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Welcome to the Combined Federal Campaign CFC 101

Welcome to the Combined Federal Campaign CFC 101. Workshop Objectives. To provide an overview of the campaign  the process and regulations To explain the essential players and components of the campaign To discuss the interaction of federations and agencies

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Welcome to the Combined Federal Campaign CFC 101

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  1. Welcome to the Combined Federal Campaign CFC 101

  2. Workshop Objectives • To provide an overview of the campaign the process and regulations • To explain the essential players and components of the campaign • To discuss the interaction of federations and agencies • To address issues/concerns related to the campaign

  3. CFC STRUCTURE Sets Policy & Procedures Conducts Local Campaign Leadership of LFCC Manages Local Campaign

  4. OPM’s Duties OPM Publishes CFC Regulations Establishes Timelines Provides Direction and Guidance Develops & Publishes National / International List Establishes Rules on Local Applications Final Appeal Audits

  5. CFC STRUCTURE LFCC Hires PCFO Approves Budget Conducts Local Agency Eligibility Provides Oversight of PCFO Approves Campaign Material Conducts Compliance Audit

  6. CFC STRUCTURE LFCC CABINET Leadership Element of LFCC Members from Federal Community (Federal Civilians, Military & Postal) Final Campaign Decisions Liaison to Federal Agency Heads

  7. CFC STRUCTURE PCFO Manages All Aspects of Campaign Develops Campaign Materials Serves as Fiscal Agent Collects – Processes – Distributes Pledges Trains Loaned Executives & Campaign Personnel

  8. PCFO SELECTIONWho May Be The PCFO? • Non-profit Federations • Non-profit Charitable Organizations • Combination thereof • -------------------------------------------------- • Must apply annually (Feb-Mar)*

  9. PCFO RESPONSIBILITIESPrimary Objective: To conduct an efficient and effective campaign in a fair and even-handed manner. • Honor employee designations. • Help to ensure no employee is coerced. • Orienting key volunteers about the CFC, their roles and responsibilities; • Train Loaned Executives, Coordinators & Key Workers. • Ensure no employee is questioned as to his or her designation.

  10. PCFO RESPONSIBILITIESManaging A Campaign (cont) • Honor donor’s request to release / not to release name & address. • Maintain detailed schedule of expenses. • Keep and maintain financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. • Submit to LFCC an audit of collections & disbursements.

  11. PCFO RESPONSIBILITIESManaging A Campaign (cont) • Prepare campaign materials that are consistent with regulations (with input and approval from the LFCC) • Absorb cost of reprinting of materials caused by non-compliance with regulations. • Absorb campaign costs that exceed 110% of approved budget. • Design & implement a CFC awards program. (with input and approval from the LFCC) • Respond timely to inquiries.

  12. PCFO RESPONSIBILITIESManaging A Campaign (cont) • Notify recipient organizations of contributions. • Disburse funds according to receipts. • Give federations & charities an opportunity to review material and provide input on campaign operations & activities. • Retain campaign documentation 3 years.

  13. What should I be doing now? • January/February • Recruit, Recruit, Recruit • Finalize verification/processing of contributor designations • Advertise for PCFO • PCFO Application Period • February • PCFO selected • Mail letters to federations/agencies • March • Form 1417 due to OPM • Open acceptance for local applications • 1ST Cabinet Meeting

  14. What should I be doing now?(continued) • April • Begin monthly disbursements to federations/agencies • Local Charity Eligibility Screening -LFCC • Finalize leadership/recruit LE’s • Finalize Theme and Timeline • May • Finalize decisions on local apps by LFCC • Notify local applicants of eligibility decisions • Agency Head Calls

  15. What should I be doing now?(continued) • May/June • Agency Calls • Develop Supplies • Plan Special Events • June • Order Supplies • July • Set Goal • Train Coordinators • Plan/implement campaigns • Send thank you letters/thank you event

  16. What should I be doing now?(continued) • August • Train Coordinators • Deliver Supplies • Train Loaned Executives • September • Submit audit to OPM • Campaign Begins (September 1st to December 15th) • Manage Loaned Executives • Train Canvassers • October – November • Assist volunteer and Campaign Coordinators • Conclude Campaign • December • Send thank you letters/thank you event • Critique Campaign

  17. The RegsPreventing Coercive Activity • Solicitation of employees by their supervisors • Supervisory inquiries about participation • Setting 100% participation goals • Establishing personal dollar quotas • Developing and using lists of non-contributors • Using as a factor in a supervisor’s performance appraisal the results of solicitation

  18. Eligibility ProcessNational/ International OrganizationsNational List Eligibility 2013 Eligibility Period: 12/1/12 to January 15, 2013 The Director shall annually determine which organizations among those that apply qualify to be part of the national List and then provide the national list of qualified organizations to all local campaigns. The national list shall be reproduced in all local brochures in accordance with regulations. The list will include each organization’s national list number code. These number codes must be faithfully reproduced in the local brochures. The national list is provided to local CFC’s the end of June

  19. Eligibility ProcessLocal Independent Organizations • Must have substantial local presence • Must be a 501(c)(3) • Certify that the organization affects human health & welfare • Certify GAAP utilization • Audit must cover the fiscal year ending not more than 18 months prior to the January of the campaign year. 2013 campaigns – June 30, 2011 • IRS Form 990 audit and 990 must cover the same period

  20. Eligibility ProcessLocal Federations • Must include 15 or more organizations that meet local requirements • All participating organizations must submit a full application is applying for the first time. • Random selection of applications after first year. • Conform to GAAP • Annually audited (waived for new federations operating for less than a year.) Within 15 business days after the closing date of the application period, the LFCC must communicate eligibility decisions. Send denials certified or registered mail with a return receipt.

  21. Eligibility ProcessAppeals • An appeal may be made to the LFCC within 7 business days from the date of receipt of the denial letter or 14 calendar days from the date the decision was mailed, whichever is earlier. If appeal denied by LFCC, the applicant may appeal to the Director, which must: • Be in writing • Be received within 10 business days from the date of receipt of LFCC denial • Include statement of why eligibility should be granted • Include a copy of the letter from the LFCC denying initial application, original appeal to LFCC, and letter denying the appeal.

  22. Where are we now? • January/February • Recruit, Recruit, Recruit • Finalize verification/processing of contributor designations • Advertise for PCFO • February • PCFO selected • Mail letters to federations/agencies • March • Form 1417 due to OPM • Open acceptance for local applications • 1ST Cabinet Meeting

  23. Where are we now?(continued) • April • Begin monthly disbursements to federations/agencies • Finalize leadership/recruit LE’s • Finalize Theme and Timeline • May • Finalize decisions on local apps by LFCC • Notify local applicants of eligibility decisions • Agency Head Calls

  24. Campaign Planning Have you made decisions on: Awards? Catalog Design? Communications? Development of Materials Events? LE Recruitment? Timeline? Theme? Trainings?

  25. Campaign & Publicity Materials • All materials must be reviewed by the LFCC for compliance with the regs. • Federations must notify the PCFO in writing of their desire to participate in the development of materials. • During the solicitation period, participating CFC organizations may distribute educational materials if permission is granted from the agency head. • The campaign brochure and pledge card is the official information package and shall be made available to all potential contributors.

  26. The RegsCampaign & Publicity Materials • Materials must constitute a simple and attractive package, without undue use of organization’s symbols or logos. • Order of listing is on a yearly rotation established by OPM; local listings are determined by random drawing. • Omissions may require a reprint by the PCFO. • Dual listing of national & local affiliates are permissible.

  27. Completing the Pledge Card You may spread your gift up to 5 agencies. Each agency has a unique 5 digit code. Please specify dollar amount. If you choose not to designate, please leave the boxes blank. Please check or insert your name address, phone and social security number, etc. There are separate boxes for civilian and military donors. Complete the one that is applicable to you. Please check on the pledge card if you qualify for the Bronze, Silver or Gold Level. Please remember to turn this form into your Canvasser. For payroll deductions only, please sign and date. To release your name to designated agency(ies) please mark the appropriate box (make sure that all home information is included) or if you wish to remain anonymous please check the appropriate box. PLEASE NOTE: For cash or check giving, write the dollar amount of your total gift. Make checks payable to the “Combined Federal Campaign.” The minimum donation to designate is $5.00.

  28. Communications Establish a team • Develop strategy and action plans • Goals • Timelines & areas of responsibility • Visible $ check points – chart in work area • Fail to Plan - Plan to Fail! • Use all communication vehicles available: • Newsletters/Flyers • E-mail • Website • Local Film

  29. Graphics & Themes Get ideas at the conference for themes Use other CFC Designs Use the talents of the Federal Employees Charity List Poster

  30. Agency Head Calls Purpose of Agency Calls Meet with each assigned Agency Head and again, if appropriate, with the Campaign Coordinator of each agency to: • provide, discuss, and secure account information • discuss the agency’s campaign goal, and • secure motivated Campaign Coordinators, commitment to attend training session and use of proven fundraising techniques. • encourage an agency-based thank you/recognition program.

  31. Campaign Coordinator Training

  32. Loaned Executive Training

  33. Other Factors to Remember Are all materials & recognition items ordered? All local agency profiles complete? IPA & Compliance Audit due to LFCC by August 3. On-going planning of special events Communication to employee base Pre-deliver campaign materials Contact media sources

  34. The RegsSolicitation Methods • Conduct during duty hours using methods that promote voluntary giving. • Special fundraising events are permitted!

  35. An Effective Campaign • Campaign theme • Management endorsement • Kick-off event • Special events • Agency speakers / charity fairs • Scheduled meetings with staff • Track goals • Trusted, well-liked canvassers • Testimonials from respected colleagues • LE involvement

  36. Where are we now? • August • Train Coordinators • Deliver Supplies • Train Loaned Executives • September • Campaign Begins • Manage Loaned Executives • Train Canvassers • October – November • Assist volunteer and Campaign Coordinators • Conclude Campaign • December • Send thank you letters/thank you event • Critique Campaign

  37. Pledge Cards • An employee may not make a designation to an organization not listed in the brochure or in a different geographic area. • In the event the PCFO receives a pledge card that has designations that add up to less than the total amount pledged, the PCFO must honor the total amount pledged and treat the excess amount as undesignated funds. In the event that a PCFO receives a pledge card that has a total amount pledged that is less than the sum of the individual designations, the PCFO must honor the designations by assigning a proportionate share of the total gift to each organization designated. • The original copy of each pledge card (payroll allotment authorization) should be transmitted to the contributor's servicing payroll office as promptly as possible, preferably by December 15. However, if pledge cards are received after that date they should be accepted and processed by the payroll office.

  38. Pledge Processing Release of contributor names. (a) The pledge card must allow an employee to indicate if the employee does not wish his or her name and home address forwarded to the charitable organization or organizations designated. (b) The pledge card will direct an employee to provide his or her complete home address on the pledge card should he or she wish his or her name and home address released to organizations receiving their donations. (c) It is the responsibility of the PCFO to forward the names and addresses of employees who have indicated that they wish their names be forwarded, to the recipient organization directly, if the organization is unaffiliated, and to the organization's federation if the organization is a member of a federation. The PCFO may not make any other use of these employees' names and addresses

  39. Distribution The PCFO shall notify the federated groups, national agencies, and local agencies as soon as practicable after the completion of the campaign, but in no case later than March 16, of the amounts, if any, designated to them and their member agencies and of the amounts of the undesignated funds, if any, allocated to them. Campaigns must distribute all CFC receipts beginning April 1, and monthly or quarterly thereafter minus only the approved proportionate share for administrative cost reimbursement and the PCFO fee. It shall remit the contributions to each organization or to the federated group, of which the organization is a member. The PCFO may make one-time disbursements to organizations receiving minimal donations from Federal employees. The LFCC must determine and authorize the amount of these one-time disbursements.

  40. Records Retention • PCFOs must make arrangements for an independent audit conducted by a certified public accountant • PCFOs must retain documents for 3 completed campaign periods. • Documents requested by OPM must be made available within 10 business days of the request.

  41. Get Moving!!!!!, only six months left till the 2013 campaign.

  42. (insert graphic)

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