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Mind your CCQs…

Mind your CCQs…. Emma Cresswell. What ?. Concept Checking Finding out if a learner has understood a new item. Why ?. A way to check students have understood a concept before starting intensive practice of form or phonology . Reduce Teacher Talk time

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Mind your CCQs…

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  1. Mind your CCQs… Emma Cresswell

  2. What? Concept Checking Findingoutif a learner has understood a new item

  3. Why? • A waytocheckstudentshaveunderstood a concept beforestartingintensivepractice of formorphonology. • Reduce TeacherTalk time • Allowsfor a more interactiveclass and lessspoon-feeding

  4. How? • Normallyachievedthrough a series of questions: • Ensurecomprehension of TL • Raiseawareness of problems • Oftenused in combinationwithothermethods (often visual): • Lines (time/truth/reality) • Pictures • Negativechecking

  5. How? • How do weform concept checkquestions? • Think of a natural contextforthe TL • Writedownwhatstudentsneedtoknowaboutthemeaning of theexponents • Reduce thesetotheessentialmeaning and simplifyinto simple statements • Turnthestatementsintoquestions • Addfurtherquestionstocheckotherthings (ifrelevant)

  6. CheckyourCCQs • OnewaytocheckyourCCQsbeforeyouteachthemisbyseeingifyou can identify the TL byonlylooking at thequestions: Lungs Do youhavetwo of these? YES Are theyinsideyourbody? YES Does air gothroughthem? YES (Vocabulary)

  7. DOs & DON’Ts Havetoomanyquestions Repeatthe TL in theCCQs Use languagesimplerthanthe TL Use yes/no questions & questionswithonewordanswers Prepare yourCCQs in advance Use a grammarbookorstudentdictionarytoresearchthemeanings Ask “Whatdoes x mean?” DON’T DON’T DO DO DO DO DON’T

  8. Thingstoremember: BeforeClass: Plan yourCCQs and putthem in your LP withanswers In Class: Makesureyou introduce the new language in a clearcontext Use thecontexttoelicitortoidentify TL Use yourCCQstocheckunderstanding Listen toyourstudents’ answers – iftheydon’tunderstandgo back tothecontext AfterClass: ReflectonyourCCQs – weretheysuccessful? Whatcouldyouchange?

  9. Resources • International House Buenos Aires Delta Module 2 notes • http://www.tefl.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=208 • http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/knowledge-database/concept-checking • http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/checking-understanding • http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/blogs/laura868/look-whos-talking-ways-increasing-student-talking-time

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