Warm UP • Wanted: Sales Manager. Established self-starter willing to accept responsibility for expanding business. Ability with creative staffing solutions and commitment to highest-quality services highly desired. The ideal candidate will be a team player with successful sales and interpersonal skills. College degree required. • What type of personality traits does this ad request? Why might these traits be useful for a sales manager?
Enrichment/intervention • Test Corrections- will do tomorrow! • Remember you can earn up to ½ your points back! • # you missed, correct answer, WHY it is the correct answer
Quote of the week • “Gratitude turns what you have into enough.”
Personality • Consistent, unique characteristics of a person
MORE THEORIES! • Organize characteristics • Explain differences • Explain daily life • How can life be improved?
Today's FOCUS • Psychoanalytic Theories
Psychoanalytic • Stressed the role of the unconscious component of personality • Also preconscious- anything we can recall
FREUD’S THEORY • ID, SUPEREGO, EGO- How the mind works
ID • Contains all instinct and biological urges • UNCONSCIOUS • Lustful, impulsive, fun • Pleasure principle
EGO • Applies the reality principle • Also seeks pleasure
SUPEREGO • Learned morals • Source of GUILT • Right from Wrong
STORYBOOK CREATION You are to create a story which demonstrates the conflict which arises between the superego, ego, and Id. You must incorporate at least 4 of the 8 defense mechanisms (380-383) These stories should be creative, yet accurate and NEAT!