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Life –Long-Learning Framework for Medical University Teaching Staff

Life –Long-Learning Framework for Medical University Teaching Staff. Vasilieva E.Yu.-Vice-Rector for Quality, Northen State Medical University (Arkhangelsk). Final Conference Coordinating Council. The results of achieved by the second expert group. Final Conference Coordinating Council.

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Life –Long-Learning Framework for Medical University Teaching Staff

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  1. Life –Long-Learning Framework for Medical University Teaching Staff Vasilieva E.Yu.-Vice-Rector for Quality, Northen State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) Final ConferenceCoordinating Council The results of achieved by the second expert group

  2. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council "The time to gather stones“,or the formal and informal results AFTER BEFORE 2012 2010

  3. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About the partners and the human factor Task of the European Universities – to provide «sites» for studying and analysis of experience of medical faculties, to open the process of teacher evaluation and to show peculiarities of organization of control of quality of training of future physicians at the medical faculties of the European universities. • Task of the Russian high schools – to study the experience, to generalize it, to separate progressive ideas, and, basing on that, to work out universal standards of control of quality of medical students’ training and to improve the mechanism of teachers’ evaluation.

  4. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Тhe Project Chief Coordinator and deep analyst Gilbert Massard

  5. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Тhe guru in the sphere of administration (management) at the Medical Faculty of the Strasbourg University and organization of all our visits Gilbert Vissent

  6. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Тhe bearer of «the heart» of pedagogy at the Medical Faculty of the Strasbourg University Thierry Pottecher

  7. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Тhe «engine» of medical Didactics at the Rurh University and in the Tempus Project Thorsten Schaeffer

  8. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Кeeper of high moral values in medical education Andreas Bürger

  9. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Тhe Project responsible and efficient participant, extremely optimistic Fernand Anton

  10. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Тhe wise Professor able to assess situations immediately and critically and to find optimal solutions Stefano Elia

  11. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Мy words of respect and gratitude to the Russian colleagues: V. Akulinin, T. Brodskaya, A. Svistunov, V. Mandrikov, S. Gorbacheva, M. Golubchikova, N. Vodolazsky, E. Lopanova, A. Artukhina

  12. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council About partners Special gratitude – to our interpreter, a wonderful person with the big heart, uneasy and responsible Svetlana Pisklakova

  13. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council The Project tasks: 1.Development of qualification requirements for teachers of medical universities 3. Improvement of the teaching staff evaluation mechanisms and introduction of modern tools for control of medical education quality control 2.Modernization of the program of training of medical university teachers. 4. Creation of an interactive resource “Medical Education”.

  14. What were the means of achievement of the group work goal ? Final ConferenceCoordinating Council How did we go towards our goal ? 1.Training visits 2.The seminar in Arkhangelsk 3.Experience distribution as approbation of work results in the academic environment 4.External reviewing of materials 5.Publication of textbooks

  15. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council How did we go towards our goal? Training visits of the Russian teachers to the European universities STRASBOURG

  16. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council How did we go towards our goal? Training visits of the Russian teachers to the European universities BOCHUM

  17. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council How did we go towards our goal? Training visits of the Russian teachers to the European universities LUXEMBOURG

  18. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council How did we go towards our goal? Training visits of the Russian teachers to the European universities ROME

  19. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Statistics of training visits of RF teachersto the European universities Number of participants, RF high school University, country Visit date 5-17 November 2011 5 persons NSMU, Arkhangelsk OSMA, Omsk 1. Strasbourg, France 2. Luxemburg, Luxemburg 3. Ruhr, Germany 9 persons NSMU OSMA VSMU Sechenov FMSMU IAAT 1. Lille University, France 2. Nice University, France 3. Rome University Tor Vergata, Italy 15-18 March 2012 7 persons NSMU, VolSMU, OSMA, VSMU, Sechenov FMSMU, IAAT 1. Strasbourg, France 2. Luxemburg, Luxemburg 3. Ruhr, Germany 17-27 June 2012

  20. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council The seminar in Arkhangelsk as a means of achievement of the group work goal • Publication of a booklet with articles and education quality control standards for medical education (edition of 100 copies) • 31 reports have been heard and discussed • The number of the participants – 87 persons from 6 countries and 15 cities of Europe January 2012

  21. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Number of publications and presentations prepared by the second international expert group

  22. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Publications and presentations prepared by the second international expert group

  23. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council External reviewing of materials – one more step on the way to the goal

  24. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Two textbooks – the main product of work of the second expert group Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools: textbook / E. Vasilyeva, A. Svistunov, G. Massard, O. Enina, M. Tomilova, D. Mizgirev, V. Akulinin, T. Pottecher, T. Schaeffer, S. Elia. – Arkhangelsk, 2012. E. Vasilyeva, A. Svistunov Mechanisms for Medical Teaching Staff Evaluation: textbook/Arkhangelsk, 2012.

  25. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Textbook:Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools: Contents Chapter 1. Standards of teaching/learning quality control for current evaluation of students Chapter 2. Standards of teaching/learning quality control for intermediate evaluation of students Chapter 3. Standards of teaching/learning quality control for final evaluation of the graduating students Chapter 4. Teaching/learning quality control at the European and Russian medical universities: practice and analysis Questions and tasks Appendix. Program Education Quality Assessment at Medical Universities CD with presentations of reports of the European and Russian professors

  26. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Textbook:Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools Chapter 1. Education quality control standards for current evaluation of students 1.1.1. Standard of oral questioning 1.1.2. Standard ofcolloquium 1.1.3. Standard ofreport 1.1.4. Standard ofsituational task 1.1.5. Standard ofskills assessment 1.1.6. Standard ofclinical analysis 1.2. Written forms ofcurrent evaluation 1.2.1. Standard ofcase 1.2.2. Standard oftest 1.2.3. Standard ofcase history 1.2.4. Standard ofstaging epicrisis 1.2.5. Standard ofessay 1.2.6. Standard ofsummary 1.2.7. Standard ofabstract 1.2.8. Standard ofproject 1.2.9. Standard ofcontrol work for distant learning students

  27. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Textbook:Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools Chapter 2. Education quality control standards for intermediate evaluation of students 2.1. Standard of intermediate attestation of medical students 2.2. Oral forms of intermediate control assessment of students 2.2.1. Standard of oral examination 2.2.2. Standard of oral credit 2.3. Writtenforms of intermediate control assessment of students аттестации студентов 2.3.1. Standard of written examination 2.3.2. Standard of course work

  28. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Textbook:Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools Chapter 3. Education quality control standards for final evaluation of graduates 3.1. Standard of final state certification of graduates in medical school 3.2. Oral forms ofcontrol of final state certification of graduates 3.2.1. Standard of state examination in the specialty060101 «General Medicine» 3.3. Written forms ofcontrol of final state certification of graduates 3.3.1. Portfolio standard 3.3.2. The standard of the final qualification work (for the level of Bachelor and Specialist) 3.3.3. The standard of the final qualification work (for the level of Master)

  29. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Textbook:Education Quality Control Standards in Medical High Schools Chapter 4. Education quality control in foreign and Russian medical universities: practice and analysis 4.1. Quality control of medical education abroad 4.1.1. Quality control of medical education in France and Germany 4.1.2. ObjectiveStructuredClinicalExamination: experience of the OSCE at the Medical Faculty of University of Strasbourg 4.2. Experience in developing and implementing of quality control standards of training in medical faculties and departments of the Northern State Medical University 4.2.1. The standard of credit with the patient ‘s presence in the discipline "Surgical diseases“ 4.2.2. Standard of assessment of practical skills of graduates in the surgical Disciplines 4.2.3. Standard of situational task in surgical diseases 4.2.4. Standard medical prescription

  30. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Textbook:Mechanisms for Medical Teaching Staff Evaluation Mechanism of teaching staff evaluation in medical high school Content Chapter 1. Regulatory legal acts for medical university teaching staff evaluation Chapter 2. Technological support for evaluation of medical university teaching staff

  31. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Distribution of textbooks in the RF Circulation of each textbook is 300 copies. The textbooks have been distributed to 47 medical high schools, to the RF Book Chamber, the Lenin State Library, the Saltykov-Shchedrin National Russian Library (S-Pb), the scientific libraries of Moscow and Arkhangelsk, the Ministry of Health Care of RF, the EMU for Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education.

  32. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Something about unofficial results of the Project To see the world with our own eyes

  33. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Something about unofficial resultsof the Project The acquaintance with the experience of organization of medical education and the elite of medical education of the European countries

  34. Final ConferenceCoordinating Council Something about unofficial resultsof the Project The acquaintance with different countries’ cuisines

  35. Thank you for your attention! Final ConferenceCoordinating Council

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