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Apollo Education Services

Apollo Education Services. Marketing and Pre-Enrollment Business Process Definition (BPD) Track. Saturn. Mauricio Lopez March 7, 2012. Agenda. 1. Mid Level Process Updates 2:00 – 2:15 2. Business Process Definition 2:15 – 3:40 Marketing Enrollment 3. Next Steps 3:40 – 3:50

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Apollo Education Services

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  1. Apollo Education Services Marketing and Pre-Enrollment Business Process Definition (BPD) Track Saturn Mauricio Lopez March 7, 2012

  2. Agenda • 1. Mid Level Process Updates 2:00 – 2:15 • 2. Business Process Definition 2:15 – 3:40 Marketing Enrollment • 3. Next Steps 3:40 – 3:50 • 4. Open Items & Parking Lot Review 3:50 – 4:00

  3. Content • 1. BPD Work Strategy • 2. BPD Core Team • 3. Decision Making Guidelines & DACI 4. Process Scope • 5. Work Plan • 6. Business Process Definition Progressing to Enrollment - Stages Definition • 7. Next Steps • 8. Open Items & Parking Lot • 9. Decisions Log

  4. 1.1 BPD Work Strategy Ground Rules • Be on time • Don’t multitask • Support healthy discussion • All perspectives are important • Acknowledge expertise/accountability • Avoid getting into rat hole - Create follow up action and parking lot items • Follow up promptly with action items

  5. 1.2 BPD Work Strategy Process Definition Guidelines • One of the challenges in mapping a process is to determine the boundaries or scope of the process, where the process starts and where it stops. These four levels can serve as a guide • .

  6. 1.3 BPD Work Strategy Business Process Management Suites (BPMS) A BPMS includes a built-in methodology for process design. It is based on applying the Enterprise Process Architecture to accommodate complexity and create both wide and narrow context for process based initiatives. The actual process models are based on Input-Activity-Output approach. Each Activity is assigned a Resource that can be a Role, an Application or any other user defined category. Inputs/Outputs can be mapped to Business Objects that are actual data containers. Using these constructs a user can create powerful traceability between processes, people, systems and data. All this data can be aggregated up the Enterprise Process Architecture . The software is designed for doing it right the first time approach helping process designers or analysts. Having the data stored and using the standard Enterprise Process Architecture an organization can derive a lot of benefits from reusing the data captured this way. Process diagrams are mainly a communication tool helping everyone involved understand how the process works. BPMS process diagrams are aggregators of the data stored in the process database and creating views of the process for any specific purpose. 6

  7. 2. BPD Core Team • Process Architect Mauricio Lopez • BPD Project Manager Andrew Spisak • Apti Program Manager Cynthia Becker • SFDC Program Manager Cletis Shelby • Marketing Process Ownership Rhetta Rowland • Pre-Enrollment Process Ownership Amy Wolfe • MKT/E Product Management Cynthia Sommer • Product Engineering Brett Melton • Yvonne Turner • Training Krista Hennessey

  8. 3.1 Decision Making Guidelines Category I • Marketing Business Process • Apti platform, marketing website and Responses/EL Enrollment Business Process Salesforce.com (SFDC) platform Category II AES Cross Functional Business Process Multi-Platforms and Platform Integration Category III Service Channels Platform • Web / Self Service • Chat • Phone Category IV AES – Saturn Processes Interactions AES – Saturn Platforms Integration Category V

  9. 3.2 BPD DACI Roles & Responsibility • AES Marketing • Apti platform Category I Category II Category III Category IV Category V AES Enrollment SFDC platform AES Cross Functional Multi Platform AES Service Channels Platform AES – Saturn Interactions Driver Mauricio Mauricio Mauricio Mauricio Mauricio Approver Rhetta Amy W. Brett Brett Rhetta Cynthia Sommer Consulted BPD Core Team BPD Core Team BPD Core Team BPD Core Team BPD Core Team i Informed Cletis Shelby Amy Stanar Cletis Shelby Amy Stanar Cletis Shelby Amy Stanar Cletis Shelby Amy Stanar Cletis Shelby

  10. 4.1 Pre-Enrollment Process Scope Process Starts with the Prospect Generation Process ends with the Application Submitted S E MKT/E Pre-Enrollment Marketing Pre-Enrolment Enrollment Post-Enrollment

  11. 4.2 Lifecycle Marketing Structure E S (Students can leapfrog through stages) alumni Lifecycle Stage progressing student new student registered applicants sales leads mktg leads prospects Integration with Ivy TBD Marketing Goals awareness interest conversion advocacy engagement retention

  12. 4.3 Contact Strategy Terminal S E NEW COMPLETED ENGAGED [1] Advancement Thru funnel Fake Lead New Prospect Real lead, unqualified for pilot EA->Student engagement App requested App complete Submit complete application App Approved Left Phone # Finance (ability to pay) Opened email Academic [2] Time & Activity [3] “Readiness” Clicked thru Time (desired start date) Logged into VSC Support Have chatted Aspirations Taken assessment Time on web * *Nice to have

  13. 5. Work Plan Deliverables and Milestones Name Due Date Detailed Requirements Thu 3/1 Input for Training Documentation Mon 3/12 Business Process Documentation Fri 3/16

  14. 7.2 AES Student Lifecycle Stages Definition Marketing Prospect – anyone falling into the Ivy Tech Online target market Marketing Lead – someone who has given us their information and is interested in more information about going to school Pre-Enrollment Sales Lead – someone who has called in or who has given their phone number to be contacted regarding going to school Applicant – someone in the process of filling out the school’s application Enrollment Registered – someone in the process of getting registered for school, currently all managed by Ivy Tech New Student – someone just starting class (end of this stage TBD) Post Enrollment Progressing Student – someone who is taking classes but is no longer considered new (start of this stage is TBD) Graduate – someone who has graduated from school Active Alumni – a school graduate who participates in the alumni community

  15. 6.1 Pre-Enrollment Mid-Level Process ? Marketing Pre-Enrollment

  16. 6.2 Pre-EnrollmentAES SFDC Opportunity Stages

  17. 7. Next Steps Document requirements Tommy Load requirements in V1 Tommy Review definition for New Lead – Engaged – Application Submitted Amy and Mauricio

  18. 8. 1 Open Items • Data/Information Lifecycle. Pre-Enrollment significant events - Information accumulation for progression • When to set stage to 43? • Lead and prospects ranking and prioritization criteria  • Chat interaction • DNC • Disengagement Path • Telephony related • Call transfers to and from Saturn - When we are routing the Financial Aid inquiry to the client, how does the client know whom they are speaking with?   • AES – Saturn information exchange • Customer interactions information - How do Saturn let us know that the prospects queries were addressed, and if so, what was the resolution?  • Reporting • Need technical resolution on duplication process • Need to capture application submission record to Ivy • Email contact strategy • Out of scope leads management

  19. 8.1 Closed Items Data/Information Lifecycle. RFI data fields Rhetta Review process flow with New-Engaged-App Submitted Mauricio Prepare documentation for requirements Mauricio

  20. 8.3 Parking Lot • Telephony related • Inbound call identification, prioritization and routing (caller id) and record keeping.

  21. 9. Decisions Log • SVP will be performed over Salesforce. Search in Salesforce is by name, phone, zip and email. Not found create a new person/account • Leads can be created in Salesforce and we will collect the RFI data • The bucket of leads to be a black box for an EA. Click a button and a new lead is queued up for them (based on the highest score unassigned lead) • Leads to be private to the EAs. Managers/directors to be able to view the queues (unassigned). For assigned leads, EAs will only be able to see their own leads Managers/Directors will be able to view their EAs assigned leads • Duplicate leads. Enrollment advisors will try and manage it If they stumble across one disengage one and work the other. Notify Apti and profile teams of duplications.

  22. Backup Slides

  23. Considerations * Stages in IS3/Galaxy are made up of Enrollment Statuses.

  24. AES Pre-Enrollment Funnel Stages • Stages Definition • Lead - A lead has been entered in the system based on having minimum desired criteria (e.g., name, email, state of residence). • Prospect - A prospect is a person engaged with the college, has expressed interest in a program and has a higher probability of becoming a student than a lead.Next Steps • Enrollment Plan - Prospect is engaged in determining specifics including their preference of Start date, previous credits to transfer, courses required.Team Formation • App Requested - Prospect engaged in Application Process • App Completed - Upon submission of application, prospect becomes an applicant

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