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San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority A regional agency charged with raising and allocating local resources for the restoration, enhancement, protection, and enjoyment of wetlands and wildlife habitat in San Francisco Bay and along its shoreline, and associated flood management and public access infrastructure.
The San Francisco Bay was created for restoration, not regulation. Its jurisdiction covers the shoreline of the nine counties within the San Francisco Bay Area region, excluding the Delta primary zone.
Grant Round 2: • Proposal Development and Submittal: Sept 26 – Nov 26, 2018 • Webinar (Optional): October 18, 2018 at 11:00a – 12:00p PST • Funding available: up to $25 million • More information, RFP, and Application: www.sfbayrestore.org (“grants” tab)
SFBRA Grant Requirements • Based on: • Enabling Legislation (2008) • Measure AA (2016)
General Eligibility • Eligible Grantees: federal, state, and local agencies; tribal governments; nonprofit organizations; and owners or operators of shoreline parcels in the SF Bay Area, excluding the Delta Primary Zone. • Eligible Locations: Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Solano, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, or City and County of San Francisco, excluding the Delta Primary Zone Eligible, consistent with the Baylands Goals update (2015) and Subtidal Habitat Goals Report (2010) • Subtidal (within reasonable distance) • Baylands • Uplands adjacent to potential, or actual tidal wetlands
General Eligibility • Project Phases: • Planning • Design • Acquisition • Environmental Studies • Permitting • Construction • Monitoring and Evaluation • Operation • Scientific studies (as part of a project to guide adaptive management), and • Maintenance
Project Eligibility • To be eligible, must qualify as one or more of the 3 Restoration Act project types: • Habitat Project • Flood Management, as part of a Habitat Project • Public Access, as part of a Habitat Project
Project Eligibility • Eligible projects may receive funding for the following Measure AA programs and activities: • Safe, Clean Water and Pollution Prevention Program • Vital Fish, Bird and Wildlife Habitat Program • Integrated flood Protection Program • Shoreline Public Access Program
Solicitation Priorities • Greatest positive impact • Greatest long-term impact • Provide for geographicdistribution • Leverage state & federal resources, public/private partnerships • Benefit Economically Disadvantaged Communities • Benefit region’s economy • Engage youth and young adults • Incorporate monitoring, maintenance, & stewardship • Meet selection criteria of Conservancy SF Bay Area Program, consistent with BCDC Coastal Management Program, and with SFBJV implementation strategy
Grant Scoring& Evaluation Quantitative Qualitative Top 3 strengths Top 3 weaknesses
Grant Application Tips • Review: • the Measure AA ELIGIBILITY criteria • the Measure AA PRIORITY criteria • the scoring criteria and where to find the corresponding content in the Grant Application • Note: • the page limits for each section • the extra questions associated with the budget • the guidance and maps available for identifying ‘economically disadvantaged communities.’ • Typical sequence of SFBRA grants document
Pre-Proposal Consultation Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Restoration Authority staff during the project solicitation period before submitting your application. Reach out to grants@sfbayrestore.org to schedule your pre-proposal consultation
Frequently Asked Questions Is there a maximum or minimum grant award? No Will the Restoration Authority fund pilot projects? Yes Can applicants apply for multi-phase projects? YesApplications should be for a specific phase. Describe the entire project in your application. What is an eligible project location? Refer to Appendix B of Grant Guidelines, and Baylands Goals, Subtidal Goals Reports What are the requirements for a Project Labor Agreement (PLA)? Total cost of project exceeds $500,000, and Authority’s funding exceeds 10% of total cost of the project Is the geographic distribution of funds for the first year or over the life of the program? Geographic distribution is over the life of the 20-year grant program
Next Steps and Contact • Questions? Contact: • grants@sfbayrestore.org • (510) 286-7193 • www.sfbayrestore.org, “Grants” tab