enforce traffic rules strictly Policy TC/8:Incremental road network development towards achieving the final recommendation

  31. Proposed Landuse of Structure Plan Area

  32. Urban Area Plan Map of Sylhet Divisional Town Waste Water Treatment Plant Health Facilities Education & Research Extension of Shishu Park Water based Recreational Park BDR Security Zone Surface Water Treatment Plant Commercial Zone (Office) Commercial Zone (Business) Low Income Housing

  33. Proposed Landuse of Urban Plan Area

  34. Road Proposal for Master Plan Area 80ft. Road Existing Road 40ft. Road 60ft. Road 130ft. Road 30ft. Road 50ft. Road 20ft. Road

  35. Water based Recreational Park at Mendibagh Amphitheater Boat Club Restaurant To Shajalal Bridge Art Gallery

  36. Proposed Recreational Park at Place of Existing Central Jail

  37. Existing and Proposed Road Network

  38. Housing Promotion: These housing estates consist of residential and rehabilitation plots, flats, core houses, shops, commercial industrial and institutional plots, health centers, schools, mosques, parks, play grounds etc. in Sylhet city- • 1. Shahjalal Housing Estate (1st Phase) • 2. Sylhet Housing Estate (2nd Phase) is shown in Map No.1.1

  39. The layout of the third phase housing project in Tultikar Mouza is shown in Map No. 1.2.

  40. Spontaneous Housing Development • Lack of Housing Finance • Location of Slums and Squatter Major Housing Problems

  41. Housing Demand in SCC Area, 1991-2026 Note:Growth rate for household projection has been considered as 5.62% and 5.70% for that of dwelling unit.

  42. Need for Public Policies on Urban (Urbanization) and Housing A policy is a broad guideline of actions designed to achieve certain objective(s) or goal(s). A policy can be divided into several programs or projects in order to realize the broader objectives as envisaged in the policy. A policy becomes ‘public’ when it is concerned with public interest and formulated by legal government machineries. Public Policy is a complex phenomenon consisting of numerous decisions made by numerous individuals and organizations. The urban development policies have so far been largely designed to create housing for all. It is vitally needed that with growth of population and increase in the housing needs and demand, the stock of new housing, replacement or repair of dilapidated stocks should be able to meet the requirements of housing. Institutional arrangement is required for proper maintenance of the statistical information and for developing and appropriate system of co-ordination of housing needs and demands, sources of production, etc. In Bangladesh, the existing system of the housing sector is functioning with institutional arrangement through a number of governmental organizations, NGOs and private developers; and, public investment policies and programmes through the national five year plans, other national development plans and annual development programmers (ADP). It requires maintenance of necessary information, proper planning and coordination of production, supply and maintenance of housing, their equitable distribution, evaluation and monitoring from the national down to the local levels

  43. The Policy will ensure that all public and private sector housing efforts are implemented according to a set of clear objectives and cohesive approaches. Essentially, the proposed policy will intend to facilitate effective and efficient utilization of limited resources so as develop housing facilities in the country in a comprehensive way. This process of policy formulation is already undertaken by the Ministry of Housing and Public Works. ADP expenditure on physical planning and housing from 2003-2006 Physical Planning and Housing Sector are implementing development programmes such as rural infrastructure development programmes, arsenic free safe water supply in rural and urban areas, development of rural sanitation system, environmental development, sanitation and sewerage in small towns and cities, infrastructure development and expansion to reduce traffic congestion and providing necessary facilities to the city dwellers, providing residential facilities to the low-income group. Very recently at the local level towns, Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are implementing some projects to improve the condition of slum and squatter settlements through external financial support of donors which is also insufficient to meet the demand.

  44. Recommended Measures to Mitigate Future Housing Demand The National Housing Policy 1993 recognized the importance of housing for well being of the citizens and acknowledged the national housing crisis, both, in urban and rural areas. The policy recommended the following to address the housing crisis, • facilitating and promoting formal and private informal sector housing by the public sector housing agencies as enabler and not as a provider, • giving special attention to the housing need of the poorer sections of the community. Though one of the major objectives of the Housing Policy of 1993 was to assure housing for all with particular emphasis on the disadvantaged, destitute the shelter-less poor and the low and middle-income groups of people, yet very little efforts have been taken on the part of the government in providing housing loans to the low-income strata of the population.

  45. It is also necessary to ensure housing with safe water, sanitation and electricity through GO and NGO collaboration, implement programmes for resettlement of slum-dwellers, the disadvantaged, the destitute and the shelter less poor. It is critically important to give priority to rural development and create employment opportunities in the rural areas to prevent migration of people from rural to urban areas and thereby to ease the housing problem in urban areas. In the light of existing situation and anticipating future housing problems the consultant makes the following recommendations to ameliorate the possible housing problems in Sylhet. • Housing Credit on Soft Terms b. Infrastructure Development to Facilitate Housing Development c. Participatory Housing Area Development d. Standardization of Housing Services and Facilities e. Slum Dwellers to be provided with Basic Physical Infrastructure and Services

  46. Concluding Observations Urbanization is inevitable in Bangladesh but the existing process of urbanization from its historical background is not properly planned. In this regard, present government is totally committed to conductive environment in planning and management of modern urbanization and making affordable housing for all removing all barriers through reviewing situation evolved in implementing housing policy. In view of these all concerted efforts are to be made to ensure governance in this process of formulating public policies on urban and housing sectors so that the concerns of all the stakeholders are included and addressed especially of the poorer section of the people. In addition to government’s pro-active role in developing urban and housing sector, it will also act as facilitator through ensuring adequate services required for rapid urbanization. Let all actors be involved there and let there be development of sense of ownership and eventually benefits of all initiatives directed towards urban planning and housing will be enjoyed by all concerned people.


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