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Student Registration and Examination. Please attend Teleconferences regularly on 4 th Tuesday of every month. Please read the instructions sent through the e-mails very carefully.
Please attend Teleconferences regularly on 4th Tuesday of every month
Please read the instructions sent through the e-mails very carefully
Many Community Colleges have not yet held meeting of their regulatory bodies. These are to be compulsorily held at least twice a year.
We had sent Letter of Acceptance to many Community Colleges. But many of them have not responded by providing the basic information sought for, like nomination of the members to the regulatory bodies, Identified Programmes with their Creditisation, etc. Delay in sending these documents is a matter of concern for us.
As per the decision of the Fee Fixation Committee, which was duly conveyed to you, every Community College is supposed to send the Cost Analysis of the programmes offered by them in respect of expenditure vis-à-visfee collection. This has been received so far from 18 Community Colleges only.
We have assigned tremendous importance to the meetings of the AC/EC/CCB. They are authorised to take decisions relevant to each body. Then why seek approval from CCU in IGNOU?
Many Community Colleges are getting confused between the issues of Identification of Academic Programmes and the Creditisation Scheme. Identification of Academic Programmes is the foremost requirement which gets approved by the Academic Committee.
Advertisement are to be released after getting approval of the identification of academic programmes. The text of the Advertisement should be sent to CCU for vetting
Creditisation is the next step which involves the stages of breaking the programmes into courses, preparing the syllabus and unitising them as per the allocated credits. The Creditisation Scheme prepared by you will be vetted by CCU through the Schools concerned and necessary guidance will be provided.
Make sure that you have allocated due number of credits, i.e. Certificate (16-20 Credits)Diploma (32-36 Credits)ADP (64-68 Credits)and have also mentioned the right duration
Your teaching learning transaction has to be based on the guidance from the Schools of studies
Still some of you are asking about the process of admission to Cat. 1 Programmes. As mentioned umpteen number of times earlier, IGNOU norms are to be strictly adhered to. For example, last date is 30 April, 2010 for July 2010 Cycle
We have already rolled out the scheme of Community Linked Learner Centre (CLLC). Every Community College intending to offer Cat. 1 Programmes or for that matter any other IGNOU Programmes should immediately apply for opening a CLLC. The process of establishment of CLLCs should be completed by June, 2010, so that, w.e.f. July 2010 we do not have to handle Cat. 1 Programmes through Community Colleges.
We have received two CLLC applications so far, but why this have been sent to CCU? These are to be sent to the Regional Centres concerned.
With the establishment of CLLCs, Cat.1 and other IGNOU Programmes are to be handled through CLLCs. Cat. 2 & 3 Programmes are to be handled through the Community Colleges.IGNOU can not take the responsibility of any programme whatsoever which do not fall in any of the above categories.
For Cat. 2 & 3 Programmes the last date has to be fixed by you and it is to be remembered that all the data is to be made available to the CCU latest by 30 June 2010
Data has to be sent in the format sent by us which would enable us to compile the data suitably.
Some of the Community Colleges had sent Identity Cards of the learners to us for getting it signed by the Nodal Officer, CCU. Please note that the ID Cards have to be issued by the respective institutions
Admission Form (Cat. 1 Prog) are to be sent to the Regional Centre concerned.Admission Form Cat. 2 & 3 need not be sent to IGNOU. Only the compiled data has to be sent.
Registration to short term Non-credit programmes can take place any time of the year. The data has to be sent after the completion of the process for registration as per the last date fixed by the Community College.
The programmes being called Non-credit Customised Programme, creditisation has not to be done, but the syllabi are to be furnished. Programme identification will need the approval of the Academic Committee as usual.
Non-credit Customised Programme (NCCP) are to be named as NCCP in ‘X’ where ‘X’ stands for the name of the topic. Any Programme of duration less than 6 months will be treated as a Non-credit Customised Programme
Community Colleges must have started their preparation for June 2010 Examination. Please send us the schedule well in advance because we would be sending Observers this time onwards.
Examination Form for Cat. 1 are to be sent to Registrar, SED.Examination Form for Cat. 2 & 3 are not to be sent to IGNOU. Compiled data has to be sent in the prescribed format to CCU.
We are receiving repeated queries from several institutions as regards declaration of the Exam Results. Please try to realise that such declaration of result will be first of its kind in the country for non-collegiate programmes by a central university. So the matter has to go through the different statutory bodies which is time consuming.
You have also added to the delay. Out of the 22 colleges that have sent the results, there is a problem with quite a few colleges which had to be rectified at our level.
We can understand the anxiety of the students and the guardians and we assure you that we are seized with the matter and taking every possible step for early declaration of results.