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SPANISH AND ANDALUSIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. I.E.S La Alborá 19/11/18. Introduction. The current education system in our country has it’s legal embodiment in the General Education System Law of the Educational System (LOGSE ). The period of free and compulsory is from 6 to 16
Introduction • The current education system in our country has it’s legal embodiment in the General Education System Law of the Educational System (LOGSE). The period of free and compulsory is from 6 to 16 • The educational stages established by the Educational System for non-university levels are: -Children'seducation - Primaryeducation - CompulsorySecondaryEducation (ESO) -High school -The professional training - Teachings of special regime
Children’sEducation • It is the first stage of the Educational System. Its purpose is to contribute to physical, social and moral development up to six years. • It is a non-mandatory stage and is divided into two cycles: - From 0 to 2 years. - In this cycle students of 3,4 and 5 years old are educated • The objectives of this stage are: - Develop autonomy in usual activities -To be forming a positive self-image and contribute their own identity -Develop attitudes of help and mutual collaboration - Respect different forms of behavior -Use the verbal language
PrimaryEducation • It is a compulsory and free education that includes six courses divided into three cycles of two years each, covering the ages of 6 to 12 years. • The purpose of this stage is to provide all children with cultural elements, oral expression, reading, writing and arithmetic. • The objectives of this stage are: -Act with autonomy in usual activities -Collaborate in group activities, respecting the rules and the different points of view. - Appreciate the elements of natural, cultural and historical heritage. -To understand and express oral and written messages in Spanish and a foreign language - Communicate through oral, corporal, visual, plastic, musical and mathematical expression.
The subjects in Primary Education are: • Knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment • Artistic education • Physical education • Spanish language and literature • Foreign languages • Maths
CompulsorySecondaryEducation • It comprises four school years, from 12 to 16 years old divided into two cycles of two courses each. • The purpose is to transmit to the students the basic elements of the culture, to prepare them for the incorporation to the active life or to accede to the Baccalaureate or the Professional Training of the Middle Grade. • They take subjects such as: • - Spanish Language and Literature • - Foreign language (English or French) • - Maths • - Geography and History • - Natural Sciences • - Physical education • - Plastic education • - Technology • - Music • - Religion
High School • It is the last stage of teaching Secondary Education, it has a voluntary nature and its duration is two courses. • The studies of this stage have the following purposes: - General training, as well as a greater ability to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills. -Preparation to ensure the basis for further studies, both university and higher professional training. -Orientation that allows students to channel their preferences • There are four types of baccalaureate: - Arts, Nature and Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Technology • Among the common subjects that high school students have are: Spanish Language and Literature, the two foreign languages, Philosophy, History and Physical Education.
Vocational Training • There are two types of training in Vocational Training: Middle Grade Vocational Training Cycles and Higher Vocational Training Cycles. The first is accessed after completing the ESO and those of Higher Degree after having passed the Bachillerato. • Among the objectives of the training cycles are: - Continue the basic professional training that students have received throughout the ESO and the Bachillerato. - Promote the integration of different types of content: scientific, technological and informative. - Encourage the student the ability to learn for himself.
Thespecialteachings • They are university studies that last between 180 and 240 credits, from 3 to years. • There are several access routes, although the most frequent are to complete the baccalaureate and pass the selectivity, access through a higher grade training cycle, or pass the entrance test for over 25 years. • Access to higher education leads you to get a good job, helps the development of skills ...