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School of Electrical Engineering. Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik. www.ee.kth.se. Education. Opportunities for the EE student. The electrical engineer's skills have broad areas of application that are attractive to many different employers:
School of Electrical Engineering Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik www.ee.kth.se
Opportunities for the EE student The electrical engineer's skills have broad areas of application that are attractive to many different employers: Ericsson, ABB, Vattenfall, OMX, Scania, numerous consultancies, the banks that work with the valuation companies, analysts, investigators at government agencies, standards authorities, there are many to choose from ... KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Många möjligheter för EE-studenten Elektroingenjörens kompetens har breda tillämpningsområden som öppnar för många olika arbetsgivare: Ericsson, ABB, Vattenfall, OMX, Scania, mängder av konsultbolag, inom banker med värdering av bolag, analytiker, utredare på myndighet, kravställare, spridningen är stor… KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Job, job, job… More than half of EE’s students receive job offers before they graduate. Graduate engineers are generally considered to have a broad range of skills and can choose from many interesting jobs in the labour market. A typical career route among EE alumni: Years 1–10 Learning the craft within a discipline Years 5–41 Broadening their experience and/or receiving a promotion KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Job, job, job… Över hälften av KTHs studenter har fått jobberbjudande innan examen. Civilingenjörer anses generellt ha en bred kompetens och kan välja mellan många intressanta jobb på arbetsmarknaden. En vanlig karriärgång bland EE alumni: År 1-10 Lära hantverket inom en disciplin År 5-41 Tillämpa bredare, och/eller blir befordrad KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
From bachelor to master’s degree KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
1,200 students 43 nationalities • Bachelor students 23 % (270) • Master students 60 % (730)- witha bachelor from : - KTH 47 % (340) - Otheruniversities 38 % (280) - Exchange students 12 % (90) - Double degree students 3 % (20) • Doctoral students 17 % (200) KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
1,200 studenter 43 nationaliteter • Bachelorstudenter 23 % (270) • Masterstudenter60 % (730)- med en bachelor från : - KTH 47 % (340) - andra universitet 38 % (280) - utbytesuniversitet 12 % (90) - dubbeldiplomuniversitet 3 % (20) • Doktorander 17 % (200) KTH skolaförelektro- ochsystemteknik • www.ee.kth.se
Educational programmes • ElectricalEngineeringprogramme (5 years) • ElectricalEngineeringprogramme (3 years) • Sixmaster’sprogrammes (2 years) • Doctoralprogramme in ElectricalEngineering (5 years) KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
1,200 students per category KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Master students per category KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Master students per country Included in the categoryothercountries: Belgium, Portugal, Thailand, Switzerland, Australia, Japan KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Engineering practice from year one KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Preparing students for the world Students’ trainingincludes: • Usingabstract theorytoresolveconcrete problems for society • Expandingengineeringskills • writtenand spokenpresentations • projectwork • criticalthinking • peerreviewassessement • etc • Providing business linkswiththesisprojects in industry • Providingtoolstohelpeachotherthroughsuplementinstructionmethod. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
”Highest academic quality” International exchange students rank EE highest on the academic quality, stimulating and well-prepared courses compared with their home univiserity. EE KTH Academic quality 3,4 3,0Workload 3,5 2,9 Questionnaire carried out among exchange students at KTH in 2007/2008 KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
In touch with reality KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Engineering practice from year one First year students during the electro project using a bicycle to run TV and measure body efficiency – here reaching 22 %. ElectricalEngineering students running tests in the Electrical Power Lab at the SchoolofElectricalEngineering. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Masters in the making KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
“I have enjoyed the chance to put theory into practice” KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering Tracks - basic and advanced knowledge within a least one sub-area: • Energy • Information and CommunicationsTechnology • Micro/Nano • Plasma Physics • Intelligent TransportationSystems KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Realizing ideas KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
A broad base and networking EE doctoralprogramme • Foster cross-disciplinarycollaboration and work in research teams. • Larger and morestructuredselectionofcourses, withroom for both broad-based and narrowcourses. • A broad basewithflexiblility for debthand specialisation. • GenerousExcellenceProgramme. • Self-evaluation. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Bred bas och stora kontaktytor EE doctoralprogramme • Foster tvärvetenskapliga (cross-disciplinary) samarbeten och arbete i forskarlag. • Större och mer strukturerat kursutbud, med utrymme för både breda och smalare kurser. • Bred bas flexibelt för djup och specialisering. • Generöst exellenceprogramme. • Self-evaluation. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Doctoral students steadily increasing KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Meeting points for cooperations KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
“Working with different people makes the job interesting” With a purely technical background AnqiLuo never imagined she had the management skills to handle a job involving multiple cultures. The choice of courses opened up new opportunities. Anqi Lou is a former student on the Master’sprogramme in Wireless Systems. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
“I didn’t choose KTH, KTH chose me” Completing the programme was an uphill battle. At first he failed miserably, and he doubted he had the right background for it. But by the time Sagar Behere graduated he had received two PhD offers. Sagar Behere is a former student on the Master’s programme in Systems, Control and Robotics. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
“My master’s studies helped me land this job” It’s not a coincidence that Jean-Christophe Laneri ended up at Ericsson. He did his research long before he started in his current position as a product manager. Jean-Christophe Laneri is a former student on the Master’s programme in Wireless Systems. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
”It’s the state-of-the-art thing” Finding ways to make power grids smarter seemed more interesting than a job in industry. But with one foot in ABB and the other in KTH, Ara Bissal gets the best of both worlds. Ara Bissal is a former student on the Master’s programme in electric power engineering. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Unraveling the myths of robots He left Google and the Bay Area to study in Sweden. Now Marin Šarić is taking on the daunting task of making a robot imitate human motions. “What we are doing here is pioneering.” Marin Šarićis a former student on the Master’s programme in Systems, Control and Robotics. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
“A perfect match” In Iran, courses related to telecommunications and computer networks were Amin Nahvi´s favorites. “Network Services and Systems” curriculum was a perfect match with his interests and background. Amin Nahvi is a former student on the Network Services and Systems . KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
KTH opens up a world of possibilities Sylvia Kouyoumdjieva is a former student on the master's programme in Network Services and Systems. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Master’s lead to a PhD position “The vision of quality is very apparent here and I’m happy to be associated with EE. It’s a nice working environment where people are ready to share and interact.” Chithrupa Ramesh is PhD Student at the Automatic Control Lab and former student on the master’s programme in Wireless Systems. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Consulting multinationals at McKinsey ”To change from LaTeXtoPowerPoint, from MATLAB to Excel is easierthan the otherdirection. What I can tell you is that the business courses I studied at McKinsey are much easier than Björn’s [Ottersten] Sensor arrayprocessingcourse. Now I reallyappreciatehowrigorouswewere on Floor 4.” Xi Zhang former PhD student at Signal Processing and Master's student having studied the Wireless Systems programme. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
IT-applications for the power industry A high percentage of power control algorithms for power industry don’t work in reality. During my master’s studies I understood how important it is to combine power engineering studies with IT. We are a group of researchers working on IT- applications for the power industry. With our different backgrounds -, computer networking, mathematics and electrical power engineering and real time systems - we make the systems work. Zhu Kun, a former masters student on the Electrical Power Engineeringprogramme, is a PhD student at the Industrial Information and Control Systems Lab. KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
School of Eletrical Engineering Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik www.ee.kth.se Läs mer på vår hemsida/read more on ourhomepage
Student projects Improving society long before graduation