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Senior Writing Week 8

Senior Writing Week 8. Week of February 4 Unit 3 Journals 4-7 Intro to Persuasive Techniques and Argument. Monday, February 4. Complete Journal 4 Label each part: A – Definition, B – your 3 items C – what you will write about D – Intro.

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Senior Writing Week 8

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  1. Senior WritingWeek 8 Week of February 4 Unit 3 Journals 4-7 Intro to Persuasive Techniques and Argument

  2. Monday, February 4 • Complete Journal 4 • Label each part: A – Definition, B – your 3 items C – what you will write about D – Intro. • Label and complete E – For each item, explain it and how it shows your term. • Label and complete F – sum up your term – its relevance to today. • Have finished by Friday. • Learning Target: Communicate your understanding of an abstract concept and illustrate it with an example.

  3. Monday – cont’d • Unit 3 – Lesson 1, Part 1. Complete to correct Tuesday. • Discuss Collage • Hand out Employment Skills sheet for someone else to fill out – due for Friday.

  4. Tuesday, Feb. 5 • Opening: Please copy down the following quote – • “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” Malcolm X. • Learning Target: I will understand the concepts of Pathos, Logos, and Ethos. I will recognize some persuasive techniques in advertising.

  5. Agenda • Journal 6 • Philosophy of Life • 15-20 “I believe” statements. • Correct Les. 1, Ex. 1 • Go over rest of Lesson 1. Do Ex. 2 • Intro to Persuasion • Demographics • Pathos, Logos, Ethos • Other advertising or persuasive techniques • Commercials

  6. Context of Communication

  7. Context of Communication

  8. Demographics • What are they? • What are yours? • Race • Gender • Age group • Social groups – clubs, job, neighborhood, friend groups • Region of the country • Education/Educational goals • Region of the country • Religion • TV programs, music, movies • Why do they matter?

  9. Pathos, Logos, Ethos – 3 Greek Words • What does each mean? • How does each apply to persuasion? • http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/persuasive-techniques-advertising-1166.html • Handout on the three with examples. • Other techniques • View commericals

  10. Wednesday, Feb. 6 • Review p. 43 – there are 7 correct items (including one we did yesterday). • Learning Target – Understand how persuasive techniques are selected and used and how they can be used to develop arguments.

  11. Wednesday – cont’d • Lesson 1 Grammar • Persuasive techniques • Review Commercials • Look for examples of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos • What other techniques do you see?

  12. Thursday, Feb. 7 • Opening: Many of you did best on the Unit 2 test than on the Unit 1 test. (Write this sentence – correct the error.) • Misplaced Modifiers • Discuss argument – topic, how to argue • Discuss possible reasons and support • Go over Unit 2 test – discuss retakes.

  13. Misplaced Modifiers: What is wrong? • “One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.” (Groucho Marx) • “FOR SALE: Mahogany table by a lady with Chippendale legs” (Ad in newspaper) • “Two Sisters Reunited After 18 Years in Checkout Lane” (Headline in newspaper)

  14. Topic Consideration • Learning Target: • Understand how persuasive techniques are selected and used and how they can be used to develop arguments. • Link claims and evidence to support a reason and the claim.

  15. Topic • Read over the introduction to the topic. • Respond to the topic = discuss on paper your ideas on the topic in regards to the prompt. • Pull out thesis • Pull out reasons • Now - support

  16. Article Review • Chunk article • Read and annotate • Underline any key words/phrases/evidence that fits a reason. • Identify with P, L, or E – one item from the article you could use for at least 2 of the techniques. Mark in the left margin. • Write a word or phrase that identifies a key concept from each chunk. Write it in the right margin.

  17. Discuss Reasons and Evidence • Decide on a piece of evidence that could be used to support 3 of the reasons. • Decide on a way to address counterargument – • Report out ideas • Discuss one reason point. • Discuss a second reason point • Discuss a counterargument.

  18. Friday, February 8 • Opening: • “Throw the baby from the bus a kiss.” Please write down a corrected version of this. • Dangling Modifiers • Journal 7 • Work on prep to retake the test • Work time – • Collage • Quotes

  19. Dangling Modifiers • Flying over the African landscape, the elephant herd looked magnificent. • Picture it. Not pretty. Hope they do not fly overhead. • Covered with hot melted cheese, we ate the pizza. • That could be painful. I really prefer my cheese on the pizza.

  20. Agenda • Complete Dangling Modifier exercise. • Learning Target: Recognize the error in sentences and rewrite for clarity. • Show me Employability Skills checklist - then get to work on Journal 7 • Learning Target: Demonstrate ability to critical think and draw support from two different sources. • When you finish Journal 7, you may get a COW and do any of the following: • Work on your collage. • Find quotes you like. • Work on Scholarships. • Review for Retake of Unit 2 Retake

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