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The structure of power plants installed capacity in Kazakhstan :.
The structure of power plants installed capacity in Kazakhstan: General capacity – 18,190 МW; The Northern zone -13,130 MWThe Western energy zone - 2,070 MWThe Southern Energy Zone-2,990 MW Thermal gas-turbine and steam-to-gas stations – 395 MW (2%); Hydraulic power stations 2230 MВт (12%) Thermal steam-power plants that use organic fuel – 15,565 MW (86%); Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan has a high potential for energy saving: A weighted energy consumption for production of some energy intensive products: Kazakhstanthe United States copper 1,442 kWh/tons 300 kWh/tons rolled iron 190 kWh/tons23 kWh/tons steel 650 kWh/tons 152 kWh/tons aluminium 670 kWh/tons 240 kWh/tons
The Law on Energy Saving(1997) Activities to implement the state policy for energy saving and introduction of RE: Established earlier specialized centers aiming at realization of the Law of RK On Energy Saving: Center for measuring wind energy potential and coordination of activities in projects implementation - under the republican state enterprise Almatyenergo. Centers for renewable energy and water resources- under the institutes of JSC Kazselenergoproject and Almatygidroproject, respectively. Researches and feasibility analyses at HPPs and WPSs estimated potential: to build 564 new hydroelectric plants; to reconstruct 14 hydroelectric plants been in operation; the total rated capacity of the future hydroelectric plants is around 5,700 MW and the average annual output of electricity will be 23 billion kWh; Solar energy potential: the average number of solar hours- 2,200-3,000h/yr, annual energy of solar radiation 1,300-1,800 kW/m2.
The Program for Energy Development in Kazakhstan by 2030: 11 best projects of medium-size HEP (50 to 300 MW) 11 projects of small-size HEP (up to 30 MW) with the total rated capacity of 1,462 MW and average annual output amounting to 6 billion kWh 1kW/ USD 400-500; PB= 2-3 years after reconstruction of HPPs and EPPs for operating on associated and natural gas List and main characteristics of medium and small-size HEP projects in the Southern Kazakhstan
Background on Bartogay station • What is there? • Irrigation Dam - constructed in 1982 • Electricity distribution lines – 10kV lines within 2 kilometres of pumps • Cost for 1MW station- $308,000 • Some Financing – Oblast is financing construction of 500 kW • Political support - Big Almaty Canal (owner), Almaty Power Consolidated (regional power provider), & Oblast Gov. • Soft Purchasing Power Agreement – Oblast has promised ~2.4t/kWh (USD$.016/kWh) • Preliminary technical assessment for 5 MW station plans – Cost for completing 5 MW = $3 million
Barriers which hinder Energy- Saving Law realization: Lack of the experience in large-scale work Non-synonymous use of highly developed countries experience Legislation weakness Lack of stimulation for energy-saving, tariff and tax policy Not-developed mechanism to fund energy-saving projects: 1.investments and budgetary subsidies, privileged crediting, 2.attraction of foreign investment and credits attracting, private, out of budget funds for energy-saving, 3.leasing of equipment, 4.funds of energy-saving companies, 5.tax decreasing 6.privileged economy conditions and etc. Pathways for EE development : To reconsider and to develop Energy Saving Law Develop legislative base for successful realization of the Energy Saving Law Develop legislative documents for Kyoto mechanisms realization Develop various schemes and forms for financing of energy saving projects Widely use of renewable energy sources Kazakhstan Potential Renewable Energy,Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Abatement (PREGA) Projects
Barriers for RE development: § Lack of mechanisms to encourage the development of RE; § A long payback period as a result of low tariffs for power, which makes such projects less attractive for domestic banks to invest; § Lack of sufficient financial resources to implement such projects by domestic entrepreneurs; § Kazakhstan’s unavailability to implement flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol of the UN FCCC; § Some other reasons. Pathways for RE development in the Southern Kazakhstan: § Power import substitution for clean and competitive RE resources; § Expansion of the existing power networks to bring energy to remote areas; § Protection of the ecosystem from air pollution (including GHG) through substitution of the coal-based energy production; § Decrease of power loses by closer allocation of energy sources (RE) to consumers. Kazakhstan Potential Renewable Energy,Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Abatement () Projects