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Components of the 2010 Texas Assessment Program. General Assessments TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated). TAKS & TAKS (Accommodated)* are administered in English for Grades 3–9 reading, including SSI retests at grades 5 & 8
General AssessmentsTAKS and TAKS (Accommodated) TAKS & TAKS (Accommodated)* are administered in English for Grades 3–9 reading, including SSI retests at grades 5 & 8 Grades 3–10 and exit level mathematics, including SSI retests at grades 5 & 8 and exit level retests Grades 4 and 7 writing Grade 10 and exit level ELA, including exit level retests Grades 5, 8, 10, and exit level science, including exit level retests Grades 8, 10, and exit level social studies, including exit level retests TAKS & TAKS (Accommodated)* are administered in Spanish for Grades 3–5 reading, including SSI retests at grade 5 Grades 3–5 mathematics, including SSI retests at grade 5 Grade 4 writing Grade 5 science *TAKS (Accommodated) is for students receiving special education services who meet the eligibility criteria for specific accommodations. 9/15/2010 TETN #7930 TEA Student Assessment Division
Alternate AssessmentsTAKS–M and TAKS–Alt TAKS–M Administered in English in same grades and subjects as TAKS Not available in Spanish No exit level assessments but grade 11 assessments Includes all SSI retest opportunities but no grade 11 retest opportunities TAKS–Alt Administered in same grades and subjects as TAKS No exit level assessments but grade 11 assessments No SSI retest opportunities and no grade 11 retest opportunities Can be administered using any language or other communication method routinely used with student 9/15/2010 TETN #7930 TEA Student Assessment Division
Math Grade 3 TAKS TAKS- M
Math Grade 6 TAKS TAKS- M
Math Grade 6 TAKS TAKS-M
Math Grade 10 TAKS TAKS- M
What are Accommodations? • Accommodations are changes to materials or procedures that provide effective and equitable access to grade-level curriculum during instruction and testing. • Accommodations: • do not substantially alter the content or performance criteria of assignments and assessments. • should not replace the teaching of subject-specific knowledge and skills. • are intended to enable students with special needs, disabilities, or who are learning English to participate meaningfully in grade-level instruction. • are not intended to provide a student with an advantage over other students. 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
Accommodations Remember accommodations must be: • individualized. • routinely used during instruction and testing. • Some accommodations may be appropriate for instructional use, but not appropriate or allowed for use on a state assessment. • discussed with students to gain their involvement in discussions when appropriate. • Documented. 14 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
Accommodations by Category Chart • This chart describes accommodations for TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), TAKS-M, and TELPAS. • Except as specified in the chart, accommodations listed for TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated), and TAKS–M are available for eligible students who participate in LAT administrations of these assessments. • Conditions for use are listed below each accommodation 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
Reading the Accommodations by Category Chart • Checkmarks indicate whether an accommodation may be considered for use on a specific assessment by a student who meets certain conditions. 17
Reading the Accommodations by Category Chart • Italicized text denotes that an Accommodation Request Form is required. 18
Reading the Accommodations by Category Chart • Accommodation use is determined locally based on conditions listed below some accommodations. No Accommodation Request Form is required in these cases. 19
Appendix D: Supplemental Aids • This appendix has been revised to more clearly communicate how districts can make determinations locally about supplemental aids. • Supplemental Aids: • Are for students who have a disability that affects memory retrieval • Should be individualized for each student 20 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
Appendix D: Supplemental Aids • Supplemental Aids: • Should not replace the teaching of skills designated in the curriculum • Must serve as a tool and not a source of direct answers • Should include content relevant only to the student’s grade level • Should be factual and error-free • Should be concise and well-organized • Should be routinely used in classroom instruction and testing if they are to be used on a state assessment • May be appropriate for instructional use, but may not be appropriate or allowed for use on a state assessment 21
Appendix D: Supplemental Aids • Using Supplemental Aids on State Assessments • TAKS • Not allowed. • TAKS (Accommodated) and TAKS-Modified • Allowed if listed in Appendix D; an Accommodation Request Form is not required. • For supplemental aids not listed in Appendix D, an Accommodation Request Form is required (TAKS-A only). 22 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
Appendix D: Supplemental Aids • Changes in the allowed supplemental aids for: • Mathematics • Addition charts may be used. • A list of words for the numbers 0-9 and the multiples of 10 up to 100 may be used. • Pictorial models of real or play money, clocks, base-ten blocks, various types of counters, and algebra tiles may be used. • Pictorial models of two and three-dimensional figures may be used and may be labeled with only words and/or variables that appear on the grade-appropriate mathematics chart (except for the name of a figure and its attributes) provided by TEA. • Blank graphic organizers may be used. • A description of the process needed to solve a problem was removed from Appendix D and now requires the submission and approval of an Accommodation Request Form. 23 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
How specific does an ARD committee need to be when documenting supplemental aids? • The IEP documentation should connect the supplemental aids that a student uses to his/her present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). • How do the supplemental aids ensure access to a free appropriate public education (FAPE)? • Why does the student need these supplemental aids? • It would be a good idea to specifically document (or attach copies of) what the student currently uses, but include a statement that allows for additional supplemental aids that a student may need as new skills are introduced. 24 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division
Mathematics Supplemental Aids Allowed on TAKS (Accommodated) and TAKS-Modified Texas Education Agency 2009 Texas Assessment Conference
Mnemonic Devices Mnemonic devices that are acronyms or phrases may be used to help a student recall information. However, the content-specific words that the mnemonic represents are not allowed. Mnemonic devices other than acronyms or phrases require the submission of an Accommodation Request Form. ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED KHDMDCM and/or King Henry Died Monday Drinking Chocolate Milk Kilo HectoDecaMeter DeciCentiMilli Texas Education Agency 2009 Texas Assessment Conference
Mnemonic Devices continued ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED PARALLEL railroad tracks PERPENDICULAR square corners INTERSECTING street intersection Parallel PerpendicuLar Intersecting Texas Education Agency 2009 Texas Assessment Conference
Mnemonic Devices continued ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Transformations Translation Rotation Reflection Transformations Translation Rotation Reflection Texas Education Agency 2009 Texas Assessment Conference
Pictorial models Pictorial models of fraction bars or fractions circles may be used. However, if the model is labeled, it should not show equivalencies. ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED
Resources Released tests: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index3.aspx?id=44&menu_id=793 TAKS-M resources: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index3.aspx?id=3636&menu_id=793 Accommodation resources: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index3.aspx?id=3696&menu_id=793