1. GEF Programmatic Approach: The Coral Triangle Initiative Presentation by:
David S. McCauley, ADB GEF Facilitator
Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in Asia
15-16 May 2008
2. Outline of Presentation Overview of GEF Programmatic Approach
Examples of GEF’s Use of the Approach
The Coral Triangle
Coral Triangle Initiative
SE Asia ADB/GEF CTI Subproject
Pacific ADB/GEF CTI Subproject
CTI Programming
3. The GEF Programmatic Approach Main Rules
Council reviews/approves “Program Framework Document” (PFD) covering objectives and scope
Funding time frame must be given, and cannot exceed replenishment period, though vision may extend beyond
A resource envelope for the program is approved, but financial commitment still through individual PIFs
Any or all PIFs under the program may be simultaneously presented and approved with the PFD
PIFs not submitted with PFD must be approved by Council within 1 year thereafter
MSPs can be brought to CEO only after PFD is approved
Types of Programs
National – Single and Multi-Focal Area
Regional/Global – Single and Multi-focal Area
4. GEF Use of the Programmatic Approach (through November 2007) Climate Change
National Communications Program for Climate Change (UNDP)
Global “Ban the Bulb” Program (GEFSec/UNDP)
Land Degradation
PRC-GEF Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems (ADB)
Burkina Faso Parthership Porgram for Sustainable Land Management (UNDP)
Cuban National Program to Combat Desertification and Drought (UNDP)
Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (ADB)
Strategic Investment Program for Sustainable Land Management in SS Africa (WB)
LDC/SIDS Target Portfolio for Capacity Development and Mainstreaming of SLM (UNDP)
International Waters
Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the LMEs of SS Africa (WB)
WB-GEF Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in LMEs of East Asia (WB)
WB-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea LME (WB)
Strategic Partnership Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea (WB)
Persistent Organic Pollutants
Development of National Implementation Plans for the Stockholm Convention (UNEP)
African Stockpiles Program (WB)
Multi-Focal Areas
Namibia Country Pilot Partnership for Integrated Land Management (UNDP)
China Biodiversity Partnership and Framework for Action (UNDP)
India Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Partnership Program (WB)
Sustainable Forest Management (FAO/All)
8. Coral Triangle Initiative: GEF Program Activities Defined in PIFs for Council
Coordination/support (ADB): CTI in IW:Learn
Integrated efforts (ADB): Southeast Asia; Pacific (PAS)
Activities Described in Short Concept Papers
Ridge to reef management in Philippines (ADB)
Community protected areas management (WB/ADB)
ACT – CTI Climate change adaptation (ADB/UNDP)
Bycatch management (FAO)
9. GEF CTI Rational and Elements:Coastal & Marine Resources Mgt. Rationale
Socio-economics: Fisheries, tourism, livelihoods, culture
Degradation: Obvious and accellerating loss of resources
Approach: Needs long-term/systematic effort, high resources
Regional: Some issues need cooperation to address
Global: Many benefits – opportunity to tap external financing
Key Elements
Countries (6): Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Malaysia, Solomons, Timor Leste + Pacific sphere of influence
Content: Economic base (fisheries, tourism, food security), seascapes management, including protected areas
Partners: ADB & GEF (2), US & Australia (2), CI, TNC, WWF (3)
ADB, GEF & CTI: Development & environmental partner, financing facilitator & lead GEF agency
10. CTI Development and the GEF Programming Cycle Dec 2007: SOM-1 – CTI agenda & commitments
Jan-Feb 2008: Program and project concepts developed
March 2008: Concepts approved by GEF Secretariat
April 2008: Program & PIFs presented to GEF Council
May 2008-April 2009: Subprojects preparation
June 2008: SOM-2 – CTI Action Plan
March 2009: Subprojects for GEF CEO endorsement
May 2009: Subprojects endorsed by GEF CEO (CTI Summit)
June 2009-April 2013: Program/subproject implementation
July 2010-Dec 2010: GEF-5 CTI design
November 2011: Target date for start of GEF-5 CTI
11. Coral Triangle Initiative:ADB/GEF Pacific Subproject Elements Marine Protected/Managed Areas: Policies and institutions, sustainable financing, review of formal and informal marine protected areas networks, pilot activities to demonstrate best practices or fill gaps in existing management systems
Ridge to Reef Management to Protect Coastal and Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and action to identify and respond to threats from land-based pollution and other causes of stress for coastal and marine resources
Climate Change Adaptation: Increasing the resilience of risheries, coastal and marine resource systems and marine protected areas
Project Management: Coordination, Harmonization and Project Management
12. Example - Pacific Countries: GEF-PAS andADB/GEF Coral Triangle Initiative Subproject Project vehicle: ADB/GEF CTI in the Pacific RETA
Countries: Fiji Islands, PNG, Solomon Islands, Timor
Leste, Vanuatu (Palau and FSM for info exchange)
Financial resources, 2008-2012:
GEF Total = $7.28m ($3.64 BD+$2.73 IW+$0.91 CC/SPA)
ADB = $1.55m under Pacific CTI RETA
USG = $20m (in parallel through NGOs)
Australia = Expected $9m (in parallel)
NGOs = At least $6m (WWF, TNC, CI)
Participating Governments = still TBD
Total = about $45 million over 5 years
13. CTI Program Planning Schedule
Senior Officials Meetings
1. Bali 12/07
2. Manila 6/08
3. PNG 3/09?
Ministers 11/08
Manado WOC 5/09
14. Thank Youdmccauley@adb.org