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Nanotechnology and The Virus World. “ This year is to be expected to be the first in which the money put into nanotechnology research and development globally by industry will exceed the money coming from the government.” - Chemical and Engineering News May 05
Nanotechnology and The Virus World “This year is to be expected to be the first in which the money put into nanotechnology research and development globally by industry will exceed the money coming from the government.” - Chemical and Engineering News May 05 *Billions of dollars are being moved around Definition of nanotech: The science and technology of building electronic circuits from single atoms and molecules
Current Molecular Motor Innovations and Research • ATPase : Powerhouse producing a major quantity of ATP from ADP but can also function backwards using ATP for energy as well. • Work of Dr. Belcher: Currently looking towards complex formations in nature on nanoscale. (How is an Abalone shell made?) Also, she researches applying these natural process to second generation electronical and magnetic nanodevices. • Universal pronciples of motors. (Man made and natural) Brief:
ATPase • Complex of nine different types of proteins. (12nm x12nm) • A shaft composed of six proteins that rotate on an axis. Hiroyuki Noji and colleges proved this in Japan with fluorescent marking, and based on ATP concentration and availability compared to rotations per minute found a close to 100% operating efficiency. • “If the motor was as big as a person it would be able to spin a telephone pole 2 Km long (1rev/sec). • Cornell sparked to harness this tremendous power. 2 changes
Dr. Angela Belcher Goals:To find and create biological molecules that will “grow and assemble electronic materials” in a lab setting on nanoscale. These molecules will hopefully also serve as self-corrective enzymes. • Looks for patterns in Nature, applies these patterns to nano-biocomposites for second generation materials, i.e. Abalone shell has evolved over long time to form and control crystal structures of CaCO3,using protein regulation (3000x stronger than solid CaCO3). • Evolve organisms, with green chemistry. Examples: Diatoms Algea (Coccolithophora) Bacteriophage (pIII minor protien manipulation)
Nanotechnology What is it and were is it going Definition: 1) Nanotechnology comprises any technological developments on the nanometer scale, usually 0.1 to 100 nm. (One nanometer equals one thousandth of a micrometer or one millionth of a millimeter .) The term has sometimes been applied to any microscopic technology. 2) The royal academy of engineering came up with a more modem version in it report nanoscience and nanotechnologies. As the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale; and nanotechnologies as the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the nanometer scale.
History From genetic engineering to modern day In 1959 Richard Feynman gave a talk entitled There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom. In 1974 Norio Taniguchidescribe the precision manufacture of materials with nanometer tolerances In 1986K Eric Drexler, particularly in his book Engines of Creation: the Coming Era of Nanotechnology.
GENETIC ENGINEERING • In the 1950s show that if you grew a particularbacteriophage on stain A then not all of them died and then if you grew that mutant survivor of stain A and then grew the phage on the mutants there was a high survival rate. • 1960 show that the mutant bacteria was incorporating the phage DNA into it’s own DNA. • This discovery led to a great leap in understanding of genetics
Nanoscience meets Genetics • Using virus to carry medicine into host cells. • Using RNA and DNA as a building blocks for the future • Self replicating Nanobots. • Molecule Motors • Cures Cancer and Genetic disorders
Potential risks • Grey Goo • Water soluble fullerene molecules cause brain damage • Many Nanoparticles are made for heavy metals i.e. lead, gold and silver • Nano dust • Use of surface coating to prevent breakdown.
What do I think the future will bring • Intercellular self replicating nanobots • New drug delivery systems • Use of nano tech it all aspects of are lifes • Nanotechnology will take of by leaps and bounds in the next 10 years
Universal Motor Principles • Motors using force production and translational motion of load (i.e. myosin, kinesin, dynein, RNA polymerase, winches, and rockets???!?!?) show linear relationships on a Motor mass v Maximum force output graph F = 887 (mass0.667) * Remember this covers 27 orders of magnitude of motor mass, and units are N/kg. r2 = .994 • Motors using cyclical motion have more multi-axial stress (flying birds, bats and insects, turbofans, turbines, electric rotary motors, and piston engines) and also show linear relationship. F = 55 (mass0.999) * Mass-specific net force output averaged 57 N/kg. r2 = .999
Conclusion • Based on the research and current paradigm shift I ill give three prediction for advancements in Nanotechnology and The Virus World. • Machines that will live in your blood stream and regulate cancer cell lines and destroy unwanted mutations before becoming fatal. • Viruses that are used as vectors for nanowires and computer engineering of a different kind, using biodegradable nontoxic means of nano-machinery engineering. • Virus capsids will be used as models to the next generation nanomachinery warehouse and delivery system.