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A few samples of the flora of the Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl volcanoes area. Pictures taken by: Aurora Chimal edited by: Nuri Trigo. Amaryllidaceae. Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm. This agave is used to produce pulque , a strong alcoholic beverage very popular for festivities.
A few samples of the flora of the Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl volcanoes area Pictures taken by: Aurora Chimal edited by: Nuri Trigo
Amaryllidaceae. Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm. This agave is used to produce pulque, a strong alcoholic beverage very popular for festivities.
Apiaceae. Eryngium proteiflorum Delar found in open areas of conifer forests and alpine grasslands.
Mostly found in oak forests but also in mixed oak-pine vegetation. Asclepiadaceae. Matelea chrysantha (Greenm.) Woods.
The yellow flower is an Asteraceae; Bidens aff. autherioides. The white flower belongs to a species of the family of the Orchidaceae.
Asteraceae Cirsium ehrenbergii Sch. Bip. A typical plant of high areas, commonly called cardo.
Asteraceae Conyza sophiifolia Kunth. A species from secondary vegetation found along roads and streams.
Asteraceae. Dahlia rudis Sorensen. This genera, originated in Mexico, is now cultivated in many varieties for ornamental purposes all over the world.
Asteraceace: Montanoa frutescens Mairet
Asteraceae Packera sanguisorbae (DC.) C. Jeffrey.
Begoniaceae Begonia gracilis Kunth commonly called ala de angel (angel's wing).
Begoniaceae. Begonia gracilis Kunth. Another view of this graceful flower
This is a very small Caryophyllaceae very widely distributed; it's full name is Cerastium nutans Raf.
Leaves and flowers of the tree Clethramexicana A. DC. from the family of Clethraceae, commonly called mamojuaxtle.
Flower of the Commelinaceae, Commelinacoelestis Willd. The common names to this plant are hierba de pollo (chicken herb), cañita (little cane) and cielo azul (blue sky).
Leaves and flowers of a shrub from the Coriariaceae family; Coriaria ruscifolia L. Commonly called tlalocopetate.
The commonly called madroño is Arbutus xalapensis Kunth, a tree from the family of Ericaceae commonly found in oak and pine forests as well as in some transitional areas of the fir forests.
Euphorbiaceae Acalyphamollis Kunth Found in oak and cipress forests, usually in disturbed areas.
Fabaceae: Lupinus campestris Cham & Schl.
A most common species, this Fabaceae: Lupinus montanus Kunth
A closer look to the flower of the Fabaceae; Lupinus montanus Kunth
Grossulariaceae. Ribes ciliatum on the edge of an open Pinushartwegii forest.
Lamiaceae Salvia elegans Vahl. A very common species found in fir and pine forests.
Lamiaceae Salvia polystachya Ort. Common to be found in open pine forests.
A very peculiar insectivorous plant: Lentibulariaceae Pinguicola moranensis Kunth. Widely distributed in the more humid parts of the mountains surrounding the Valley of Mexico.
Another perspective of this peculiar insectivorous plant. Lentibulariaceae. Pinguicola moranensis Kunth.
Onagraceae. Fushia microphylla Kunth, mostly found in fir forests but also with broadleaved vegetation like oak and mountaine cloud forests.
Poaceae. Festuca amplissima Rupr. This grass is characteristic of P. hartwegii forests.
Poaceae Muhlenbergia nigra Hitchc. This grass prefers the open slopes of pine forests and alpine grasslands.
Poaceae. Poa pratensis L. A a generalist species, this grass is found in pine, fir and oak forests.
Poaceae. Stipa ichu (Ruiz & Pavón) Kunth. Found in disturbed places of pine and broadleaved forests.
Poaceae. Trisetum virletii Fourn. Characteristic of conifer forests.
Poaceae. Vulpia myurus (L) Gmel. Commonly found in disturbed places with shrubs and along roads.
Polemoniaceae. Loeselia mexicana (Lam) Brand. The common names of this plant is espinosilla and chuparrosa. It is widely distributed in open and disturbed areas as well as in Juniperus and oak forests.
Polygalaceae. Monnina ciliolata DC. This is a small shrub common in disturbed areas of fir, pine and oak forests.
Pyrolaceae. Monotropa uniflora L. Commonly called indian pipe this peculiar plant is found in fir forests.
Rhamnaceae. Ceanothus coeruleus Lag. Commonly known as chaquira (little bead).
Rosaceae. Alchemilla procumbens Rose. The early morning frost gives a very peculiar appearance to this plant.
Rosaceae. Potentilla candicans H.&. B. Common in open areas of conifer forests
Scrophulariaceae. Laumourouxia xalapensis Kunth. This shrub is found in humid areas in the fir and mountaine cloud forests.
Scrophulariaceae. Penstemon gentianoides (Kunth) Poiret. This species inhabits the highest parts of the mountains within the 3000 to 4200 masl range.
Solanaceae. Cestrum thyrsoideum Kunth. This flower is common in conifer and broadleafed forests at the low parts of the mountains. It's common name is hierba del zopilote.
The lichen in this picture is a Cladonia sp., the moss is Polytrichum sp.
The fungi is Auricularia fuscosuccinea and the moss, commonly called "clover" is a species of the genera Oxalis.
This is an edible fungi form the family of the Euascomycete commonly called "silla de montar"; it's scientific name is: Helvella lacunosa.