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SIMPLE PAST TENSE. NOW. FUTURE. PAST. Time Markers : Yesterday, last, ago, before…. When to use: *things that happened in the past, before now *finished actions *action and non-action verbs.

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  3. Time Markers: Yesterday, last, ago, before…..

  4. When to use: *things that happened in the past, before now*finished actions*action and non-action verbs

  5. Positive sentences:REGULAR VERBS Subject + base verb + EDEx. I worked/She workedWe smiled/ he smiledThey tried/it triedIRREGULAR VERBSSubject + Irregular verbEx. I ate/She ateWe came/ he cameThey are/it was

  6. Negative sentences:Regular and Irregular VerbsSubject + didn’t + base verbEx. I didn’t smoke/he didn’t smokeWe didn’t teach/she didn’t teachThey didn’t cry/it didn’t cryHe slept/ You slept

  7. Yes/No questions:Do/does + subject + base verb?Ex. Do you speak EnglishDoes he work here?Does it cost a lot of money? Answers: Yes, you do/ No, you don’t Yes, he does/ No he doesn’t Yes, it does/ No, it doesn’t

  8. WH. Questions – about objects of sentences:Wh. + did + subject + base verb?Ex. What did you do yesterday?Where did he live last year?When did they go to school?Why did it break so quickly?How did you cook it?

  9. WHO/WHAT Questions – about subjectsof sentences: Regular VerbsWho/what + base verb + ED?Ex. Who worked at Mt SAC?What happened two days ago?Answers (short/long):Orna does./ Orna works at Mt. SAC.Class starts./ Class starts at 6:30Most people do./ Most people like ice cream.

  10. WHO/WHAT Questions – about subjects of sentences: Irregular VerbsWho/what +Irregular verb?Ex. Who taught at Mt SAC?What fell from the table?Answers (short/long):Orna did./ Orna worked at Mt. SAC.A book did./A book fell of the table.

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