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Insert photo 1. Participant: Urban Souls Dance Company Program Term: 02/2013 – 1/2014 Contact: Walter Hull whull@urbansouls.org 832.453.9420 www.urbansouls.org. Pre-Incubator Program. Participant Profile: . “State your mission here.”
Insert photo 1 Participant: Urban Souls Dance Company Program Term: 02/2013 – 1/2014Contact: Walter Hull whull@urbansouls.org 832.453.9420www.urbansouls.org Pre-Incubator Program
Participant Profile: • “State your mission here.” • Incorporated in 07/2008 • 2013 operating budget = $144,030 • Number of Board Members = __11___ • Main challenges we faced prior to the Program: • No knowledge of how to transition from working board to governance board • Lack of administrative systems in place for reporting purposes • No clear plan or strategy for the cultivation of potential donors • No tangible manual to serve as a road map for board and staff • Entered the Pre-Incubator Program on Feb 2013
Outcomes SummaryWhat difference did the Pre-Incubator program make? • One of the major differences within our organization now as opposed to the beginning of the program is that we now have the knowledge necessary to compete as a business and thrive as a nonprofit. • A highly structured and detailed board binder • A practical employee manual • A stellar and current record keeping system that produces user friendly financial reports • A catalogue of potential donors to approach • Gained strategic partnerships for board development • Fine tuned the cohesion of our programming • Enhanced the consistency of our branding
Use of Funds towards ... [state amount and use of funds statement as indicated in your agreement.] Insert photo 3 1Refer to expenses indicated in Section D of Final Report. 2Indicate Program or Admin. • This was the first time that we’ve received any grant funding. Most of the funds went to our production of “Blood on the Leaves.” This gave the organization breathing room to focus on spring fundraising and board transitions.
Organization logo here Financial Trend Actual Projected
Keys to Success • List significant accomplishments and strides made throughout your grant . • Completion of all mandatory and optional assignments • Took advantage of all workshops • Made the process an organizational priority • Was well organized to that the programming did not suffer • Engaged and included our entire board in the process • Identified every assignment as a learning opportunity not a task • Labeled every person met as a opportunity for networking
Lessons Learned • What were your course corrections? • Potential for growth should be taken seriously • Many structures require a staff but you must start somewhere • It is imperative to customize the potential success of your program and not get caught up in what is defined as overall success for nonprofits • Evaluate honestly and implement necessary changes • All feedback is positive, if you learn something valuable
Summary of Future Plans • What happens next with your organization (programming and infrastructure? Expand youth programming (Urban Girlz, Urban Boyz) Artists management representation Solidify strong partnerships for Rwanda programming • What are your future targets (programming, fundraising, board/staff growth, etc.)? What has to happen to achieve them? Newly developed board of directors (9/1/14) Hiring of Part-time/Full-time Executive Director (12/1/14) Grant writing to strengthen programming (secured volunteer grant writer (2/25/14)
Haiku Little fish, big pond Swimming in a school, learning Super wet, but smart Time waits for no one “our” glass uninterrupted Deadlines French kiss me Coming up for air Buried under programs Inhaling fresh starts